Can someone look at food diary



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That you are measuring is good.

    However, HOW you are measuring is important. Please see the post above your latest.
  • Ganadera
    Ganadera Posts: 2 Member
    I was in WW before, and members always hit a point called "plateau". The leader recommended changing your exercise routine and the food you are eating...I am not an specialist, but they said your body gets used to your routine, so you need to confuse it to start to lose weight again. It does not sound scientific at all, but you might want to try!
  • I have an accurate food scale, measuring spoons, and cups. They are all accurate measurements.

    So, please take me at word. Thanks.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have an accurate food scale, measuring spoons, and cups. They are all accurate measurements.

    So, please take me at word. Thanks.

    I'm not sure why you're refusing to answer my questions.

    Oh well.
  • Thanks so much I'll try it. It"s so good not be assused of cheating on mfp
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thanks so much I'll try it. It"s so good not be assused of cheating on mfp

    No one accused you of cheating. We're trying to determine whether you might be eating more than you think you are, and you're getting defensive instead of answering our questions
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am 5'3 and weigh 150 pounds, I eat roughly 1,700 calories, when I am trying to lose. I cannot stress enough, if you aren't using a food scale you need to be. Also, how do you measure calories burned?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Can someone please look at my food and excerise diary and tell why I am not losing weight. In t he past month or so I have really not lost much weight. But I am very careful what I eat and excerise six days a week very religiously. So, any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:

    How long have you not been losing weight? Are you still losing inches? How long have you been consistent with your logging and weighing of your food? (logging everything and doing it everyday and using the scale to measure out everything - or as much as you possibly can)

    ETA: If you only want us to go by the past 2 weeks, then to that I can only say keep at it and give it another 4-6 weeks.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I didn't check you dairy, but I did skim through the comments.

    Here are a couple of suggestions I have:

    1. What do you have your "activity level" set at? I had mine (to determine calories to eat) set at moderately active...I lowered it to lightly active to lower my BMR. I think I was overestimating how active I was during the day (aside from my exercise at the gym).

    2. Another poster suggested changing your macros. I had mine at the MFP preset amounts. I started asking my friend (who is a nutritionist) about the percentages for macros. She suggested lowering the carbs and increasing fat/protein. I changed mine to 35f/30p/35c. I lost a couple of pounds in a couple of weeks by just changing the macros.
  • mssag
    mssag Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks so much I'll try it. It"s so good not be assused of cheating on mfp

    Hi there. I don't think these folks are accusing you of cheating. Communicating on these boards isn't the same as a face to face conversation so nuances can be missed. ;)

    Anyway, I'm sure you're measuring most of your foods, but I'm curious about the banana (just as an example). Each time it shows 105g. Is it just a coincidence that it always weighs 105g or is it that the food database shows a medium banana as 105g? Just curious because just this morning I finally decided to weigh my peanut butter (i had been measuring out 1 level Tbsp whenever I ate it), and lo and behold, it weighed out at equivalent of 1.3 Tbsp rather than 1 Tbsp and that alone is a 30 calories difference. Just wanted to share my lesson learned from today since this discussion raises that point as a possibility. I'm actually in a little bit of a stall myself at the moment and so that's what I'll be changing to see if that makes a difference.

    Best of luck!
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    This shows what mssag is saying about "a tablespoon" not always being a tablespoon
  • Seriously, i'll ask again: are your measurements changing?

    In the face of 'properly' calculated calories and what looks like an awesome workout routine, it's worth considering that your scale isn't telling you *everything* about how your body's responding.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. But now I wonder if my fat and protein are too low. Like this morning I did three miles with Leslie Sansone, three miles in thirty minutes. My work out includes six days weekly. Six days of cadio and three of free weight.
    My blood work is always excellent.
    So you are running? I think it would be hard to walk 3 miles in 30 min
  • Thanks for the imput. I measure my peanut butter by tablespoon, that is a level not heaping. Peanuts by an accurate, like today it was one ounce. Brown sugar is one level teaspoon.

    I even measured my chili that I had for dinner last night. If it's any pasta, which is rare that is also measured accurately.

    So that's it. I really beginning to think that I have been way to low on my saturated fats and protein, especially since I excerise so much. Just a thought though.

    Any further suggestions would really be appreciated. I would like to lose about 10-15 more lbs.

    My husband know that I very religious about this, it's a rarity for me to go off my program. It may seem strange but it's true.

    Thanks so much
  • My excerise is with Leslie Sansone walk at home. I also do my free weights three days a week along with six days of cadio.

    Thanks for your imput
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thanks for the imput. I measure my peanut butter by tablespoon, that is a level not heaping. Peanuts by an accurate, like today it was one ounce. Brown sugar is one level teaspoon.

    I even measured my chili that I had for dinner last night. If it's any pasta, which is rare that is also measured accurately.

    So that's it. I really beginning to think that I have been way to low on my saturated fats and protein, especially since I excerise so much. Just a thought though.

    Any further suggestions would really be appreciated. I would like to lose about 10-15 more lbs.

    My husband know that I very religious about this, it's a rarity for me to go off my program. It may seem strange but it's true.

    Thanks so much

    Measuring peanut butter and sugar by volume is not correct. Please start measuring peanut butter, sugar, peanuts, etc., by weight. Measure absolutely everything you can by weight. Pure liquids, such as milk or juice, are the only things that should be measured by volume. Pasta, bananas, chicken, etc all need to be measured by weight.

    My suggestion is to switch to measuring everything by weight. You appear to be running a rather small calorie deficit and I think the errors made by measuring things like peanut butter and sugar by volume are more than enough to all but erase this small deficit.

    Your protein might be very slightly low. Don't worry about saturated fats. Neither will affect your weight loss; weight loss is calories in minus calories out, period.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    How are you calculating your calorie burns?


    MFP database?
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I think you're brave for just letting everyone give you ideas on your eating habits...