What's your biggest struggle with your weightloss?



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I hate that I have to choose between increasing my lifts or decreasing my body fat. It's hard to make time to pack all of my food especially on days that I'm gone for 14 hours (work and then a late night martial arts class). I can make restaurant food fit my calorie and macro goals, but it's more expensive and generally less healthy or less tasty.

    I get a little discouraged when I see other peoples great losses and great lift progressions when I'm not doing either very quickly. I also don't have a body that shows abs as quickly as some other people's, so it can be discouraging with just how hard I work.

    ETA: I also go through the occasional "eff it" moment and just want to eat everything especially after a few drinks. Not a true binge, but definitely much more than planned/necessary
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Patience, will power, and consistency.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Changing my brain and my all or nothing thinking! ! I have always had the mindset of,"oops I slipped up today. May as well go all out and start fresh tomorrow." Then tomorrow would elude me, sneaky douche!! So I have had to train my brain to be ok with indulging but not over indulging!!!! I still have issues with it. I am convinced that my brain has made me fat not my stomach!!
  • VictoriaDarleneGale
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member
    Booze. And burgers and fries.
  • OneImaginaryGirl
    OneImaginaryGirl Posts: 25 Member
    Me too! Anything carb/salty is my downfall!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    Being lazy
  • epona08
    epona08 Posts: 39 Member
    Inconsistency is my biggest issue. One day I'll be excellent, the next day I'll go over my deficit by a little (read under a 100 over), and then the very next day I'm back to under my deficit but WAY over in my macros. Ugh. I really like carbs apparently and need to work on switching them for protein. It's high on my to-do list.

    Next issue is finding the time! The only place to really fit exercising in to my schedule is in the morning and I am NOT a morning person. It's been a struggle but I am slowly getting better about getting up at 4:30-5am to hit the gym, shower, dress, eat breakfast and make sure everything is good to go before I leave for work. When I get home, first it's chores then it's making our own dinner and by then I have an hour or two to digest before it's bedtime.

    Sometimes I really hate working so much, haha.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    Right now I'm in the "impatient" stage. I'm hormonal, and bloated, so I can't weigh or measure and even if I could it's still only the first week. I hate that starting period where you feel like your ticker is shouting that nothing has come of all your hard work. :P I know it takes time, and I don't even mind. I just want to be past this "first two weeks" phase, and then I'll be ready to roll! lol
  • oiypus
    oiypus Posts: 30 Member
    Insulin resistance and reactive hypoglycemia. It's one of the hardest things to live with.

    Because my body overproduces insulin, I am constantly hungry. When your body becomes resistant to insulin, it cannot metabolise carbohydrates properly. This leads to weight gain, and a constant craving for carbohydrates.

    With my blood sugar constantly crashing into the 40s and 50s, I have to eat frequently- usually within every two hours. Sometimes I'm not even hungry so it is very frustrating having to eat so frequently just to keep my blood sugar up.

    That sounds really tough. My sister is a type 1 diabetic and I see the struggle she goes through every day with a (seemingly) bipolar blood sugar. It must be very difficult to keep a consistent, healthy diet throughout. Feels.
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    The biggest struggle to achieving my goals is knowing how long its going to take. I get demotivated quickly and because of that I've failed numerous times to loose weight in the past.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    The very last leg of the weight loss journey can take FOR-EV-ER (at least that's been the case for me.) My goal had been to reach my goal by Thanksgiving but I didn't quite reach it. And then throw the holidays and family visits into the mix things just really have taken sooooo much longer. Almost there but that very last few pounds takes a lot of work.
  • SmilesToGo101
    SmilesToGo101 Posts: 4 Member
    I cannot go to a gym (I can't drive yet because I'm 15, and my mom said she's too busy to go to a gym) and it's below freezing outside... It's always too cold. Just a few weeks ago it got down to -3 degrees in our area! Coldest I've ever seen it where I live... I also get lost when I get home from school. So much stress lately with the midterms and I seem to eat junk food!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I cannot go to a gym (I can't drive yet because I'm 15, and my mom said she's too busy to go to a gym) and it's below freezing outside... It's always too cold. Just a few weeks ago it got down to -3 degrees in our area! Coldest I've ever seen it where I live... I also get lost when I get home from school. So much stress lately with the midterms and I seem to eat junk food!

    You're too young to register for this site. From what I've heard, when the mods see your admission here, they're going to remove your account. So, if/when that happens, you can use a site called sparkteens.com. Just a heads-up!
  • jamienjennings
    jamienjennings Posts: 3 Member
    consistency and comforting eating. they always say to have a reward when you accomplish a goal, but all the reward I want is to eat something bad for me, along with a dr pepper. also, eating with friends/family who aren't eating the best--it's easier to just go with the flow, you know? :/