Want definition in legs

Been doing squats - not sure how many I should be doing and how many reps.... also are squats gonna make my legs get bigger? I really just want tone on the outer and inner.. any other suggestions too?


  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    lose body fat and your legs will look a lot better especially if you have a solid leg building program.. its about getting leaner if you want defined legs.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Squats are great.

    If you are doing this just for vanity and have access to the gym, do some leg extensions and weighted calf raises. Shoot for as heavy as you can go in the 3-4 sets of 8-12 range.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Been doing squats - not sure how many I should be doing and how many reps.... also are squats gonna make my legs get bigger? I really just want tone on the outer and inner.. any other suggestions too?
    I do squats and lunges. 37 pounds later and my legs are quite nicely defined.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Ok! Yeah I weight 124 right now.. but looking the skinny fat....I go to the gym about 3 times a week and stick to a fairly strict diet but I feel like my legs are the only thing really retaining a layer of fat
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You can't spot reduce.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    lose body fat and your legs will look a lot better especially if you have a solid leg building program.. its about getting leaner if you want defined legs.
    I do cardio for a half hour 3-4 times a week, and lift weight 3 times a week. Is cardio the best way to lose the layer of fat?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Are you doing weighted squats or just body weight squats? I would make sure you're progressively making your squats harder by increasing weights. If you're doing body weight squats, you can make those progressively harder as well:

    Personally, it sounds like the combination of lifting and cardio sounds good for fat loss. Deadlifts have also done wonders for my legs, but unfortunately I still have lots of fat to lose before the definition will show well. Seeing some definition in my calves and quads though.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Been doing squats - not sure how many I should be doing and how many reps.... also are squats gonna make my legs get bigger? I really just want tone on the outer and inner.. any other suggestions too?
    I do squats and lunges. 37 pounds later and my legs are quite nicely defined.

    nice job :)
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Are you doing weighted squats or just body weight squats? I would make sure you're progressively making your squats harder by increasing weights. If you're doing body weight squats, you can make those progressively harder as well:

    Personally, it sounds like the combination of lifting and cardio sounds good for fat loss. Deadlifts have also done wonders for my legs, but unfortunately I still have lots of fat to lose before the definition will show well. Seeing some definition in my calves and quads though.
    I'm doing weighted squats. My fear is increasing too much though and my legs ending up bigger... not sure if that will really happen or not. I'm new to the whole lifting weights part of the gym
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Are you doing weighted squats or just body weight squats? I would make sure you're progressively making your squats harder by increasing weights. If you're doing body weight squats, you can make those progressively harder as well:

    Personally, it sounds like the combination of lifting and cardio sounds good for fat loss. Deadlifts have also done wonders for my legs, but unfortunately I still have lots of fat to lose before the definition will show well. Seeing some definition in my calves and quads though.
    I'm doing weighted squats. My fear is increasing too much though and my legs ending up bigger... not sure if that will really happen or not. I'm new to the whole lifting weights part of the gym
    If you're eating at a deficit, your legs are not going to get bigger. You need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle mass, and without testosterone, women put on muscle very slowly. They might swell a little after lifting, but it quickly goes away (I've not looked into the science behind it, but the "bro science" is that your muscles retain water while they repair). Don't be afraid to squat heavy. I've lost about 4 inches in my thighs, and I squatted 105lbs this morning. And I'm sad about how little I can squat.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Are you doing weighted squats or just body weight squats? I would make sure you're progressively making your squats harder by increasing weights. If you're doing body weight squats, you can make those progressively harder as well:

    Personally, it sounds like the combination of lifting and cardio sounds good for fat loss. Deadlifts have also done wonders for my legs, but unfortunately I still have lots of fat to lose before the definition will show well. Seeing some definition in my calves and quads though.
    I'm doing weighted squats. My fear is increasing too much though and my legs ending up bigger... not sure if that will really happen or not. I'm new to the whole lifting weights part of the gym
    If you're eating at a deficit, your legs are not going to get bigger. You need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle mass, and without testosterone, women put on muscle very slowly. They might swell a little after lifting, but it quickly goes away (I've not looked into the science behind it, but the "bro science" is that your muscles retain water while they repair). Don't be afraid to squat heavy. I've lost about 4 inches in my thighs, and I squatted 105lbs this morning. And I'm sad about how little I can squat.

    Awesome! Thanks for the advice. I am eating a deficit for sure. My fiancé and I did a "max day" to see what we could do and my max squatting was 135... I was totally shocked. definitely won't catch me going higher than that though. I haven't been focusing on my calves at all, but I definitely see a difference in quads just from elliptical alone
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    lose body fat and your legs will look a lot better especially if you have a solid leg building program.. its about getting leaner if you want defined legs.
    I do cardio for a half hour 3-4 times a week, and lift weight 3 times a week. Is cardio the best way to lose the layer of fat?

    A good diet is the best way. Along with a combination of resistance and cardio training. If what you say about your diet and exercise program is correct then just give it some time doing those things and you'll see results.

    If you aren't seeing results (by using a measuring tape, the feel of your clothes, etc...) then tweek your diet a little bit and wait a few weeks, so on and so forth.
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    If you're eating at a deficit, your legs are not going to get bigger. You need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle mass, and without testosterone, women put on muscle very slowly. They might swell a little after lifting, but it quickly goes away (I've not looked into the science behind it, but the "bro science" is that your muscles retain water while they repair). Don't be afraid to squat heavy. I've lost about 4 inches in my thighs, and I squatted 105lbs this morning. And I'm sad about how little I can squat.

    You've lost 4 inches in your thighs? You are my hero!
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    lose body fat and your legs will look a lot better especially if you have a solid leg building program.. its about getting leaner if you want defined legs.
    I do cardio for a half hour 3-4 times a week, and lift weight 3 times a week. Is cardio the best way to lose the layer of fat?

    A good diet is the best way. Along with a combination of resistance and cardio training. If what you say about your diet and exercise program is correct then just give it some time doing those things and you'll see results.

    If you aren't seeing results (by using a measuring tape, the feel of your clothes, etc...) then tweek your diet a little bit and wait a few weeks, so on and so forth.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    If you're eating at a deficit, your legs are not going to get bigger. You need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle mass, and without testosterone, women put on muscle very slowly. They might swell a little after lifting, but it quickly goes away (I've not looked into the science behind it, but the "bro science" is that your muscles retain water while they repair). Don't be afraid to squat heavy. I've lost about 4 inches in my thighs, and I squatted 105lbs this morning. And I'm sad about how little I can squat.

    You've lost 4 inches in your thighs? You are my hero!
    Eh, I was just really big before. My ticker shows 40lbs lost, but since my highest, I've lost about 75lbs.
  • SAR4Life
    SAR4Life Posts: 153 Member
    Plyometrics can work well...I do a good bit (tire jumps, single leg hops, jump squats, star jumps) Those will up your leg muscles and use many of the smaller muscles for balance which will define them and make stronger..as well as the major leg muscles.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    lose body fat and your legs will look a lot better especially if you have a solid leg building program.. its about getting leaner if you want defined legs.
    I do cardio for a half hour 3-4 times a week, and lift weight 3 times a week. Is cardio the best way to lose the layer of fat?

    A good diet is the best way. Along with a combination of resistance and cardio training. If what you say about your diet and exercise program is correct then just give it some time doing those things and you'll see results.

    If you aren't seeing results (by using a measuring tape, the feel of your clothes, etc...) then tweek your diet a little bit and wait a few weeks, so on and so forth.

    I've definitely seen results from where I used to be, and seeing more slowly but surely.. but measuring tape is a good idea cus I have no idea what my legs would measure at right now. i'll do that!
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I've lost a total of 15 lbs (was 139, now 124) and I decided I lost most of the weight I wanted to so now its time to tone up those legs... squats kill me but I love them if they're gonna work eventually! I know everybody is different, but how long until some of you started to see results with squats?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You can't spot reduce.

    but,... but... Dr. Oz said I could!
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    8-12 weeks depending on where you store the majority of your body fat. I personally store most in my hips and legs so it takes longer for progress to show in my lower body than my upper body.

    Also, definition is mostly a product of losing fat which is mostly a diet issue, the lifting will just help reduce the loss of muscle while you're in a deficit.