Poll: Working out with significant other?



  • hymescs
    hymescs Posts: 32 Member
    I don't mind going on hikes with my boyfriend or long walks.. but for a workout at the gym.. I put my earbuds in and go...
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I personally don't like working out with my boyfriend. He's really fit, and whenever I get really proud for running a mile in 8 minutes, he ran it in 5:30, stuff like that. And he's into PDA, and I'm not, but I find it especially tacky at a gym. But I feel bad rejecting his kisses. So yeah, I avoid going to the gym with him. What about you guys?

    I think it'll depend on the relationship. My boyfriend and I work out together all the time now. Neither one of us is into PDA, so we won't do anything physical with each other while doing weights. We'll spot each other, and he'll help me fix my form. I'm weaker than him, of course, but it's incredibly motivating to have him there with me, pushing me to keep going and praising my increasing strength.
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    I do my thing and she does hers.......at the gym. Bedroom workouts are join effort.
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    It depends on the significant other.

    Working out w/ladies that were health conscious was fantastic!!

    It made the workout and the relationship better.

    If we had different points of view on an issue, we agree to 'take out' @ the gym and leave it there.

    Boxing was a very cool workout!!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    About the only exercise we do together is walking; he has to slow to my pace sometimes and others I manage to keep up with his. But everything else he is stronger and more disciplined than I.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I like working out alone because i can go at my pace. Been doing that since i was 12.
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    I love working out with my man. I enjoy the encouraging smacks on my *kitten* when I hit a big lift or break a PR. We spot each other and it is time for US without the kids.

    That's awesome!!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My ex refused to go to the gym with me, and flipped out when I went at the same time as him. I was too fat, and he was embarrassed.

    I'd have no problem working out with a boyfriend though.
  • deedee996
    My husband drives me nuts at the gym! I don't like to listen to him in general, and he used to be a personal trainer so he helps me try to improve my form on things like lunges and squats, and it just frustrates me. If we go together now, we end up doing our own things. I think I wouldn't get as frustrated if I felt more confident at the gym.
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    My ex refused to go to the gym with me, and flipped out when I went at the same time as him. I was too fat, and he was embarrassed.

    I'd have no problem working out with a boyfriend though.

    ....His loss...
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    We can't because of childcare, but it wouldn't work anyway. He is a long distance runner and runs at exactly twice my pace and I can't do more than 4 miles. So...um, no.

    I have contemplated joining the beginners group at his club on a different days and he has thought about getting a babysitter and joining my swimming class, but we decided that being the hell away from each other is one of the positives about our current arrangements!
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I work out with my husband and I like it.

    He pushes me to lift heavier and spots me. He doesn't believe in lifting to failure which is why I am happy he spots me LOL. If my form is off he points it out and tells me how to fix it on the next set.

    The down side? Sometimes he says funny stuff when I'm mid-lift and I almost drop the weights.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My wife and I work out on the weekends together. The kids are also joining us more frequently. I fail to see any downside as it's a great way to spend time together.
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    My wife and I work out on the weekends together. The kids are also joining us more frequently. I fail to see any downside as it's a great way to spend time together.

    We got to the gym at same time. I like to lift weights and she is into cardio. Works out well, except when I have to caveman drag her to the gym when she has not motivation.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I personally don't like working out with my boyfriend. He's really fit, and whenever I get really proud for running a mile in 8 minutes, he ran it in 5:30, stuff like that. And he's into PDA, and I'm not, but I find it especially tacky at a gym. But I feel bad rejecting his kisses. So yeah, I avoid going to the gym with him. What about you guys?
    I enjoy it, though I'm far more into it than he is, so he doesn't go with me much. But I know what you mean about the running. I did my first 5K in a couple years a couple months ago and I'm kind of out of practice because I broke my wrist over the summer (a really, really bad break, so I didn't do anything for weeks and weeks) and when I told him my time -- which was better than I expected -- I got, "You can do better."

    Bite me, dude. Bite me.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I hate it. He is very critical of how i do my work outs. He is very supportive of my working out and getting fit though.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I personally don't like working out with my boyfriend. He's really fit, and whenever I get really proud for running a mile in 8 minutes, he ran it in 5:30, stuff like that. And he's into PDA, and I'm not, but I find it especially tacky at a gym. But I feel bad rejecting his kisses. So yeah, I avoid going to the gym with him. What about you guys?
    I enjoy it, though I'm far more into it than he is, so he doesn't go with me much. But I know what you mean about the running. I did my first 5K in a couple years a couple months ago and I'm kind of out of practice because I broke my wrist over the summer (a really, really bad break, so I didn't do anything for weeks and weeks) and when I told him my time -- which was better than I expected -- I got, "You can do better."

    Bite me, dude. Bite me.


    He's got cojones I'll give him that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I personally don't like working out with my boyfriend. He's really fit, and whenever I get really proud for running a mile in 8 minutes, he ran it in 5:30, stuff like that. And he's into PDA, and I'm not, but I find it especially tacky at a gym. But I feel bad rejecting his kisses. So yeah, I avoid going to the gym with him. What about you guys?
    I enjoy it, though I'm far more into it than he is, so he doesn't go with me much. But I know what you mean about the running. I did my first 5K in a couple years a couple months ago and I'm kind of out of practice because I broke my wrist over the summer (a really, really bad break, so I didn't do anything for weeks and weeks) and when I told him my time -- which was better than I expected -- I got, "You can do better."

    Bite me, dude. Bite me.


    He's got cojones I'll give him that.
    He does. And he's lucky they were on the other end of a phone line when he said that! lol

    It's frustrating because even though he only runs when he has to for the Navy (and as a Reservist, that isn't much) he's still way faster and has more stamina than I do and he freaking smokes.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I would loooooove to workout with my husband! But with his work schedule and our 4 kiddos, it's not going to happen any time soon.