pals in 40s and 50s



  • Walkwithwolves
    Walkwithwolves Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in. I am 56?and gained weight after a knee operation which stopped me running.
  • mrsmmg11
    mrsmmg11 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting AGAIN and would love to offer and receive support
  • mrsmmg11
    mrsmmg11 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 41!
  • I have a long way to go and I need help, motivation and tips from new friends!
    Send me a request please :)
  • I'm 50! Anyone is free to add me. :)
  • :smile: Hi I am 51 with 2 grown up sons and an 18 mknth old granddaughter. Wa to become a slimmer granny. I want to lose 3-4 stone. Have done it in the past with Weightwatchers but have put it back on. I find tracking my food every day is the way to go as it shows you just how quickly those calories add up and helps me to make choices on what I want to use my calories for. I have cut out wine as very hjgh in calories but still enjoy a drink at the weekend after a hard week at work. Switched to vodka therefore dont feel like I am losing out. I try to save 100 calories a day so I can treat myself to a takeaway on a Friday night. Started MFP 2 weeks ago and down 9lbs so seem to be doing somethjng right. Good luck with your weight loss journey and feel free to add me The more of us the merrier we can all encourage and motivate each other x
  • sjrja
    sjrja Posts: 24 Member
    Hi - You can add me - I am 50 and have three skinny, active kids - so I can relate to the challenges - I joined last year around this time, lost about 15 pounds over a few months, but then fell off the wagon and managed to put it all back on again. So here I am again...
  • kittykat925
    kittykat925 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 44 and can totally relate to you. I have 3 skinny kids and a skinny husband...LOL

    Welcome to MFP and best of luck :)
  • Hogscliffe
    Hogscliffe Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm happy to have more motivation, positive comments only!:smile:
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, and welcome. I log everyday, really committed to getting into great shape by spring. I'm 50, and have 3 young adult children. I only have about 10 lbs to lose, but that is the hardest to get off. I just started Beachbody T25 program. Love it, its only 25 minutes, so by the time I'm ready to throw in the towel, its over.
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
    You can add me. I'm 46 and have been at this for about 4 months now.
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    I'll add pictures tonight. It's nice to have the support of MFP. I joined awhile back, but just started getting serious. One of my sons, is a weight lifter, and I would like to start lifting, to tone up. I'll have to get him to go to the gym with me and get me set up on a program. I have no idea at all, when it comes to weights, but I love the results women get from lifting heavy.
  • shellyjak
    shellyjak Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I would like to join in also. I am 48, and have been yo yo ing for years. I would really like to have support from people that I can relate to. One of these days I'll figure all this out.
  • charliemouse70
    charliemouse70 Posts: 26 Member
    Can you add me please?

    43 years old. Started shaping up last year - I lost 3 stones but put half of it back on during a horrible family time in September-December.

    New year, getting back on track. Trying the 5:2 diet and so far it's going well.
    Weight has been a life-long battle for me: I'm hoping the overall trend is going to be downwards and then not go up again!

    Last year I started running and found I loved it! Unfortunately developed trochanteric bursits & plantarfasciitis. It still niggles from time to time and running makes it flare right up, so I'm now doing a variety of exercise classes + the gym (well, if I'm honest they gym is about once a fortnight).
  • swiftiesbuddies
    swiftiesbuddies Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All, First time ive posted, Im 55 weighed in at 22 stone 4lbs at 6'5 The doctor told me to lose weight or go on tablets, Had high Cholesterol, high blood pressure, glucose level high.
    Started MFP on New years day and am now 20 stone 12ibs, lost 20lbs in 4 weeks and am totally blown away. The diet plan is mega easy, and i love it.
    I applaud everyone who is on this plan and losing weight, dont know about you all, but my target loss is 2LB per week but it keeps falling off. Think its the excercise bike i bought for £30, Do 300 calories/ 8.5 kilometers a day dont have the resistance high if on at all, but this has been the most significant thing to bring down my blood pressure toooooo
    Thanks to everyone who suggested MFP thank you again ..............2 and a half stone to go by April :)
  • karlwho
    karlwho Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 46 and in the same boat...Need as many ideas and support as I can get. Please let me add everyone here !!!
  • RunnrMike
    RunnrMike Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 44, trying to defeat my slowing metabolism. Welcome all FR's!
  • I'm 50 and i log on here everyday. Anyone is free to add me! :)
  • Amaze balls! :). I'm 46, and maintaining. My secret was to do it slowly and patiently and trust the process.
  • Please add me. I just turned 50. Have three boys - 11, 16 (as of today) and 21, all slim athletic and active.
    I weigh more now than I've ever weighed , including pregnant. Scary. We boat in the summer and I'm going to make small children cry if I show up in a bathing suit looking like this. :)
    This is my first day here and I would love some support and friends!!