ladies:Brag about ur lifting progress

ok, so what was your starting weight bench press, squat, deadlift etc and ur month by month progress...
month 1: bench press 14kg
squats 20kgs
deadlift 30kgs
lat pull down 5kg

months 2
bench press 20kgs
squats 12kg
deads 30kg
lat pull down 20kg

whats ur starting and ur currents, please share


  • awomaame25
    awomaame25 Posts: 189 Member
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I've only just started SL 5X5, I'm into week 3. I started with just the bar (45lbs) except with squats and DL (squats I started at 55lbs, DL 60lbs) and as of yesterday I'm at 55lbs (25kg) for bench press, 50lbs (22.5kg) OHP, 115lbs (52kg) DL, 75lbs (34kg) squat, and 75lbs (34kg) barbell row. I'm loving the program so far!
  • awomaame25
    awomaame25 Posts: 189 Member
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Hmm...well, I started the end of Nov with:

    barbell row: 65lbs
    Squat:65 lbs
    Bench: 60 lbs
    OHp: 50 lbs
    Deadlift: 135 lbs

    took a couple weeks off in December, but as of this week:

    barbell row: 90 lbs
    squat: 145 lbs
    Bench: 85 lbs
    OHp: 55 lbs (had to deload quite a few times, this is by far my hardest lift)
    Deadlift: 205 lbs. (will be attempting 215 tomorrow :bigsmile: )
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Have worked up to this from about October:
    lat pulldowns (77 lb)
    dumbbell chest press lying down (35 lb each hand)
    seated pulley row (66 lb)
    dumbbell shoulder press (22 lb each hand).
  • Lozz68
    Lozz68 Posts: 13 Member
    June 2013:
    Squat - 10kg (22lbs)
    Deadlift - 15kg (33lbs)
    Bench - 10kg (22lbs)

    Squat - 72.5kg (159.5lbs)
    Deadlift - 105kg (231lbs)
    Bench - 42.5kg (93.5lbs)
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    February 2013:
    Squat, OHP, bench - 45#
    Deadlift - 75#

    Squat 150x1
    Deadlift 175x1
    Bench 110x1
    OHP 70x3
  • noKTdidnt
    noKTdidnt Posts: 61 Member
    I started off with just the bar at the end of June 2013 with StrongLifts 5x5.

    When I max tested in November 2013, I did the following:

    Squat: 255lb (116kg)
    Deadlift: 285lb (130kg)
    Bench: 150lb (68kg)

    And I'm doing my first competition in February. :)
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I started off with just the bar at the end of June 2013 with StrongLifts 5x5.

    When I max tested in November 2013, I did the following:

    Squat: 255lb (116kg)
    Deadlift: 285lb (130kg)
    Bench: 150lb (68kg)

    And I'm doing my first competition in February. :)

    wow :love:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i love these threads and all the badass chicks that post in 'em!
    awesome job ladies!!! :love: :flowerforyou:

    if you havent yet, go check out and join this group!
  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member
    I only started Strong Lifts a few weeks ago.

    Dead Lift- 155
    Squats- 135
    OHP- 60
    Bench- 75
    Row- 70
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    backsquat 165#
    deadlift 200#
    bench press 110#
    strict press 65#

    12wks later give or take a week..
    I PR'd at a Crossfit Strength Challenge Saturday.
    Strict Press 95#
    Backsquat 215#
    Deadlift 275#

    2wks ago PR'd Bench Press 130#.

    I hoping to make more big noob gains since i just started powerlifting 12wks or so ago.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    I've just finished up my third cycle of 5/3/1, woot! Current max lifts:

    Squats - 6 x 135 lbs (1 RM calc at 169 lbs)
    Bench presses - 6 x 85 lbs (1 RM calc at 107 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 7 x 110 lbs (1 RM calc at 140 lbs)
    Overhead press - 3 x 70 lbs (1 RM calc at 87 lbs)

    Definitely noticed improvements from when I first started (example: could barely lift 60 lbs over my head), and can see some awesome muscles to boot :)

    Keep it up, ladies!
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    I pump most of these out in the 8-12 rep range. I'll be going for my max when I'm off this cut.

    BB Row: 85lbs
    Bench: 75lbs, weak I know :3
    Squat: 115lbs
    Deadlift: 133lbs.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    What I started at... well honestly just the bar!
    What I'm at now 5x5

    Squats: 165lbs
    Deadlifts: 135lbs
    OHP: 55lbs
    Bench: 80lbs
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I've been lifting off and on for a really long time, so I don't know what my "starting" weights were. Anyway, doesn't matter where you start, as long as you keep working for progress!

    Right now, I am at

    Deadlift: 220
    DB chest press: 5 x 40 (in each hand; don't have a bench 1RM)
    Squat: 5 x 105 (don't have a 1RM)
    OHP: 8 x 55 (don't have a 1RM)

    I can also lift a 150# Atlas stone, which I'm pretty damn proud of!
    Finally I got the url right!
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    Started lifting about a 18 months ago, with starting the with 45 lb bar for squats and bench, 65 lbs for deadlift, and 30 lbs for overhead press.

    Fast forward to now and I compete in powerlifting, with maxes of 180 for the squat, 95 for the bench (which is my suckiest lift), and 280 for the deadlift. Aiming to try for the 300 lb deadlift in a few months at my next powerlifting meet. I haven't tested my overhead press in a while, but would estimate my max to be around 70 lbs.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I have added 1 inch to thighs, calves, and biceps in the past 7 months or so. (This is good news for my skinny legs!). I looked at my back in the mirror while flexing, maybe for the first time ever, and WOW I have shoulders. And today I had to move my bra band fastener from the largest setting to the smallest. So ab fat is slooowwly leaving.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Lifting for 9 months. Weight: 125 lbs

    Bench: 45 lbs
    Pendlay rows: 25 lbs
    OHP: 25 lbs
    Squats: 45 lbs
    Deadlift: 65 lbs

    This week working sets:
    Bench: 75 lbs x 5
    Pendlay rows: 60 lbs x 5
    OHP: 65 lbs x 4
    Squats: 120 lbs x 3
    Deadlift: 155 lbs x 5
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Since March, 2012. Weight: 105 kg / 230 lbs

    I had knee surgery in Feb, 2012 so started off with just bodyweight for most movements, as I was lifting as rehab.

    However, I had done BodyPump classes prior to surgery, so I was probably deadlifting/squatting the equivalent of just the bar before that.

    I am currently training for a powerlifting competition in March:

    My PB's are:

    Paused Bench: 70kg x 1 (154lbs)
    OHP: 40kg x 1 (88lbs)
    Squats: 105kg x 5 x 3 (230lbs)
    Deadlift: 125kg x 2 (275lbs)

    I competed in a Push/Pull in December, and won a silver medal for my weight range.
