Question About Counting Fruits & Veggie Calories

I'm switching from using Weight Watchers to MFP, mainly because of finances, I had success with losing 30lbs with WW but need to tighten the purse strings up for a while, so I'm switching to counting calories with MFP. The only thing I'm having a hard time with is counting the calories in fruits and veggies again. WW made fruit & veggies "free", even though they technically do have calories. Their theory was people weren't eating enough of them because they didn't want to use up their Points, which makes sense after my first day of tracking with MFP, it killed me to take 180 calories out of my 1550 for a banana and apple!!

So my main question is... do you think it will make a huge difference if I didn't count those calories? It's not like I eat enough to really make a difference, usually just the 1 banana and 1 apple a day and then salad and other various veggies. I know some people trying to use WW claimed that they GAINED because of the free fruit and veggies, but those people were eating an obscene amount of it since it was free. And calories do add up obviously...

So I was just wondering really what other people's opinions would be on this matter.

Thank you!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If I eat a couple of baby carrots or sneak some blueberries out of the fridge I usually don't log them. I might not log the lettuce on my sandwich or the handful of onions I add to dinner. But anything more substantial than that absolutely gets logged.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    I log everything - no matter what. I don't believe in free foods.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I used to not log little things like even bbq sauce, or a few French fries and it made me not lose any weight for a few weeks. I have been logging every single thing that I eat even down to the condiments AND measuring everything and it DEF made a difference. I lost 4 pounds this week
  • If you think it won't add up to much why don't you want to log it? If something has calories it counts whether you log it or not.
  • pammypurple
    pammypurple Posts: 27 Member
    Even 5 days of one apple and one banana is 900 calories a week not added to your running total. If you don't count your other veggies either, even the small amounts, then you could be upping your calorie intake by about a whole extra days worth every week. Count every calorie. They add up really quickly and then you're on the slippery slope to not counting other bits here and there and sending yourself backwards.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I want to add that 180 total calories seems like very little for a banana and an apple unless you've managed to find very small fruits.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Log everything!

  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    What will your weight loss look like if you eat 1730 calories each day rather than 1550? How much weight you lose is based upon your calorie deficit; that includes all of the calories you eat each day.
  • I agree with the others. What makes MFP so great is that is true calories in versus calories out. Most of the fruits and veggies you can search for by size and then alter your serving size. You'll be happy you did and it might be easier since strawberries, blueberries, etc still come in packages where you can scan the bar code. :) good luck!
  • Wildstorms
    Wildstorms Posts: 72 Member
    My healthy snacks added up to 512 calories last week... I logged them and came in on target at the end of the day. I think that's why I am now starting to lose weight. (I've lost 7 kg so far, but didn't change my ticker, so it won't register until i lose another couple and get back to my previous heaviest weight).
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    It depends on what you eat. I believe bananas are a higher calorie fruit, and I do count my grapes (3 Cal each) but beyond that, I don't know if it counts much. I don't count walking around the grocery store either, though I could. It balances out. I hope.
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Log everything but honestly, if i am over 200 calories in a day and I look at my diary and it's all good calories from veggies, fruits, proteins, ect...then I don't feel so guilty because it's good things I was consuming but if you are getting over 300-400+ calories over your goals, then you may be want to consider your portion sizes. I would always track everything you do because if you get to a point where you are not losing or are gaining...then you will have an honest reflection of what you have been doing and make a decision on what works and doesn't work based on that...fruits have crazy sugar's too and you will probably want to keep an eye on might be the difference between losing weight or maintaining...
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I'm switching from using Weight Watchers to MFP, mainly because of finances, I had success with losing 30lbs with WW but need to tighten the purse strings up for a while, so I'm switching to counting calories with MFP. The only thing I'm having a hard time with is counting the calories in fruits and veggies again. WW made fruit & veggies "free", even though they technically do have calories. Their theory was people weren't eating enough of them because they didn't want to use up their Points, which makes sense after my first day of tracking with MFP, it killed me to take 180 calories out of my 1550 for a banana and apple!!

    So my main question is... do you think it will make a huge difference if I didn't count those calories? It's not like I eat enough to really make a difference, usually just the 1 banana and 1 apple a day and then salad and other various veggies. I know some people trying to use WW claimed that they GAINED because of the free fruit and veggies, but those people were eating an obscene amount of it since it was free. And calories do add up obviously...

    So I was just wondering really what other people's opinions would be on this matter.

    Thank you!

    No matter what WW says.....fruit is not free ! If you don't log your two pieces of fruit a day, that alone will add up to the caloric equivalent of -+ 1.5 pounds a month. If you add to that maybe the veggies you don't log, you get a discrepancy that could have you gain anywhere from a pound to much more a month, because it could wipe out your deficit. Don't compare MFP with WW. Do what you are supposed to do here on MFP and you will lose .
  • JesChernosky
    JesChernosky Posts: 37 Member
    I lost quite a bit with MFP before, but went majorly lax which is why I am back to an only 5 lb weight loss. Anyway, I say log EVERYTHING, including every drink you have.

    This is important for two reasons:
    1) Every sugar, every calorie adds up.
    2) If you don't add certain things it gets easier to either justify, forget, or just not log other items.

    If you're worried about "losing" the calories from your total you can easily make up that amount of calories by some light cleaning around the house for about 45 minutes to an hour each day. Remember, each time you exercise you "gain back" the calories you burn off. Use it like a bank, it will help.
  • Log fruits and veggies. Log everything. I also did WW for a while, MFP is way better!
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Log it and move on. Can end up with lots of calories from fruits and veggies every day, and they make up part of your diet, so be honest with it! And be sure to weigh them as well, calories in 100 g of banana is different from calories in 150 g of banana.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Even if you don't log it, your hips and thighs still will...

    If you ate it, log it- otherwise what is the point? I would tend towards sneaking in little "extras" and over time destroy any of the self-control I had practiced with the big things so I log every gram.
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I just logged a mint. It was 10 calories. But you know what, I'm losing weight, and logging everything seems to work. Otherwise, I think the little extras can add up quickly!
  • vanessapreston66
    vanessapreston66 Posts: 16 Member
    I eat tons of veggies as im a vegetarian and I must say i tend not to obsess over the calories in low cal vegetables eg lettuce cucumber tomatoes cabbage etc.....i guestimate the calories there. If it was potatoes or parsnips etc., I will be more accurate. If you are losing weight with that method, as I am cool, otherwise log the lot. I am highly unlikely to weigh and log everything I eat for the rest of my life so my slightly flippant approach works for me. Good luck with your journey and well done so far :)
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    I would especially log fruit. If I have a small salad on the side consisting of some spinach and cucumbers and peppers I will still log it but sometimes just throw in 60 calories extra on my lunch or whatever meal (also log dressing if you use it, of course). You could also log your salads as a "recipe" so if you know your typical components you can make the salad on here and then just log the portion you had to make it easier. But fruits I always weigh and log. Same with higher carb veggies like carrots and tomatoes just to keep calories as accurate as possible and to keep track of macros.