
  • valerie759
    valerie759 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you to everyone who posted on my story! you are all incredibly amazing and all beautiful people!!
  • flowa79
    flowa79 Posts: 13 Member
    I totally understand the denial. But wow girl u off to a great start ???? b proud of yourself for taking charge of yr life. Im 34 and its taken me to now to realise that im killing myself, but its never 2 late is it. Im new here 2 and bein able to c how well im doing when ever i like im not anxious about failing. Im confident that im gonna reach my 100lb goal, and however much u have decided 2 lose i have faith that u will achieve it also. Feel free 2 add me as u can never have 2 much support. Keep up the good work x
  • I understand what you're saying. I was in denial about my weight too mostly because my friends have always said that I don't look my weight...and I don't think i do either. Even now! I guess I just carry it well but I had to come to the realization that I really am that fat. I really am at an unhealthy weight and could have a heart attack at a young age because of it. My weight already caused me to have diabetes....I don't want anything else to happen.

    Good luck! You can add me if you need any buddies or moral support. :)
  • ladybug114
    ladybug114 Posts: 39 Member
    First, congratulations for getting started. It was really cool to read such an honest story. I doubt anyone would judge you or be offended by this post. I have felt that way SO many times, where I thought there was no way I could be as big as the scale says. I was down 32 lbs last year and still felt big, and now I've gained about 26 of those pounds back. Only now I am in denial thinking there's no way I'm almost as big as when I started out. But I've had to realize is that none of that matters. It's never too late to start. You CAN and WILL do this. You are more than deserving of love and happiness and a healthy body. Keep up the hard work girl.
  • mtikky
    mtikky Posts: 53 Member
    Well done for having the guts to tell your story.

    I'm in a similar situation - started on 280+lbs for 5' 10" height.

    Been logging daily since 1st January and I'm exercising when I can now too.

    You're welcome to add me as a friend if you want to.

    Together in the fight to win :)
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this because it's something I can completely relate too, and it sounds like lots of other people can too. You're doing great so far too, well done.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Yup, know the denial very, very well. It's weird this mental place we can get to where we're all "it's not that bad", but at the same time somehow hating that we've let this get that bad. I started in July 2013 at a shade under morbidly obese (although I had hit that a couple of years before, but managed to lose half a stone before falling off the wagon.) I started counting my calories, at a reasonable deficit and moving a little more - walking for at least 20 minutes a day. That's it - no gimmicks, no fads. Just hitting my calorie goals and moving a little more.

    Good luck to you OP. Send me a friends request, if you wish.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Congratulations to you - you are on the road. I too was obese and in denial this time last year - Although I haven't enjoyed the speedy weightloss you have I have changed my life in the last year - having said that, I'm not on a diet - that implies that sometime in the future I can stop and I can't do that - so my advice to you would be to keep telling yourself you are on a healthy lifestyle programme - for life.

    what I can tell you is that there is nothing more self-affirming than going into an 'ordinary' shop and being able to pick clothes off the racks that you know will fit you - even more so when they fit you well and you see a completely new you looking back. Even buying a pair of boots is OK now - I can find them with wide enough calves.

    Something else I did last year which was self-indulgent but has been a real tonic - I had a professional photo shoot done. I chose three outfits that I felt good in and had my photos taken - the results were so good - especially when I look at other photos in the same clothes from my previous days.

    The next good thing is when you can start exercising - I chose swimming as I found that relatively easy and it supports your body to avoid doing damage. Then getting about just walking in the fresh air - you'll find that you become a lot happier in yourself. what you will find is that as you go down this road and lose more weight so much more will become available to you - and you will suddenly find yourself being noticed - which can be a bit unnerving at first - for all the right reasons - instead as you put it for being judged by others and found wanting.

    Your story doesn't, and shouldn't, be offensive to anyone - its the story of so many people on this site. So good luck and keep it up - and know that when you have a tough time and you can't keep on the road its not the end of the road - just a little detour and you will find your back.

    Good luck!
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    As many have said, this is the first step to changing your way of life - stick at it & you'll see results.

    I started at around 210lbs in 2010 (at the age of 21) with a BMI of 34.8 & I'm now around 70lbs lighter & have a BMI of 24 which puts me in the 'healthy' range.

    I know exactly how you feel & can relate to your story. I also didn't believe I was as fat as I was. It didn't bother me for a long time, I didn't realise I had a problem. The day I realised was in NY on my 21st birthday when my picture was took with my Mum at the statue of liberty (one of those which is developed straight away). I couldn't believe how fat I was!!!!!!!!! I looked like a whale!!!!! I asked myself why I never ever saw this image when I looked in the mirror? Maybe the picture was just taken at an unflattering angle? Nope, I was just fat!

    When I got back I was determined to lose weight & I did. It took a long time but I got there. There were times when I wanted to give up & almost did - but that very picture stayed in my mind & I continued to remind myself why I wanted to do this & loose the weight! I'm so pleased I did!

    I maintained a loss of around 50-60ish lbs for about 18 months & for various reasons, I didn't loose anymore weight for a while - but I didn't gain a pound back which is one of the things I'm really proud of in this whole journey!

    I've been logging again for 152 days & lost a further 11lbs. I don't have much to go now until I get to 'goal', I'm concentrating on Body Fat percentage now as appose to a number on the scale.

    The only advice I can give you is:

    - Log every day & log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth (even the things you're ashamed of putting down because you've had a bit of a slip up!)
    - Exercise. I lost 50lbs from doing little exercise other than running a short distance in a running club twice a week. I was left with a body which I hated even more than the one I started with after losing 50lbs. It was all flabby & YUCK! I now lift/strength train & do cardio. My body shape/appearance has dramatically changed & improved a 1000000%! Do this whilst you're in the beginning of your journey & you'll get much better results towards the end.
    - DO NOT obsess over weighing yourself constantly. This is something which I got into the habit of - I was weighing myself sometimes 3-4 times a day just to see if the number had gone down. If it went up (as it naturally does fluctuate throughout the day & week through water retention etc.) I would be GUTTED & got myself really down about it. Don't get yourself into this habit - it's not healthy. Weigh yourself once a week.
    - Take measurements weekly. The scale isn't the only way to measure your success - inches are the things that make the difference!
    - Stay positive - you can do this! It might take what seems like FOREVER, but trust me, when you get there - all the sweat & tears will be so worth it.
    - Finally, continue to remind yourself why you are doing this.

    Good luck :)
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    WOO HOO!! Welcome!! the first step is knowing you want to change! Good luck!! :flowerforyou:

    Your story reminds me of a friend of mine, she has put on so much weight in the last few years and she is not happy but she refuses to do anything about it and doesn't see her weight as a part of the problem. It pains me to see her like this but I can't help her if she doesn't want to be helped. I am glad you have decided you want help! That is the first step to change!
  • rorymason
    rorymason Posts: 167 Member
    I could have wrote this post myself, it describes me to the tee. Im 5'3 and was 236 pounds. Was wondering if anyone else had that where they look in the mirror and it doesnt really look like they are THAT big. I felt like I was the opposite of an anorexic who looks in the mirror and always sees themselves as fat. I also would try to gage how heavy I looked compared to other people instead of focusing on how I looked/felt.

    The only difference between us is that I am twice your age. I kept putting it off..I dont want to be 30 and be this weight, dont want to be 40 and be this weight, Dont want to now be 50 and be this weight! All I can say is that I wish I had addressed it MANY years ago and I applaud and encourage you for addressing it now, because time does go fast and its easy to allow things to go on the same.

    Good luck to you and you friend me if you want
  • redflamelily
    redflamelily Posts: 11 Member
    No apolgies needed and no offence taken. You've taken the first steps to changing you, you go girl. It' funny how it just takes one little thing to make us sit up and take notice. Keep up the good work.
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    I too felt like my weight wasn't too bad and I used to compare myself to friends and colleagues and say "Im not THAT I?". well in actual fact I WAS that fat and after a quick check of my own BMI I too found myself at the obese category at the ripe old age of 21 :frown: So I am here for the same reasons as you are and I wish you all the very best with your weight loss journey :flowerforyou: We can do it :happy:
  • sassy9111
    sassy9111 Posts: 23 Member
    I am certainly not offended. I give you credit for telling your story.
    Plus, your no different then a lot of people.

    When I look in the mirror, I don't see a 223 pound woman, that is my problem.
    I keep starting and stopping, looking for a new diet, buying more "diet books".

    I wish you luck and much happiness.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Seeing yourself as thinner than you are is a pretty common thing here. I call it body pro-morphia (no, that's not a real thing, I don't think lol).

    But, it's a good thing, in a way, because at least you don't have self-esteem issues in that way.

    Congratulations on getting started :-)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I think it's very hard to understand yourself and your own body at such an early age... it's not your fault. But it's great that you've finally realized that you needed to do something for your health first :) you're young and you've got the chance to change your whole life now. It's not going to be easy but I'm sure you're full of energy and hope and this is going to help you a lot! Good luck with your journey :)
  • Rundmc1981
    Rundmc1981 Posts: 12 Member
    Firstly, Congratulations and well done for joining MFP. There are some truely amazing people on here that will help you through your journey (including me :D) Your very brave for telling your story, and i dont believe that any of these fab people would judge you. Now that your on the right path, the goal is to stay there, keep motivated and never give up!!!!.....this journey will be emotional, draining at times and not at all easy, but we've all been there, done that!! I wish you all the best hunni. If you need my support, im right here.

    Good Luck

  • tsaari77
    tsaari77 Posts: 12 Member
    Well, you are in the right place! There is a lot of motivation floating around MFP! Congratulations on taking the first steps!:)
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Great, brave post! The denial thing is a huge obstacle for you to have realised and overcome! I suggest that you take photos of yourself and make sure you look at them - they don't need to be for anyone else to see (yet). I always found that I could easily convince myself that I wasn't "that fat" when catching sight of myself in the mirror, or in a shop window etc. But in a photo? No - it's much harder to ignore the truth in a photo. Use it as motivation, and you'll continue to be successful.

    Only recently, having lost the weight I wanted to lose, have I been comfortable at looking at the photos of me from when I was at my heaviest (e.g. the before-and-after photos on my profile).
  • There are the ones that think about it, want it etc. I am the one that does something about it. You can too.