Getting the most out of exercise...



  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    Tough decision. I often run this one through my head. I've done both, wasted money on a gym membership and wasted money on an xbox and other stuff (including a mid-range expensive eliptical). Either way, it's only a waste if you don't use it.

    I really love the idea of going to the gym and getting some alone time. But often feel I won't use it enough to pay for itself or I set way to grand of goals in the beginning and pitter out because I'm overwhelmed. Right now I'm taking it one week at a time, one day at a time really. I don't want to stress myself worrying about 6 months from now when I'm on vacation or riding my bike and still paying for a gym membership. I give myself reasons not to work out no matter where I do it though.

    You just gotta decide what YOU want to do right now, don't even let your family weigh in on it. You are worth WAY more than $40, so just do it! Whatever that is :D
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1. create a daily calorie deficit of 500 cals
    2. Join the gym
    3. read starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman
    4. develop a program of compound lifts - deadlifts ,squats, rows, overhead press, pullups/chin ups, bench press. As you progress make sure that the weight on the bar is increasing.
    5. set your macros to 40p/30c/30f

    As far as balancing gym and life you need to find a time an hour a day when you can go, and when you will go, no excuses. I always go after work. So I come home, change into my gym stuff, and hit the gym…the only time I do not go is if I am really sick or something…or if I am running really late from work but that is rare…

    Once you start doing it all the time it will become a part of your routine and you will not want to miss your one hr a day of gym time.
    Make sure the gym has a section with power racks and a place to deadlift…do not be afraid of the weight room…barbells and free weights are your friends….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I hate to disagree with EvanKeel, but I'd stick with the cardio to get started. It will speed up the weight loss. Lifting weight adds muscle which adds weight, which gives the impression of slower weight loss. Once you've lost some weight you can always increase the weight training and decrease the cardio.

    what? OP is not going to gain muscle in a calorie deficit….additionally, muscle and fat weight the same…one is just more dense….
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I hate to disagree with EvanKeel, but I'd stick with the cardio to get started. It will speed up the weight loss. Lifting weight adds muscle which adds weight, which gives the impression of slower weight loss. Once you've lost some weight you can always increase the weight training and decrease the cardio.

    Oh dear.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I was talking to my oldest son this morning who is 25 while I was getting ready for work and he made a comment that really burns... The discussion was about what my ideas and plans were for incorporating exercise into my life and weight loss... I have been tossing around either getting an X-Box with Knex's or joining the gym. My Daughter nad her boyfriend want to join a gym and my youngest who is 17 also wants to workout. My oldest though puts in his 2 cents and says "joining a gym is a waste of money and time." That hurt and burns because I am doing this to get healthy, I am currently (according to medical charts) 70 pounds over weight, the medical charts say I should be 165# or less but for me I am happy and look good at 175-180# which is my goal weight. I know that if I do not incorporate exercise into my weight loss that I will stall fast and get frustrated sooner with the lack of results causing me to give up altogether.
    My problem with the XBox is that there are to many distractions at home and I am concerned I will not get in the quality of exercise I should. So the gym makes more sense as long as I can keep myself from feeling guilty for "taking away time from my husband and family". I know the argument that I will in the long run be adding time for them by extending my life. but the here and now is the hard part. My husband is not the type to work out at the gym or at home. I'd be lucky if I could get him to go for a walk or a bike ride with me once in a while. so there is the time away from him in the evenings.

    "if" I join the gym by my house my plan would be to work out at least 5 days a week, example: Monday thru Friday, taking the weekend off or occasionally throwing in a weekend workout. I was thinking that on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday doing Cardio for 30-60 minutes, changing up between the treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine and bikes maybe even the stair climber. and then on Tuesday and Thursdays focusing on weights machines and sit ups/ crunches. I figure I would be spending about 1-2 hours at he gym at least 5 days a week.

    I would like to get input from others how do you manage you time in the gym and balancing family and self especially when you work full time?

    Thank you...

    PS: Also I know there are a few Fitness professionals on MFP.. if any of you would mind adding me as a "friend" maybe checking in on me from time to time and giving advise I would greatly appreciate it. I can't afford to hire a trainer/ nutritionist, unfortunately. Thank again.

    I agree almost completely with ndj1979. But I think you need to first get very mentally ready. Going from zero to 5 workouts can set up a person for failure. I work in a gym I see it all the time. Take the first month or two and get comfortable with the routine of even going to the gym. You are dealing with guilt issues and those frankly have to be resolved.

    A mix of cardio and weights is a solid plan. When you join a gym, any decent gym will have someone who can show you the equipment, get you comfortable and allow you to get a sense of the gym culture and how you want to play within.

    I would also highly, highly recommend you find stroutman81 and follow him. He has a group called The School of Strout and this guy gets it. He actually is my trainer (virtually) but you can reap the benefit of what he offers for free here on MFP. He is well respected and understands the process.

    I think that once you find that you are putting your health first that you will actually be an even more awesome wife and mother than you already are because you will be happy with yourself. It will be a win/win.

    Good luck.
  • meganw2020
    meganw2020 Posts: 107 Member
    I personally have had several gym memberships over the years but have never used them much. I prefer working out at home, I don't find the gym motivating I find it a pain (the people , getting there, ect). I have been using Fitness Blender workouts (totally free online) lately and love them, the only thing you are really missing out on are all the free weights in the gym but there are lots of great workouts you can do using body weight that are very effective, especially if you are a beginner. If you are working hard and pushing yourself you don't need to exercise for hours a day, I lost 60 lbs working out for 30-45 min 4-5 days a week doing a combo of strength and cardio all in my own home with some adjustable dumbbells and a kettlebell (along with a healthy diet and calorie counting of course). If you think the gym will motivate you then go for it, just know you have options.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    1. create a daily calorie deficit of 500 cals
    2. Join the gym
    3. read starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman
    4. develop a program of compound lifts - deadlifts ,squats, rows, overhead press, pullups/chin ups, bench press. As you progress make sure that the weight on the bar is increasing.
    5. set your macros to 40p/30c/30f

    As far as balancing gym and life you need to find a time an hour a day when you can go, and when you will go, no excuses. I always go after work. So I come home, change into my gym stuff, and hit the gym…the only time I do not go is if I am really sick or something…or if I am running really late from work but that is rare…

    Once you start doing it all the time it will become a part of your routine and you will not want to miss your one hr a day of gym time.
    Make sure the gym has a section with power racks and a place to deadlift…do not be afraid of the weight room…barbells and free weights are your friends….

    listen to this guy

    keep your gym time FOCUSED, make a plan and follow it. dont use gym time to socialize or goof off on the machines.

    first get in the habit of going to the gym for like 4-6 weeks. by then you should be in the habit of going.

    check out books like starting strength, new rules of lifting for women or strong curves. there's also a website called strong lift. weight lift/strength 3 days a week. the other days you go if youre able to fit it in then do some cardio

    you will NOT gain loads of muscle and get bulky while eating at a deficit when you lift weight lift, heck it's pretty hard to do on purpose when you're eating well if you were able to gain crazy amounts of muscle while on a deficit you'd be breaking 1 law of thermodynamics and contradicting the fact that we cant have perpetual movement in our universe. trust me, anyone who tries to convince you that you will has probably either never taken a science class or failed every one they took.
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    I have had gym memberships in the past and I really love working out, I love the high afterwards, My only problem before and why I didn't stick to it I think was I let the self guilt get to me... the time away from my husband, but I now realize if I don't do this I will not be around very long,

    With both the recent loss of my Dad to a major heart attack, my risks for having one my self have dramatically increased. Lets see, I am 60 pounds over weight, I have high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol, I smoke, and am fairly sedentary...

    The owner ofthe gym one time asked me "what do you do with all of that energy when you are not working out?" the thing is I don't have as much when I am not working out.. so ...

    Guilt aside, money figured out and I am doing this, for me and for them.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Proud of you for choosing to change your life and future. Here are a few side notes that may help you stay on track.

    - Take a water bottle with you everywhere. I use an insulated Contigo. Stays cold and folding lid keeps water clean. Stay hydrated for energy!

    - I have a pre packed gym bag. It contains any supplements that I may be taking, quick healthy snacks, shoes, socks, shorts, shirt, shampoo, body wash, lifting gloves, heavy bag training gloves, workout tracking sheets, etc... Leave yourself no excuses like "Oh, I forgot my....." Make a plan to succeed! If you ever come across an excuse, alter your gym bag to compensate and have it in the vehicle at all times.

    - If you run into time constraints, do whatever workout you can do. If you don't have 45 minutes to lift, do 15 minutes of HIIT. Do something every time and you will build the habit of being at the gym. If time is constantly an issue, change when you go to the gym.

    - People will say stupid things to you. Understand that they love you, but are simply ignorant to your goals. This will help to build the muscle and bone of character regarding workouts in your life. Continue on...

    - When the day comes that you tell yourself "Oh, I don't need to go to the gym today. One day won't hurt..." Go ahead and keep arguing with yourself and keep driving to the gym. I have argued with myself many times on the way to the gym and find that there is no argument left when I arrive at the gym... Funny how that works.

    - If you do whatever you do wrong enough, long enough, you will someday be blessed with the opportunity to help others down the same path to health that you are taking.

  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Stage 14: the reason my sons comments burn me is because he was telling me I shouldn't join a gym because it is a waste of money. and why should he discourage me if I am quitting smoking and want to spend $40 a month on me for a gym membership to be healthier then why not... no he wants me to buy the XBox so he can play video games .. that is not what this is for.. .not why I am doing it... It hurt that instead of being encouraging he turned it around to be how it would benefit him ... at least that is how I felt
    Your son is a young dependent. That's what they do. Do what you want with your money, and tell him to mow lawns if he wants an xbox so badly.
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Ok I am doing this, I had a long discussion with my husband last night about the time and all and how I need this for me.
    My daughter (22) and her boyfriend (who is totally in shape) also want to join a gym so we are all going to go check out the one that is less than 2 miles from my house tonight after work ... Sometime between now and the 1st of February I will have my gym membership and start that part of my journey..

    I have worked out at a gym before and I generally love it, the energy, the post workout high, all of it.. .
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Didn't make it to the gym to check things out last night.. gonna try again on Monday that is when they will have someone in the office.

    But I was thinking and am going ot talk to my hubby about gym vs getting my own "total gym" weight machine at home and doing that... Then I would own the equipment, can add to it for winter cardio, and work out when ever I want... My other rational for considering this option is I wont have to wait on anyone else like at the gym if I am doing circuit type work out... might be a good idea...
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    1. create a daily calorie deficit of 500 cals
    2. Join the gym
    3. read starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman
    4. develop a program of compound lifts - deadlifts ,squats, rows, overhead press, pullups/chin ups, bench press. As you progress make sure that the weight on the bar is increasing.
    5. set your macros to 40p/30c/30f

    As far as balancing gym and life you need to find a time an hour a day when you can go, and when you will go, no excuses. I always go after work. So I come home, change into my gym stuff, and hit the gym…the only time I do not go is if I am really sick or something…or if I am running really late from work but that is rare…

    Once you start doing it all the time it will become a part of your routine and you will not want to miss your one hr a day of gym time.
    Make sure the gym has a section with power racks and a place to deadlift…do not be afraid of the weight room…barbells and free weights are your friends….

    I got the "new rules of lifting for woman" for my Nook and I am going to use the workouts in it as a starting point. Unfortunately I can't print them from my Nook and the online reader for my PC does not load the pictures so I am going to have to go to the Library after work and hopefully they have the book so I can Photo Copy the pages I need. .. Thank you for the tip ndj1979 :smile:
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Thank you for the updates!

    Here is a great group to check out:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    You can workout at home, you don't need an Xbox, there are literally thousands of workouts on youtube or you can use dvds. I worked out at home for well over 2 years, was very successful and even with 3 kids (all under age 9) and a husband who kept interrupting me I still did it lol!

    I only joined a gym when I got into weight lifting and could no longer lift the barbell over my head to do squats. I must say I do like that I go there on my own with no distractions...apart from a few show off guys, but that's another story.

    You really don't need to spend upto 2 hours daily on working out, unless you're a professional athlete or training for a competition.

    Good luck with what you decide
  • is my favorite site for workouts. Tons of workouts full body or isolating sections such as upper, lower, abs. Also, the times vary so you can also find something to fit into your schedule. Love love love Find a neighbor to come and workout with you or your boys.