Anybody else losing fat...TO LOOK GOOD?

Yes obesity and fatness can be heath deterints.

Me personally, I watched family members die slow, sad deaths due to it's ravages. So fighting it in my own life is imperative from a health standard.

But come on, an enormous piece of the puzzle for me is to look good. I grew up as a fat boy and that image absolutely destroyed my self esteem. And it wasn't the potential health risks, it was the fat body. The fact that I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.

Having been overweight and normal weight, I feel better, and LOOK far, far better with weight off. And I think losing weight to give yourself a body that looks the way you feel authentically, that reflects the best of you, is life changing. You can not underestimate the power of living in a body that is visually pleasing to your OWN eyes.

And yet I see this notion constantly villainized. Why am I seeing more and more often this idea that you should NOT lose weight for looks, only for health? And what's worse is that I think this is clearly a lie. Would most of us really be busting our buts to widdle down our frames if our new bodies didn't visually change?

What's with this sham that losing weight to look better, which consequently might help you feel better about self, is somehow bad?


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Not bad at all.

    I think if someone is telling you their weight loss has nothing to do with looking better / good, they're either deluding themselves or they're lying. I'm not saying it's the only reason, or even the most important reason, but I think it's a contributing factor. As much as we don't want to to be ruled by what other people think, it's a fact of life.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I lost most of the weight for the health reasons (to get my glucose number back down in the normal range). But, after I hit my original goal weight (and at that point my glucose number did fall in the normal range yay!), I decided to lose almost 20lbs more, and that was purely because I wanted to look a certain way ie-a hot mama :laugh: Now I'm not only healthy but I also look decent in a two piece swim suit-not to shabby for a 35 yr old mom of three kids :bigsmile:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Not bad at all.

    I think if someone is telling you their weight loss has nothing to do with looking better / good, they're either deluding themselves or they're lying. I'm not saying it's the only reason, or even the most important reason, but I think it's a contributing factor. As much as we don't want to to be ruled by what other people think, it's a fact of life.

    And you really think that's true of everyone?

    My sole reason for changing my ways from 335 lbs was to become better at motorcycling. I really don't care about the whole "looking better" aspect.

    Why, honestly, do you think this is true of EVERYONE? Is it really so difficult comprehend the idea that someone can be so wrapped up in the "function" aspect of things that they don't care for the "form" aspect?
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I won't lie. My BMI is in the upper range of normal, my blood tests are OK and I don't look bad, I just wanna look awesome. :laugh:
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    It is definitely a factor for me and I not ashamed of it! When you are mistaken for a pregnant woman when you are not, it can really make you feel awful. So of course it is a huge motivator for me!
  • everyone really wants to lose to make themself feel better, not only for health but to look good!! my problem is that I just love food!!! and really struggle with eating right. One minute you read that you can eat one thing and the next week its bad for you...It can be very confussing. If anyone has tips or web sites for someone living on a lidl budget feel free to post or email me :)
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yes, as I am not overweight, I am just not happy with how I look
    eta: I may be slightly over-fat
  • aphroditesmaiden
    aphroditesmaiden Posts: 45 Member
    BE ADVISED **Something that not many people who need to lose more than 50lbs (not sure if you do but this IS important) are made aware of is that skin integrity becomes an issue. You reach your goal weight and are like "Well, this is wonderful when I'm *clothed*..." That is why toning is so important, even when you are still larger. Your skin will bounce back, but it's been 6 months for me and it still hasn't (still not exercising yet, that's my next hurtle)

    But YES I completely understand losing weight to look good. That is the ONLY reason that I lost weight and I am proud of that. My blood pressure and vitals were fine before losing weight because I was lucky. Yes, being healthier now is a great side effect, but I lost weight purely so I could look in a mirror without crying. Looks are important to some people, and no one should pass judgment on anyone else without understanding your story. You did this for looks? GOOD! You did this for health? GOOD! You did this so you could ride a pony without hurting it? GOOD! Whatever floats your boat, it takes all kinds to enjoy life and make it interesting! <3

    I realize how scatterbrained the above message is, read it slow to get the idea, I get like this when I just wake up.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Yes obesity and fatness can be heath deterints.

    Me personally, I watched family members die slow, sad deaths due to it's ravages. So fighting it in my own life is imperative from a health standard.

    But come on, an enormous piece of the puzzle for me is to look good. I grew up as a fat boy and that image absolutely destroyed my self esteem. And it wasn't the potential health risks, it was the fat body. The fact that I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.

    Having been overweight and normal weight, I feel better, and LOOK far, far better with weight off. And I think losing weight to give yourself a body that looks the way you feel authentically, that reflects the best of you, is life changing. You can not underestimate the power of living in a body that is visually pleasing to your OWN eyes.

    And yet I see this notion constantly villainized. Why am I seeing more and more often this idea that you should NOT lose weight for looks, only for health? And what's worse is that I think this is clearly a lie. Would most of us really be busting our buts to widdle down our frames if our new bodies didn't visually change?

    What's with this sham that losing weight to look better, which consequently might help you feel better about self, is somehow bad?

    My husband really isn't that concerned with how his body looks; he wants to lose weight because he is uncomfortable, is beginning to have a lot of joint problems, and because we'd both like for him to live a nice long life and grow old with me. I like how he looks both overweight and at a healthy weight, so it's not that much of an issue for him. Isn't it really an individual thing, why someone wants to lose weight? And who in heck cares what everyone else thinks anyway?
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    We tend to think it's a character flaw (shallow or narcissistic) to want to lose weight for our looks. Maybe it is for some, but self confidence has a lot to do with happiness. Our self perception of our looks (whether accurate or not) affects everything from the likelyhood of approaching a potential friend or life partner to seeking advancement in our careers.

    It's also true that the society we live in is shallow with respect to people's looks. There's at least anecdotal evidence that others treat us differently based on our looks, especially weight.

    Hopefully, the people that love us care more about our health than our looks, but I don't think we need to feel ashamed to lose fat TO LOOK GOOD!
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    When I was in my 20's it was more about looking good.

    I will be 40 in a few weeks so now its about being healthy, active, looking good and feeling confident.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    At this point, 99.9999% just to look good.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    for me 50% of it is to look good...I was sick of being the "fat" friend.

    the other 50% is health and I don't feel bad fr saying this either and I don't feel vain...I am being honest.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I don't think it matters why anyone wants to lose weight, it's a personal thing and if they say it's for health reasons who are you to question whether there is a vanity component in there too?!

    For me it was the fact that I came back from a holiday in Asia with scars on my thighs from a month of constant sweat rash. My clothes didn't fit, in fact I ripped two of my favourite pairs of pants just doing normal daily things, and it is expensive to need to buy new clothes. I was out of breath walking up the two flights of stairs to our apartment, I was eating a huge amount of food that I didn't need and I felt crap. Looking better has been a positive side effect but I found that moving the focus on weight loss to being on something other than what I looked like gave me more objectivity about my successes, and as such I stuck with it in a way I had found difficult a few months earlier.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    People who say they aren't are either lying or fooling themselves. Not to say that health isn't an important factor for many (including myself) but looks are a big part of it.

    The downside of that is that people who were obese their entire life, are likely never going to look they way they want to without surgery to remove loose skin, etc. But, I'm OK looking good clothed LOL. Not that many people see me naked anyway :-)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    People who say they aren't are either lying or fooling themselves. Not to say that health isn't an important factor for many (including myself) but looks are a big part of it.

    The downside of that is that people who were obese their entire life, are likely never going to look they way they want to without surgery to remove loose skin, etc. But, I'm OK looking good clothed LOL. Not that many people see me naked anyway :-)
    and who are you to say what anyone else's motivations are? Reading 7,000,000,000 minds are you?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I am.. I don't aim for a scale number.. I aim for a body fat % and abs.. so ya.. I want to look good.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Not bad at all.

    I think if someone is telling you their weight loss has nothing to do with looking better / good, they're either deluding themselves or they're lying. I'm not saying it's the only reason, or even the most important reason, but I think it's a contributing factor. As much as we don't want to to be ruled by what other people think, it's a fact of life.

    Totally this! I think there are not many who wouldn't have looks as a goal, either the main reason or secondary...
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    I already look good.

  • Thats what gets me thru my workouts...knowing that when this is all over I'll be hot!! =)