How do you Calculate the calories when you juice???



  • kerstinelaine
    kerstinelaine Posts: 11 Member
    This is what I use when I make my juice. If I want to change what I use, it's easy enough to do.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You're only throwing away the fiber of the fruits/veggies (which by the way you need to eat for proper bowel health) which is virtually calorieless. The poster above is way off on her juice calories. 2 apples alone is well over 100 calories.
    I agree. The fiber is nondigestible so you're not really removing anything your body doesn't remove. So calorie in the juicer = calories out, in my opinion.
  • wbchunks
    wbchunks Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to work this out also.

    Have tried both of the sites suggested above. Both look great but give different results?

    I have just juiced (uk);

    500g Carrots
    50g Celery
    200g Apple

    Myphytos is telling me 96cals per serving
    juicerecipes is telling me 173cals.

    Either I'm missing something or it's all too confusing !! :drinker:
  • josey425
    josey425 Posts: 1
    juicerecipes will give you the calories in its totality. Myphytos calculates the calories per 8oz.

    When I juice, I make in bulk and store in 16 oz mason jars. I use my mason jar as a serving so I take the juice that I have done and put in the jars. Then I use juicerecipes and divide by the number of jars I have. That's how I calculate my servings. You may divide by whatever you are using as a serving.

    I prefer juicerecipes. It is much easier to use than the others.

    Good luck and happy juicing!
  • wbchunks
    wbchunks Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Josey :smile:
  • VinEnzo
    VinEnzo Posts: 11
    I've asked juice recipes if they're planning on making an app. It would be much easier. With iOS 8 coming soon, it allows apps to send data back and forth, so that way you could build a juice in juice recipes and all that info could be added to MyFitnessPal.
  • marilynjburton
    marilynjburton Posts: 1 Member
    I noticed that there are several juicing calculators online if you just do a Google search. However, I also noticed that if you just add the word "juiced" when you are searching the food database on My Fitness Pal, there are numerous additions of juiced fruits and vegetables. I used the Recipe feature and built my own recipe. For example, one recipe that I have is called Farmers Market Juice, so I made a recipe and used that name. The ingredients are 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 2 carrots, and a handful of strawberries. I used 1 large gala apple, 1 large cucumber, 2 medium carrots, and 5 medium strawberries. I was able to find all of those ingredients by adding the word "juiced" after each item. (gala apple juiced). I didn't find a large gala apple, so I said I had 1.6 medium gala apples. This recipe yielded 20 oz of juice and I split it with my husband, so I said that the recipe was 2 servings when I built it. The total calories were 85 per person. The next time I made that recipe, I was able to pull up the recipe and add 1 serving to my daily food. Voila!

    P.S. If you want to get very particular, you could weigh or check the volume of each item after you juice it because several of the juiced items in the food database had the grams or milliliters listed. I just used small, medium, and large. Close enough for me. I have 200 calories wiggle room anyway. (1200 to 1400 per day)