How do you say NO to the bad foods!

Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???


  • kballard66
    I eat bad foods, I just log them into my daily food log and work out extra that day. I can't deprive myself or I self destruct. Remember, anything is okay in moderation. Hope this helps.
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    I say to myself: Is this worth it? Will I enjoy this once I log in the calories and realize I have to run another 30 minutes? : )

    If it is something sweet then I usually eat fruit to satisfy the sweet urge. Another option before I grab that "bad" food is to drink a tall glass of water, that will usually fill me up and I have no room to eat the garbage.

    Good Luck, you can resist and you will feel better for it.
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    You can do this by retraining your taste buds. Also a book called the will power instinct available in apple store or amazon. I suggest getting your husband and son on board with this so your child does not have to deal with extra weight later in life.

    I went from a junk food only diet to a super healthy all natural diet and absolutely love it! Now I can taste the chemicals in processed foods!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I don't deny myself, until I get to the point where I can't stop. Then I stop getting them at all, until I re-learn to work them back into my diet.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???
    I start by not labeling foods as "good" or "bad".
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    take the thought that there are "bad" foods out of your mind. there are no bad foods. if you label foods as bad and keep yourself from eating them, you will eventually give in and binge. eat what you want and keep within your calorie goals.
  • ambyrcat
    Mostly I keep them out of the house. I tend to mindlessly devour food like that, and if it's not there, then I can't. That said, I've also been trying to eat what I want so I don't feel deprived. Just log everything, eat lighter in other areas and get some more exercise in. Oh, and drink more water, because the 'junk' food always seems to have lots of sodium in it :smile:
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    There are no 'bad' foods. 'Bad' foods become the forbidden, and just like a small child there is something inside of us that wants what is forbidden. I really try not to label foods as 'bad' or 'good'.

    If it is a calorie dense, low nutrition food and you have the calories for it in your plan and you really want it, then eat it. Try a small portion.

    If you overindulge and go over your calorie goal, then plan some extra exercise for the rest of the week to offset the extra calories.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I still enjoy those things from time to time but I log them and make sure I stay in calorie count. Also like mentioned it above, it does help to keep those things out of the house. I had to stop buying macaroni and cheese because that's one food I have zero self-control with. It's it's really a triggery food, try to keep it out of the house.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    If you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't hungry enough to eat. Get a big bag of apples and eat one every time you want a little debbie?
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    I'd say I agree with the above. Everything in moderation, and after a while of healthy eating, there's a good chance you're not going to even crave them anymore. That happened to me a few years ago when I was a bit more fit than I am now. Another thing you can do is just try not to buy them. If that's unavoidable, perhaps put them away somewhere where you can't see them. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Or, as I discovered last night, make the snacks hard to get open XD. My husband bought a bag of chips and salty snacks are my weakness. I went to get them and have a few but he re-wrapped them really tight with a thick rubber band, and in a bunch of weird twists. After about 10-15 seconds of wrestling with the darn thing, my craving was over and I decided that it wasn't worth it to eat them and gave up.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    What is a bad food? As long as you eat in moderation, there is room for all food in your eating. Count out a serving and eat that. Enjoy each bite. Log it. Make sure all other foods for the day fit into your daily goal. If you deny yourself food you could end up binging, or giving up because it's not sustainable to just not eat things you like for the long term.
  • nwingr
    nwingr Posts: 43 Member
    Log them before eating them. Then ask yourself is it worth it? If yes, then measure out the quantity you logged, then ask yourself is it worth it again?
  • noelr56
    noelr56 Posts: 107 Member
    Whenever I want to eat something that is unhealthy, especially if I don't have any calories, I'll do a few squats, lunges or pushups.. Then reassess how I feel, am I actually hungry, or do I just want it because it's there?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I don't! I just fit them into my day once in a while. Everything in moderation.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???
    Unless you are truly willing to never have these foods again don't label them bad. Label them food to be consumed in moderation.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    You can do this by retraining your taste buds. Also a book called the will power instinct available in apple store or amazon. I suggest getting your husband and son on board with this so your child does not have to deal with extra weight later in life.

    I went from a junk food only diet to a super healthy all natural diet and absolutely love it! Now I can taste the chemicals in processed foods!

    there are chemicals in natural foods too.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Go and watch fat people videos, like the biggest loser or something, online and think about eating that food. Then after few min go watch sports motivation videos online instead. Do that and I bet you won't want to ate it anymore.

    Or just closing eyes for a min and think about how bad you will feel if you ate that stuff. Then switch and think how good you will feel about yourself and how fit you will be if you don't ate it.

    Videos or just imagination, whatever works for you. But the key is to focus on how bad doing it will make you feel for few minutes and then switch and focus on how good not doing it will make you feel. Puts your mind in right direction. You wanna ate your cake only because you focus on how tasty it is and not on how unhealthy it is. Switch your focus and want will go away on its own. And make sure you really feel it not just intellectually (yea, eating it will make me fat) but with your heart (omg, I wanna cry even thinking about how week I am and how much I wanna change).

    This is what I used to do for me. After a while it becomes easy not to ate foods you don't want. Just first few months are the hardest. Kinda like recovering from drugs. ^^
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Bad food smells rotten and usually is not that appetizing to eat in the first place.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Have yet to have a food bite at my ankles but if it did I am sure it would be followed by swat on the behind and "No, bad food, now go lie down!" :drinker: