Restaurant Pet Peeves



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    why does it bother you when two people sit beside each other? Ever considered the fact that it may be a couple who rarely just get to sit together? (Yeah, my husband and I do that on the rare occasion that we get a date night.) Does this create a problem for the server?

    I 100% FULLY AGREE! I mean, our *****MONEY PAYING OUR SERVER*******, then OUR CONTROL, 100% ******FULL CONTROL********* over WHERE we sit at the booth or table we sit.

    Why are you always "yelling" when responding to a comment? I hope that you are aware that caps means yelling in typing lingo; it is annoying and disrespectful so please stop it. You are losing credibility when you do that.

    You are not really a ray of sun shine so why did you chose spring as your logging name when you it should be dreadful weather?

    I'm nearly certain the post is "Restaurant Pet Peeves". I posted MY pet peeves, like them or not, it annoys me. I don't ask anyone not to sit next to each other or give them LESS service as a result, it just bugs me. I didn't ask for your validation.

    Your bad, I was commenting on "springs" posting not yours.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I am fairly easy going and have only not tipped once in my life, and I complained to management on my way out the door. I love the food but haven't been back since the service was so horribly bad. Was never great at said restaurant but the food was great. When I wait over twenty minutes before even being asked if I want to order a drink, then when I say I want to order my meal and the waitress says oh well I will be back in a minute :devil: :noway: :grumble: :angry: :explode:

    And it actually got worse from there.

    I am a fabulous tipper, I have tipped over 100% once! and often have tipped 50%. I start at 20% and it can go up or down depending on the service.

    As for pet peeves:

    Not being asked if I want a refill when my glass is empty or being asked if I want one when it is still half full

    Rolling your eyes when my very well behaved very intelligent and polite daughter starts to give you her order, she knows what she wants and how she likes it, yes she knows how she likes her steak thank you very much and she has been properly ordering for herself since she was four, she waits her turn, looks the server in the eyes and speaks clearly.

    Not checking to make sure every thing is ok within five minutes of me getting my food

    Restaurants who give you humongous soup spoons, I do not like large spoons, I always as for a smaller one ( this would never reflect in my tip just a personal annoyance)

    Being brought my bill before checking to see if I want it, especially if I intended to order something else

    Putting down your, coworker, boss, management, a competing business, or other patrons to me or even with in earshot so unprofessional

    I have never been a waitress but I have worked with the public so I try not to ever be one of those obnoxious self important people. I find I very rarely get bad service and when I do I tip accordingly.
  • Kurindal
    Kurindal Posts: 355
    1) babies. I hate babies. Check that, misbehaved, loud infants/young children. My parents used to, one at a time, walk me around outside as each of them ate their meal if I was being a nuisance. The last 4 times I've gone out, I've had to deal with having a screaming kid within 15 ft of me. You chose to have the kid, not me, so make sure you have plans set up and contingencies so that other people aren't inconvenienced.

    There should seriously be a "family" or "no-children" section in restaurants.

    2) People who smoke right outside the entrance. I get that the no smoking inside thing sucks wherever it's enacted, but usually there's a law that says "not within X feet of entrance" too. I have asthma, and I'm a nonsmoker. Don't making me breathe in your cancer stick so I can get inside.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I have a 9-5 office-y career now, but I went through uni serving and bartending, and I worked harder every night of my bar shifts than I ever have or will sitting on my butt in an office going to meetings and stuff. I guarantee I went through more on any Saturday than even my boss does on any day now.

    With that in mind, I am pretty forgiving of service in restaurants. If I can see that someone is busy I will accept any service failures outside of actual rudeness. And I can't think of a single example of someone actually being rude to me ever. But I try to treat people kindly and generally get similar treatment in return.

    However, I do not like drinks left empty when a server isn't busy. I like cocktails and I don't like waiting.

    My biggest pet peeve, though, is when someone doesn't understand my order but doesn't clarify. Like, if I order my martini burnt and you don't know what that is, don't guess! Ask!
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    I say unless you are a Dr put the damn thing away and turn it off. I don't want to hear your way too loud conversation on the phone. I don't want to hear about your sex life last night with the latest squeeze. I also don't want to hear any of this when walking through Walmart. Cell phones piss me off and watching a group of kids with parents and there is no conversation at their table because everyone is buy texting. Rude Rude Rude.
    Loud cell phone patrons. Unless you're a doctor, put it on vibrate.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've talked to multiple servers who think if you go out to a run of the mill (lower end) restaurant and order two reasonably priced entrees and your total check (for two people) is $22.50 then you should tip AT LEAST $7.50 rounding it up to $30. That's a 30% tip and yes I'd do it in some situations with extra good service but generally no...I'm gonna leave like $4 and maybe some change. I am told that makes me a "terrible tipper". I have also heard servers say that any tip under $10 is a slap in the face. What?

    Wow please stay home and cook if you can't tip properly. :noway:

    LOL at this.

    Pretty sure the servers who are *excellent* at small local places in my area would be like WTF if they read this since my husband and I are fantastic tippers (30%...or more) when the service is awesome along with the atmosphere, food, etc. Sometimes when my girlfriends & I go out, we'll spend very little and sit there for ages and wind up tipping up to 100% because we have respect for the server's time. And we wouldn't even stay that long if the place was remotely busy, either.

    But yeah if I go to a chain with servers who do their jobs with the same tired, ultra fake attitudes and make no effort to provide good service, I'm gonna tip between 15-20% and maybe 14%. Maybe 13%...just to watch your head explode.

    Also, most people I know in my age group (30s) tip like I do...and those who are 60+ including a few very rich people, still think 10% is totally fine as a tip unless otherwise indicated on their check.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    If I tip, 10% is the norm - I'm glad I read this thread, now I know what to do if I go to the states... Hopefully I can avoid mortally offending someone!
  • AJinBirmingham
    My #1 is when you have really good service, but then they become Houdini whenever you're ready for the check. Gaah.gif

    If that happens with me, I stand up and put on my coat . . . and the check arrives, as if by magic!
  • Kurindal
    Kurindal Posts: 355
    1) babies. I hate babies. Check that, misbehaved, loud infants/young children. My parents used to, one at a time, walk me around outside as each of them ate their meal if I was being a nuisance. The last 4 times I've gone out, I've had to deal with having a screaming kid within 15 ft of me. You chose to have the kid, not me, so make sure you have plans set up and contingencies so that other people aren't inconvenienced.

    There should seriously be a "family" or "no-children" section in restaurants.

    2) People who smoke right outside the entrance. I get that the no smoking inside thing sucks wherever it's enacted, but usually there's a law that says "not within X feet of entrance" too. I have asthma, and I'm a nonsmoker. Don't making me breathe in your cancer stick so I can get inside.

    Adding to my previous post:

    Waiters or Waitresses that are completely disinterested

    People who order steak well done at a high-end steak restaurant... you literally just ruined everything about the meat

    Kids who mix random **** in their cup... every drink on the table, throw in ketchup, some ice cream, maybe even mayo and butter

    If I need something corrected, and they bring out literally the same exact plate I sent back. To prevent this from happening, I shake a ****load of salt on my food if I send it back to get made again.
  • kab06753
    My #1 is when you have really good service, but then they become Houdini whenever you're ready for the check. Gaah.gif

    If that happens with me, I stand up and put on my coat . . . and the check arrives, as if by magic!

    That's great advice. Servers don't want you to leave without paying because, most likely, they will have to pay out of their pocket.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    So many people hatin' on kids in restaurants! I completely understand that unruly children annoy the living daylights out of you. My own children annoy the livng daylights out of me when they act like that. But they don't act that way for long at home and if they begin to act up in a restaurant, I excuse myself to the restroom with them and the problem is corrected. We have had so many compliments on how well our 4 children behave in restaurant, even when it's just me taking them to Mc donalds or Burger King. So my problem really isn't with the children who misbehave. My pet peeve is when the PARENTS just sit there with an attitude like, "I'm not gonna let them mess up my dinner so I'll just let them carry on."
  • kab06753
    I could list my pet peeves, but it wouldn't be anything that hasn't been mentioned, so I want to say something positive.

    My family and I (a party of 10) went to a chain restaurant on a Saturday night. My first impression was not a good one. One family member called ahead to make a reservation. Apparently, there was some miscommunication because this family member told everyone that we had a reservation at 7:00pm. We arrived to find they do not take reservations and our call was considered a courtesy to the restaurant letting them know a large party was arriving, and a large party had arrived right before us, so we had to wait. The wait was actually very short, only about 20 minutes, and many smaller parties were waiting to be seated.

    Our server was amazing! He was easily found when we needed him. He was polite, funny, and sincere. (As it turns out, he almost died 2 days earlier, so maybe his "glad to be alive" attitude was a boost to his service.) Our table had two servers, but the female one didn't even crack a smile. It was nice to laugh that much with my family. The food was amazing too. Well worth the price.

    During dinner, my one aunt bumped her soda and it spilled on my other aunt's food. Not the server's fault by any means, but the server took the plate full of soda to the kitchen to replate it, including fresh rice and a new piece of salmon, and did not charge for it. He did not have to do that. It was very generous.

    It is customary (for now) for parties of 8 or more that an 18% gratuity is automatically added to the bill. At least four of us added extra to the tip because this one server was so wonderful (and we knew he would have to split his tip with the female server who helped him). Also, I spoke to the manager to let him know how great the experience was. I explained to him that although the food was good, it could have been horrible and it would still have been a good time because of the service. (Some employees only receive incentives from customer feedback.)
  • Kurindal
    Kurindal Posts: 355
    So many people hatin' on kids in restaurants! I completely understand that unruly children annoy the living daylights out of you. My own children annoy the livng daylights out of me when they act like that. But they don't act that way for long at home and if they begin to act up in a restaurant, I excuse myself to the restroom with them and the problem is corrected. We have had so many compliments on how well our 4 children behave in restaurant, even when it's just me taking them to Mc donalds or Burger King. So my problem really isn't with the children who misbehave. My pet peeve is when the PARENTS just sit there with an attitude like, "I'm not gonna let them mess up my dinner so I'll just let them carry on."

    Similar to what my parents used to do. If I was making a scene, they would take turns walking around outside with me while the other ate. But sadly people like you or my parents seem to be in the minority.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I've talked to multiple servers who think if you go out to a run of the mill (lower end) restaurant and order two reasonably priced entrees and your total check (for two people) is $22.50 then you should tip AT LEAST $7.50 rounding it up to $30. That's a 30% tip and yes I'd do it in some situations with extra good service but generally no...I'm gonna leave like $4 and maybe some change. I am told that makes me a "terrible tipper". I have also heard servers say that any tip under $10 is a slap in the face. What?

    Wow please stay home and cook if you can't tip properly. :noway:

    LOL at this.

    Pretty sure the servers who are *excellent* at small local places in my area would be like WTF if they read this since my husband and I are fantastic tippers (30%...or more) when the service is awesome along with the atmosphere, food, etc. Sometimes when my girlfriends & I go out, we'll spend very little and sit there for ages and wind up tipping up to 100% because we have respect for the server's time. And we wouldn't even stay that long if the place was remotely busy, either.

    But yeah if I go to a chain with servers who do their jobs with the same tired, ultra fake attitudes and make no effort to provide good service, I'm gonna tip between 15-20% and maybe 14%. Maybe 13%...just to watch your head explode.

    Also, most people I know in my age group (30s) tip like I do...and those who are 60+ including a few very rich people, still think 10% is totally fine as a tip unless otherwise indicated on their check.

    Whatever floats your boat cupcake. :flowerforyou:

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If I tip, 10% is the norm - I'm glad I read this thread, now I know what to do if I go to the states... Hopefully I can avoid mortally offending someone!

    From what I understand the norm of tipping is at least 15% (but many people pay 20%). That is the expectation of the minimum income of a server. Everyone gets taxed on their income. So, at the end of the night the server adds up all his/her checks and gets taxed on 12 percent of the amount that was spent by all of the tables she/he waited on because in some places she/he is expected to give some of her tips to the bartender, and the person that buses the table (if it isn't also her job). She will be taxed whether she was tipped or not. I'm sure it varies from place to place. And this was how it was when I was a server 17 years ago. My "salary" was 2.13 an hour. My "checks" were just a joke how low they were after the weeks worth of taxes from customer checks was taken out.. That was not my income or the money I worked for. That was just a technicality because they have to pay you something and they need something to take the taxes out of. 10% may be what a curmudgeon pays because they are older and remember a time in life when everything was less expensive (inflation is a fact of life). But, if you pay 10% people will think you are cheap and rude generally.

    Also for people that get angry when a restaurant adds the minimum 15% tip, just keep in mind that the waitress is just employed there, doing her job. She didn't make the rules of the restaurant. If you get angry and express it in your tip, you are punishing her for something that was not her fault. The restaurant gets none of your tip money. Just explaining that.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    1) I worked with a guy at the police department, he was a dispatcher and kind of annoying and an *kitten* to everyone. But he would be super nice to me and ask me out. I'd find reasons to not go, but finally relented. We go, and he is a complete $%^& to the waiter. Sarcastic, rude, insulting. I felt so bad for the guy. Needless to say that definitely never happened again. Don't be rude to the staff if they are being nothing but polite to you!

    2) I went to Chili's once, and it was busy. I normally give slack to waiters and waitresses when this happens. Not their fault their managers didn't, or couldn't, prepare. But me and my husband order a margarita , an appetizer, and our meal (they had a deal going). OVER AN HOUR later, no joke, we get our appetizer AND food at the same time. But no drink yet. For an hour. When it finally comes, it was sour and disgusting. I should have complained and demanded some kind of retribution. I understand if your busy it takes longer but wow. I'm sure our waiter could have pushed for at least our drinks to come sooner then an hour later.

    3) Parents who let their children run around, or throw tantrums. I can take whiny, fussy babies. No way to really help that. But control your toddlers!
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    1) I worked with a guy at the police department, he was a dispatcher and kind of annoying and an *kitten* to everyone. But he would be super nice to me and ask me out. I'd find reasons to not go, but finally relented. We go, and he is a complete $%^& to the waiter. Sarcastic, rude, insulting. I felt so bad for the guy. Needless to say that definitely never happened again. Don't be rude to the staff if they are being nothing but polite to you!

    2) I went to Chili's once, and it was busy. I normally give slack to waiters and waitresses when this happens. Not their fault their managers didn't, or couldn't, prepare. But me and my husband order a margarita , an appetizer, and our meal (they had a deal going). OVER AN HOUR later, no joke, we get our appetizer AND food at the same time. But no drink yet. For an hour. When it finally comes, it was sour and disgusting. I should have complained and demanded some kind of retribution. I understand if your busy it takes longer but wow. I'm sure our waiter could have pushed for at least our drinks to come sooner then an hour later.

    3) Parents who let their children run around, or throw tantrums. I can take whiny, fussy babies. No way to really help that. But control your toddlers!

    And one more thing, customers who complain about everything, even what is outside of the control of the staff. The sun was setting, and it was hitting their table in what I could see would be annoying. But the place was packed, no other tables. They moaned, and groaned, and complained loudly. A young group of about 8. Their waiter apologized, and said there was nothing he could do, but that it would go away in about five minutes (it did). They yelled at him, and a manager comes over. they complain to him about how busy it is (really??), how they can't move their table, how the light hurts their eyes (it was already gone at this point). And he gives them all their food for free. For being arses.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    [I'm nearly certain the post is "Restaurant Pet Peeves". I posted MY pet peeves, like them or not, it annoys me. I don't ask anyone not to sit next to each other or give them LESS service as a result, it just bugs me. I didn't ask for your validation.

    But WHY does it bug you is the question? To me that's STRANGE. Why does it matter if someone sits by someone else on one side of the booth?
  • CharlieB145
    Plain and simple, nasty *kitten* food.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    [I'm nearly certain the post is "Restaurant Pet Peeves". I posted MY pet peeves, like them or not, it annoys me. I don't ask anyone not to sit next to each other or give them LESS service as a result, it just bugs me. I didn't ask for your validation.

    But WHY does it bug you is the question? To me that's STRANGE. Why does it matter if someone sits by someone else on one side of the booth?

    I sit next to my husband in a booth. I like to be close, and my voice is quiet and soft. If we are close I can speak softly.