I don't want to exercise.......ever!!



  • MissLakeTime
    MissLakeTime Posts: 59 Member
    I don't mind exercising but I have to be in a good mindset to commit. My New Year's Resolution was to do some sort of exercise each day. I did not tell myself I had to walk a mile or go for 30 min. I just tell myself to do something.

    Do you like to shop? Walk around a shopping mall.
    Do you like to clean? Get your clean on...
    Do you like to watch tv? Get on the floor and do some crunches, leg lifts, planks, etc while your show is on and on commercials do more active movements like windmills, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, etc.

    After all...anything is better than nothing at all.
  • Great advice! Couldnt have said it any better myself.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I have not done any weight lifting. anything I can do from home? easy things of course I don't own a bench press or any of that

    I decided to just up and buy a weight set. I know I would never go to a gym, plus it was not that bad $$ wise.

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/4601-stronglifts-5x5-for-women is a really great group with some no nonsense advice.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Walking is fine. I lost 40lbs just by walking 3-5 times a week. And that's all I did.
    Maybe try hiking up small trails, nature walks in a parks. Take a camera, make it "fun" and not exercise. Good luck!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Yes, I know exercise has many benefits including improvement of emotional health, stamina, better sleep at night, more energy, and the list goes on and on, however I DO NOT WANT TO EXERCISE....EVER! How can I change my mindset? any help with this? I see some people posting on here that they love to run and I feel like even talking a walk would be forcing myself. i need to exercise. Those benefits I listed I could use all of them. Please, how can I learn to love exercise?
    Most people hate physical activity that's too hard for them to do or activity they suck at. Key is finding one that you can do. Once you do, it's much easier to start enjoying it.

    My DW takes ballroom dancing lessons and is now competing in amateur contests. The dancing is the majority of her exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • When I started I preferred doing sports, or things I enjoyed like Latin dancing (beginner). So I starting going to Zumba, I love the music and after 4 years of going it still doesn't feel like exercise. Find something you like/love to do and do it!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Find something you can *tolerate* doing. I won't say find something you *like*, because I used to hate exercise too. I didn't hate doing fun things I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, but attach the word exercise and it becomes this obligation or burden.

    After doing something you can tolerate for awhile, you will enjoy the benefits and eventually want to do it. I remember the morning I woke up and in the first minute of waking up I was excited about getting up to do my workout. I never thought that would ever happen to me. After you find yourself liking it, try a bunch of different things, you might find other things that you like better than what was just tolerable before.

    Walking is a great place to start if you never did any other exercise. Try Leslie Sansone walk at home videos.

    This. One year later and I still don't enjoy exercising, but I don't mind walking and lifting weights for 20 minutes, so I do those.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I started out at HASfit.com. If you need encouragement, Coach Kozak is the man. There is a 5 minute workout on there. That's where I started. Now, I'm back into weightlifting and am the most fit I've ever been in my life. But I had to start somewhere. The first time I did that workout, I could not finish the whole 5 minutes. So, do the best you can, with whatever you try. A 5 minute walk, even. Good luck!

  • I DO NOT WANT TO EXERCISE....EVER! How can I change my mindset? any help with this? I see some people posting on here that they love to run and I feel like even talking a walk would be forcing myself. i need to exercise. Those benefits I listed I could use all of them. Please, how can I learn to love exercise?
    You're me or I'm you. I never get the rush from exercise that people get. I never will. I'm always trying to get it "over with".

    I always think joining a gym will make me go but it won't. So here's what I've done. I started walking "around the block" (it's 1.5 miles) with intermittent running. I've eyed certain spots that I like to get to or go beyond. Making this "game" is the only way I can make myself get out and go. I don't like running but I've always WANTED to like it. It's the only thing helping me now because I will never FEEL like running. So far it's taking me about 30 minutes so I know that after 30 minutes, I'll be "done".
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    I hate running, so I just walk faster than my normal pace. Some people might disagree with me, but I think even a little is better than nothing. Like at work, I go the long way to get to the copier to get in a couple extra steps. Or walking over to someone's desk instead of calling them. Things like that.

    You can find a lot of videos on youtube for low impact cardio, like zumba or tae bo. Or the Dancing With the Stars DVDs that are supposed to teach you how to dance - I like those a lot!
  • Exercise doesn't have to be at the gym next to people 20 times fitter than you. It can be walking your dog, walking around, doing in house exercises, some sort of manual labor(gardening, fixing your car, shoveling the snow). I love to listen to music while doing my work outs. Most phones can play music, so upload your songs to your phone, buy a pair of earbuds (no more than $20) and find something you can do.

    However, we cannot change your mindset. You have to have your own will power and determination to change otherwise you will never reach your goals.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    When I am walking on my breaks at work (15 minutes at 10 and then again at 2:30), I listen to audiobooks on my phone. I like the Yurbuds with microphone as they still let you hear ambient sounds but that you can hear your music/audiobook just fine. I need to hear the surrounding noises so no one accidentally scares the crap out of me as I walk my laps in the hallway.

    I find these walks to be very enjoyable because it gives my mind a break from work AND I get to find out what's going on in the story. :)
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I myself HATE EXERCISE but I LOVE TO DANCE so thats what I am now doing … I dance 1 hr per day and soon as the weather outside gets better i will include some walking
  • One way I started getting into the habit was walking TO somewhere. I never liked just walking to walk
    Same here. I can walk and walk and walk if I'm going somewhere. I won't walk anymore at the gym or if I drive to a track. But I can leave my house and walk/run around the block to get back home. I like knowing how long it is (1.5 miles) just so I know, but I can't yet think of it in terms of, I'm leaving now to walk X amount of miles.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Find something you like/love to do and do it!

    ^^ and don't call it exercise. Call it moving your body! All it takes is 20 - 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week to improve your health. As long as you are moving - walk, dance, play tennis, racquetball, play with your dog, go hike, shovel snow, go bowling...just move! :0
  • linda0372
    linda0372 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes, I know exercise has many benefits including improvement of emotional health, stamina, better sleep at night, more energy, and the list goes on and on, however I DO NOT WANT TO EXERCISE....EVER! How can I change my mindset? any help with this? I see some people posting on here that they love to run and I feel like even talking a walk would be forcing myself. i need to exercise. Those benefits I listed I could use all of them. Please, how can I learn to love exercise?

    first, when you are walking to the store, going up and down stairs or doing household chores, you are doing exercises. sorry but you had to know.

    i hate to exercise; i hate going to the gym. never been a fan, and i never will.


    i had to make a change. I am 5'3" and i am morbidly obese. I started going to the gym in 2012. from 321 i went down to 277. i did stop to the gym the last 4 months of 2013 and i gained 20lbs back. so i went back to the gym, and i am back at it again. do i still hate the gym??? of course i do. but i looked good in a size 18 dress my office christmas party last month ( and that was down from a size 22 dress the year before). in my clothing, i went from a size 26 to a size 18. i still hate going to the gym and i hate working out, but i love the way i look now. plus i am making myself a better person. and fyi, i am have lost 4 lbs since i went back to the gym 17 days ago. don't sound like a lot, but on average you lose 2 lbs a week. this isn't the biggest loser and i don't have Jillian Michaels yelling at me (thank God for that)

    besides, i have to prepare for 2 breast cancer walks, an ms walk, and a leukemia walk, so i have to get my body ready for the stress of the walks. and that's taking a break from the avon walk for breast cancer which i did in 2012 and 2013 (it's a 2 day 39.3 mile walk. day one is 26.2 miles and day 2 is 13.1 miles. in 2012, i walked 29.2 miles and 2013 i walked 22 miles). i am planning to do avon walk again in 2015, when i am mentally and physically prepared (and at least over a 100 lbs lighter).
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    try yoga, or aquafit, or walking in nature. they don't really feel like exercise, but they're great for your body
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    I agree to find something you enjoy.

    I also think it's worth noting that no one feels motivated all the time. Motivation is an emotion, and, therefore fleeting by nature. It is the things you do when you do not feel motivated that will ultimately determine your level of success.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Fake it 'til you make it. Start slow, do small stuff for short periods of time, and build up your tolerance for it. Once you start reaping the benefits, you'll want to keep going.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Some like to exercise.

    Some do not.

    Been doing this for four months and still hate exercising and feel its a chore. I force myself.

    So for me I just hate it. Nothing I love about it. lol