When will you be happy with your body?

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
Are you waiting on a certain number on the scale, certain measurements, a certain feeling, a certain look, or something else? How will you know when you're "done" trying to lose the weight?


  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    when I feel comfortable in my own skin. I am not comfortable in what I wear, I get self concious all the time and I hate (sorry for the crazy amount of detail) taking off my clothes around a guy, in worry that he may judge me for how I have a belly.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    When I look in the mirror while I'm naked and go, "wow! I'm HOT!" :bigsmile:
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    My first goal was to not have my knees hurt anymore. I've achieved that goal and want to get to the point where I can do more physically. Run 3 miles without being winded. Bike 15 miles. Support my own weight in plank or pull up position. I'm trying to get to at least the upper part of my recommended BMI/ Body fat percentage range and then just be healthy from there on out. What about you?
  • lashleyrivera
    When i put on my jeans and i feel comfortable, also when i look at myself from the side i see a flat stomach, not a bulging one..thats when i know i made it :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    When my giant gut, thighs, and back fat are gone, I think.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I wish my goals were concrete. Wish I had a real answer to this question....I guess I'll be happy when living a healthy lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle, and it no longer becomes a chore. Oh, and I'd like a cute little ab-tastic waist!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think when things "flatten out" for me. I'm dying to have a flat stomach for once in my life, it doesn't have to be washboard abs, but I'd love for no muffin top or pooch at the bottom. So, when my body decides to cooperate, at whatever weight, I'll probably leave it there. I want to be comfortable in a bikini on a crowded beach, I'm getting to that point. Hopefully somewhere between 130-140 it'll happen, I don't think I'm willing to go much lower.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    when i hit 9stones(126lbs) i'll be 'happy' and stop losing weight, but i won't be truly happy with my body until i'm as fit and toned as i was 3years ago(before having two kids!)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I don't think being skinny gives you self-confidence. I know tons of gorgeous skinny people who hate to look at themselves in a mirror because they hate themselves.

    And while I definitely have A LOT to take off, (this is going to sound weird) but I'm already "happy" with my body. I'm in reasonably good health, and my body takes care of me - I get to where I need to go etc. I don't in general feel self-conscious. I accept me for who I am - and that includes my faults and weaknesses. I also almost never feel like people are looking at me funny because I'm overweight, or that they think I'm less of a person. Anyone who does classify me like that is not worth my time.

    But.... there's more I want to do that I can't at my current size. I want to try surfing. I want to be able to get into any kayak or canoe without having to assess first if I will fit or not. I want to be able to shop at regular stores and not at the "big girl store". I want to be stronger, and have more energy. I want to try running without worrying that my current size will cause me joint pain or worse.

    I don't think I will ever be "done" getting healthier and stronger because there will always be room for improvement and there will always be something I want to do that needs work before attempting it.

    The goals will just get bigger as I get smaller.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ditto on the bikini sentiment. I've always been curvy, and I don't want to be "thin" but I do want to be able to sit without my stomach folding up into bulgy fat rolls.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    when i can see a photo of myself and not delete it from the camera bc of my extra chin, big belly.....
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I will be happy with my body when it does EVERYTHING I want it to do.
    If I say jump, it jumps.
    If I say do a pull up, it will.
    If I say do push-ups, no problem
    If I say do a 5K, no problem.
    I don't want to have excuses.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    When I am within a healthy range on my BMI. As of now I am Obese, and I'm excited to get to where I am just Overweight. Once I get to within that Healthy range, I'll begin to look at whether or not I'm happy with the way I look, and decide on goals from there.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    When I can wear anything (bathing suit, dress, jeans) and not worry about a bulge or a roll. I'm close but still have 7 lbs. to go then lots more toning.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I will be happy with my body when it does EVERYTHING I want it to do.
    If I say jump, it jumps.
    If I say do a pull up, it will.
    If I say do push-ups, no problem
    If I say do a 5K, no problem.
    I don't want to have excuses.

  • pinky1988
    My first goal was to not have my knees hurt anymore. I've achieved that goal and want to get to the point where I can do more physically. Run 3 miles without being winded. Bike 15 miles. Support my own weight in plank or pull up position. I'm trying to get to at least the upper part of my recommended BMI/ Body fat percentage range and then just be healthy from there on out. What about you?

    Nicely put!! I think that after a view pep talks and constantly being disappointed when looking at the scale my focus is going to be on physical healthy and well being and being in shape rather than numbers per se
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Today. :)

    I am happy because my body is strong enough to allow me to run 4 miles everyday, despite not being a runners body. I am happy that I don't walk around moaning about being sore anymore. I am happy that despite having candy or skipping a workout my metabolism has finally kicked in gear. I didn't even know I had a metabolism! I am stilly pudgy, and no where near my goal weight, but I am incredibly happy with my body today. Now my hair on the other hand....
  • little_ali
    When I've reached my target of around 100 lbs I think I will definitly feel happier. But it's difficult to say whether when you hit that point you then wont want to try and lose more. It'd be nice to feel comfortable and not be conscience of what people might be thinking.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I wish my goals were concrete. Wish I had a real answer to this question....I guess I'll be happy when living a healthy lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle, and it no longer becomes a chore. Oh, and I'd like a cute little ab-tastic waist!

    me too...and i like the "ab-tastic" idea lol
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    when I my body will do the things I want to do, go on long hikes with my family, go to amusement parks for the day, go on long bike rides, be able to wear at least a 10 and also be in a healthy bmi . then I will re access where I want to be and of course tone up from there