which exercise helped you the most



  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    running and biking and loads of walking (I have a black Lab.)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    What do you consider "effective"?

    This, but when I read your title, I immediately thought "Running". It hasn't necessarily helped me lose the most, but it taught me that I am much more capable than I thought I was.... and knowing that has helped me immensely
  • Of all the activities I do, the sword workout I do is my favorite! Its not fencing or forza, but you use a real sword to do tai chi-like moves. My friends and I always have a great time getting a workout and tons of looks from passerbys when we work out at the park or beach!

    It's called Steel MBS....really fun. There's nothing like getting a workout from sword fighting!!
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    The squat. Women used to notice my butt!