Goal: 30 Day Shred

My name is Amanda, and i have this horrible habit of starting a weightloss "program" and never sticking to it long enough to see results... I feel like I am finally ready to do the 30ds and stick with it the whole time. Im ready to see those amazing results so many others have seen... I want to be one of those poeple that posts results that help motivate others to not give up. So in order to do so I actually have to stick to it myself. So here goes. Tomorrow morning 1/27/14 I will begin the 30ds, I will attempt to log on here everyday through the process. Please, if you have completed or are also starting, help! Lol And i will do my best to be motivating and encouraging to others through this process as well.

Best of luck, and wish me luck! Lets get healthy!


  • kristyrae24
    kristyrae24 Posts: 74 Member
    You can totally do this! I'm starting on Level 3 today, 10 more days left for me! My goal is to complete the program again when I finish it since I have only been able to do it 3-4 times per week this round.
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    :) i have a feeling it will take me a few rounds to get where I want to be goal-wise... But i just know if i can make it through this program just once it will give me the confidence i am lacking to help me continue to reach my fitness goals... the longest i've stuck with any fitness related thing has been maybe two weeks, that two week mark is usually when i quit...
  • foxtrax
    foxtrax Posts: 13 Member
    I have been wanting to do the 30 day shred for a while now. I started a couple of times, but never gotten past day three lol. I will totally try starting this again tomorrow and with someone to do it along with me, it would be great motivation! I'll try to login every day to keep my progress up to date too.
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    I have been wanting to do the 30 day shred for a while now. I started a couple of times, but never gotten past day three lol. I will totally try starting this again tomorrow and with someone to do it along with me, it would be great motivation! I'll try to login every day to keep my progress up to date too.

    Yay! Thats me too, i've started her program literally a billion times (okay maybe not literally) but i've never gone farther than a day or two into the second round. I'm excited that someone else will be starting tomorrow too! Maybe checking in each day will make me feel that i have to actually do it :)
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I did Level 3 day 1 two days ago and it kicked by but. So I did Level 1 day 1 again yesterday. I have been hemming and hawing this am about continuing... feel free to add me, maybe you can be my inspiration to complete the 30 days as well. I exercise every day now, pretty much so I can have a couple of cocktails at night, but not always the shred. Without it (exercise) I would have to say goodbye to my vodka and I'm not willing to do that! I would like to continue as I saw great results a year or so ago. We got this!
  • foxtrax
    foxtrax Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, I just moved so I need to dig through my storage bin to find my weights, but I'll start tomorrow even if I have to improvise on weights lol. It will definitely be a motivator to be checking in with someone on the same track! :)
  • LReReed
    LReReed Posts: 26 Member
    I'm on day 3 of level 2. I'm doing it 5 days a week with extra cardio and resting 2 days. I'm waiting to measure myself until the end, but taking pics weekly. I can't see a difference yet, but I definitely feel different! Keep going and don't step on the scale until you are done. Some get discouraged when they see a slight weight gain. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • LReReed
    LReReed Posts: 26 Member
    I am the same!!! I never stick to something when i start it sadly >.< I'm always here for support if you'd like =D

    The way I got through 30day shred was I looked at before and afters and that kept me going. Also when I did it I didn't force myself to do it with a time frame, I did it over 2 months. I even mixed up levels =D Just do it as you'd like to and have fun with it!

    These are my pictures. Note the last ones I was 30lbs away from goal.. so I still need to lose weight but 30day shred tones up!!!

    You don't need to do it every day. Just make sure you get through 30 days. Even if it takes you a few months. Goodluck! You can do this!!!!! And we're all here for you =D

    I'm shaped similar to you in the stomach area, and hope that my results are similar too!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    I am the same!!! I never stick to something when i start it sadly >.< I'm always here for support if you'd like =D

    The way I got through 30day shred was I looked at before and afters and that kept me going. Also when I did it I didn't force myself to do it with a time frame, I did it over 2 months. I even mixed up levels =D Just do it as you'd like to and have fun with it!

    These are my pictures. Note the last ones I was 30lbs away from goal.. so I still need to lose weight but 30day shred tones up!!!

    You don't need to do it every day. Just make sure you get through 30 days. Even if it takes you a few months. Goodluck! You can do this!!!!! And we're all here for you =D

    Those are amaxzing results! was this from the 30ds? I am shaped very similar in the belly area and thats the area i need the most work on, i'd be exstatic with those results! great job :)
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    Its great to see so many others doing the 30DS! I am on Day 4 Level 3 and feel great! I feel myself getting stronger everyday! It really is an awesome workout!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Amiwil
    Amiwil Posts: 57 Member
    I'm totally feeling your pain. I'm in week two day 7 and I definitely have great muscles now. And my belly has gone down already. It seriously kicks your butt and I plan to keep going. I start week 3 tomorrow and I'm terrified! Lol but with support I believe I can conquer it. My daughters father is much slimmer than I and gave up week 1 day 1 lol. Go me! You can do it too!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hello everyone I started 30ds yesterday I'm 15 lbs away from my gw I know you lose inches more then lbs on 30ds that's fine so I also have ops problem of finding it hard o stick to a program I completed insanity in December what I did is kept myself accountable with a group also text with my friends before/after workout pics we live in different states and did insanity together this work to keep us going I also would get lazy so I would pop the DVD in then after watching few minutes I would say do I really wanna sit here and watch it when I can be doing it ? Lol silly but surprisingly it helped I didn't follow the meal plan and had pizza often :( I know bad me but lost 12 lbs I started p90x but it is too long so I started 30ds and my LO let me do it without whining so it will def work and even though I finished a 60 day program you'd think 30 days would be a breeze but it never is lol so long story short count me in

    Sorry for long post I also have a group would love you ladies to join and post daily to motivate each other

    Group link:

  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    I have attempted it twice before and gave up. I was thinking of trying again on the 1st of Feb. But I could start tomorrow. Maybe this time I will complete it!
  • jmz8613
    jmz8613 Posts: 1 Member
    I am not doing a 30 day shred, but I saw your comment on trying to log in and complete your entries daily. I started out by setting an alarm on my phone at each meal time and then again in the evening to remind me to log my food. It took about 2 weeks of being annoyed by my phone to get me to do this, but I rarely miss a day now :) Good luck!
  • lizlyoung
    lizlyoung Posts: 4 Member
    I have just started 30 day shred today. And wow - I feel so out of shape it hurts! But what a good feeling to have the first session under my belt :-)

    Good luck and I look forward to sharing 'after' photos!!

  • bexgeeves
    bexgeeves Posts: 2 Member
    i started the 30ds yesterday and it is exhausting! that with going to the gym 3 times a week i am hoping to see ab definition in 30 days! however, i also have bad habits when it comes to completing a series, im hoping that my increased strength from the 30ds will be motivation enough to continue! good luck with it and i hope it works for you!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    I have attempted it twice before and gave up. I was thinking of trying again on the 1st of Feb. But I could start tomorrow. Maybe this time I will complete it!

    i'll be here for support if you do!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    I am not doing a 30 day shred, but I saw your comment on trying to log in and complete your entries daily. I started out by setting an alarm on my phone at each meal time and then again in the evening to remind me to log my food. It took about 2 weeks of being annoyed by my phone to get me to do this, but I rarely miss a day now :) Good luck!

    thanks! i will have to give that a try! cause i know i would get really annoyed with it :) lol
  • Ranimalove
    Hey! I'm on day 8 of level one of 30DS and super excited to complete this program! My 28th day is the day I leave for a cruise so I'm hoping to see some awesome results by then!

    I'll be here to keep you motivated and vice versa :) just Google before and after pics for 30DS - it really is encouraging! Some amazing transformations for sure.
  • raginc10
    How do you log the 30 day shred for exercise on MFP?