Most hated exercise?

FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
This question goes out to everyone whether you are already fit or getting there.

What is your most hated exercise and why?

My most hated exercise is squats. I do them properly with no lower back pain but this exercise totally wipes me out and leaves me nauseous.

Before I do squats I turn on the TV to the channel I'm going to watch when I'm done because when I finish a squat routine I don't have enough energy to press the buttons on the remote. Can a workout be so grueling that you can get post traumatic stress from it?


  • skyski_tige
    skyski_tige Posts: 67 Member
    I have to agree on squats or lunges.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    getting my butt outta the bed in the morning really sucks...

    But on a serious note, Plyometrics.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The hamster wheel AKA the treadmill
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    The treadmill!! I get bored after 10 minutes on that thing! I'd much rather go for a walk outside! :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lunges for me. I've become really good at squats so I can't complain about them. But lunges make me teeter and fall over. And my knees end up sore.
  • becomingsara
    Before I do squats I turn on the TV to the channel I'm going to watch when I'm done because when I finish a squat routine I don't have enough energy to press the buttons on the remote. Can a workout be so grueling that you can get post traumatic stress from it?

    Thank you for the fantastic laugh!!!:laugh:
    The one I loathe most are old-fashioned situps...I know that crunches, and particularly standing crunches are much better for you to do...but it doesn't change the level of hatred i have for those dang things.

    I will throw out a hate bomb to squats also :explode:
    my knee can't handle them or I would be doing them and hating them too...
  • lordofultima
    Cardio is the absolute worst, any form. I also can't stand ABS day, worst day of the week.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    I hate planks, but I heard once that the exercise you hate the most is the one you need the most:tongue: In my case this is totally true; my core and arms are weak and that's exactly what the plank works:ohwell:
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    You know those shoulder exercises where you hold a free weight in each hand, arms straight and then lift your arms out in front of you or out to the side? Yea, those. I hate those. I should do them, but I don't. They just hurt!
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Lateral lunges are a pain. If you do 3 sets of 10 reps on each side, it's just a boring exercise that takes forever to do.
  • ursula71
    I hate push-ups!! They are a necessary evil...but I HATE them!!!!:sad:
  • lordofultima
    Dumbbell Front Raise is torture as well, I agree. Planks as well, I can hold them for 2 minutes or so but it's two minutes of pain. I actually enjoy walking lunges with heavy weight, my favorite leg exercise!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Apart from any form of running you can think of, I'd have to say that burpees are among my most hated.

    I'm getting used to them (my trainer knows I hate them, so she strategically fits them into every session), as I have lunges, squats, and mountain climbers/runners.
  • brandonsmommy2006
    Burpees are the worst. I shudder at the mere mention... :explode:
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Jump squats. So good for you, but so awful.
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    A couple of people mentioned the treadmill. I don't have one but I compare it with exercise bike or elliptical machine that I have. I guess any long running repetitive inside cardio has a tendency to be mind-numbingly boring.

    I was able to get past that though. When I first started doing cardio (many years ago) I realized the challenge was purely a mental one. I realized if I could just train my mind to get into a zone, then I could do it for as long as I wanted. Now on most days, I have to time myself because I'll just keep going indefinitely. I just get locked in mentally and achieve a zen-like state.

    I realized later that it is just an endorphin(sp?) addiction I was experiencing. To those who struggle doing cardio the best advice is to just keep doing it every day until you get hooked. It's a great feeling.

    Don't overdo it though!
  • themostbeautifullies
    Stationary bicycle! That thing rapes me!
    And maybe the treadmill because it gets boring pretty fast.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    The treadmill!! I get bored after 10 minutes on that thing! I'd much rather go for a walk outside! :)

    If you like taking walks outside take an average of how many calories you burn on the treadmill walking outside just increasing the distance burns the same amount of calories! :) I took a walking and jogging class for fun for credits for my degree and it was surprisingly full of facts and fun!
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I hate lunges. Not fond of squats, either. I like walking and working on the treadmill. I like doing weights. I don't even mind doing abs.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    Jumping lunges and squat holds. My knees hurt for a few days and I have a job where I have to bend down to stock my department. I'm 29 and shouldn't have to push on my legs or groan when i get up.

    They only exercise equipment I own is my wii, my running shoes, and a restraint band for the EA Active, oh and the balance board.