
Does it help you not overeat later on in the day? I know the idea that breakfast boosts your metabolism and such is a myth but what do you think of the claim that it doesn't make you eat more? Do some of you concur with that?


  • tegalicious
    I think it is different for everyone. I have to eat breakfast or I will be a zombie. I also like to eat a lot at night so I plan some calories for that. I wouldn't say eating breakfast makes me eat less during the day but it does help me not be a raging crazy woman at 8 am with a growling stomach and a headache. But like I said. Everyone is different.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I was never a breakfast eater to be honest except may on my days off I would make an occassional big breakfast but I find that it does help me to have something in the morning. Sometimes I will have a meal late morning so I make it enough to get me through to a mid afternoon snack but I have been off work on a "staycation" this past week and have had breakfast every day and I have to say I like it :bigsmile:
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    It depends on what I eat. If I eat a high carb breakfast, I'll be eating like a pig all day. If I eat a higher protein breakfast, then I eat fairly evenly all day.
  • MatthewNSW
    I'm trying to force myself to eat breakfast. I find if I do it at work then it sits better with me as it's more like a break from responsibility. If I try to eat breakfast before I leave the house, I always run out of time.

    I have a cafe right below my building though, so if I'm not stocked up with muesli, yoghurt etc there's always the risk that I'll run downstairs and just buy something I'll regret later....!
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    it makes me hungry, it is important but I have to push it off until like 10 or 11 am or I want to eat all day
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I eat Breakfast , Lunch , and Dinner and mix in 3 snacks inbetween so I think it just comes down to your own personal preferences and what you can adhere too for the long run.... Best of Luck
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    Research and Statistics indicate that eating breakfast is beneficial and help you maintain a healthy weight. <-- and some nice references at bottom of page. <-- no reference :(, but otherwise a good article.

    With that said... it is not black and white. Please note the use of "may" in the mayo clinic information. Use the data to be mindful. But pay even more attention to your own body. We are all different and you may find that skipping breakfast is just fine for you.

    It would be an interesting experiment to use MFP to track for yourself. For me - breakfast is essential. I tried skipping breakfast for a couple of weeks when I started this weight loss journey last year and only ended up gaining a little weight.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I wake up hungry, and I immediately eat my "mini breakfast"--small fruit & cup of coffee with almond milk.
    Once I'm ready for work I have the rest of breakfast & as a previous poster mentioned, it needs to be a quality meal with protein, not nonsense like a doughnut. Otherwise a cycle of sweet, carb snacking will ensue.
    Honestly within a couple of hours I'm ready for another breakfast, but I try to tame the beast in my stomach with healthy snacks.
    Even then by noon, I'm ready to eat my arm.
    If I don't eat healthy food with enough calories regularly throughout the day, a wicked binge will occur at dinner.
    So for me it's the type of food & frequency, and breakfast starts the frequency right at the get-go.
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I don't like to eat first thing in the morning, but I've found that a light breakfast helps me concentrate at work, so I have it once I'm there. Now that I work out in th morning, I've had time to get hungry! On the weekends I sometimes eat it and sometimes don't. Again, I get up a lot earlier these days, so I get hungry a little earlier. But sometimes I sleep in or just have coffee, which also tends to fill me up.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Does it help you not overeat later on in the day? I know the idea that breakfast boosts your metabolism and such is a myth but what do you think of the claim that it doesn't make you eat more? Do some of you concur with that?

    if you skip it and it causes you to binge, then don't skip it..I have done it both ways and never had an issue with binging/over eating later in day...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Everyone has an opinion.

    If I skip breakfast I overeat at dinner.

    I eat muesli and plain yogurt and fruit for breakfast with espresso, which is less than 200 calories. Or I eat eggs (we have chickens.) I eat another 200-300 at lunch. Keeps my body happy and gives me lots of calories for later. I hate being hungry.

    But OATMEAL or PANCAKES - very easy to digest carbs - make me starving by 11. So it depends what you eat.
  • bodybyvi1
    if you take healthy breakfast then it will help you for maintaining weight loss.
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Breakfast suits a lot of people. I am not one of them.

    I find the act of eating breakfast is more likely to make me overeat during the day than anything else I can do to my body- its almost like setting a precedent to start ramming my face with unnecessary calories when I'm not even hungry. I generally only eat it if I am driving long distance early in the morning because it helps settle my stomach on the journey.

    Everyone should experiment with breakfast and see how it affects them, then act accordingly.
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    I like to eat a very light breakfast and work my way towards heavier meals as the day goes. I end up hopelessly distracted in uni, fantasizing about food til lunch otherwise. Right now I'm having grapes, strawberries and mixed nuts with soy yogurt.
  • helenwilliams78
    helenwilliams78 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm rarely hungry in the morning and feel like I'm wasting calories if I force myself to eat. I'd rather save the calories and really enjoy lunch and dinner with some fruit to snack on in between.
  • ohiowhthse
    Actually starting your day with food, does help (not boost) your metabolism. Once you wake up your body is in sort of "what next" mode. If you eat a healthy breakfast it will help regulate your sugar and not cause your body to "want". Keeping your sugars in a normal range helps you to 1. crave less foods, 2. actually does give you energy to keep going. Even skipping one meal can confuse the system and make it hold on to fat. Not a professional here, but sugars in the body have been a huge challenge for me.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Eat it if it helps you adhere to your diet. Skip it if that helps you adhere to your diet.

    I eat breakfast most days and that works for me.
  • charleyreedto175
    charleyreedto175 Posts: 60 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast almost every day. I space out my meal and divide it into two sections. One prior to my work out and two after my work out. I eat small and it gives me the energy and fullness that I need. For me two hard boiled eggs and coffee is the perfect wake me up and energy food. Then my cream of wheat in the post work out is warm and fills me up. Combined I am under 400 cal for the meal and it helps burn the fat!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I love breakfast, eat it every day. Today I am having a whole wheat english muffin, 2 slices of candian bacon, 1/2 slice swiss cheese and 1 egg on it. Yum
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I was never a breakfast eater when I was heavy. Now I eat breakfast. I have to because Im now hungry plus I enjoy my meals more and feel better. After my morning workout I find that breakfast is necessary. It may be just a protein drink or a measured out portion of special k cereal with skim milk but I have to eat and I feel tons better now!