

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    It is fantastic that you have made the decision to lose. Please make sure you take it slowly; don't rush things. You may want to slow the rate of loss down to around 2-3 pounds a week, then gradually reduce it to 1 pound a week, then 1/2 pound a week, as you get closer to goal weight. While rapid weight loss can kick start things, that rate of loss isn't necessarily healthy over time.

    Take it slowly. Keep telling yourself that you're in it for life, and that there is no prize for finishing first. The most important thing is your health.
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Hey Valerie, I'm also 20 and my starting weight was 249 at 5'4 (BMI of 43). I'm now at 163 with a BMI of 28.
    I started out with a *very* similar mindset and can relate a whole lot to what you're feeling. I probably could've written most of that myself back then. But I promise if you take it a day at a time and keep yourself committed, one day you'll look back in disbelief at where you were and how far you've come. You can do it!
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for sharing.
  • highlandlass49
    highlandlass49 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi reading your post has made me aware that I too was guilty of looking at others and thinking well I am not as bad as they are. I am not as fat as them. It sounds shocking when you read it and worse when you realize that you are guilty of it too.
    I guess everyone compares themselves with others whatever the problem is they have. People who smoke pot but don't do harder drugs would think that they were not as bad as others who do.
    Congratulations on your weight loss and keep up the good work. I have come back to myfitnesspal as I have realized that for too long I have been this way and I am so tired of being this way. I have grandchildren and I want to be round to see the greatgrandchildren. It is good you are doing something now, not leaving as I have done till later in life.
    God bless you highlandlass49
  • jdrapersr
    jdrapersr Posts: 10 Member
    Admitting where your at is the first and most important step in becoming healthy...I'm 5'8" and was 238 in 2001 and was on a family vacation in Cayman Islands we had a family picture at sting ray city and it was that picture that I finally admitted I was obese...So I joined weight watchers and got started it's been 13 yrs and I'm at 185 lbs my goal is 178 and last yr I was there but since the Holidays I've been working on getting back there by the end of March. You need to learn you're not on a diet but a life change and my fitness is one of the best programs when you follow it....You have a beautiful body that can't wait to show off you just need to have it appear..Michelangelo took a block of marble and created David he said that David was inside it just waiting to get out just like your body you have the tools to create your existing body into a healthy and beautiful one..Good luck
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    You really hit home when I read this. I too have felt in your shoes, looking in the mirror and telling myself I was not really obese-okay maybe a little "fluffy." Then when i would see different photos of myself reality would kick in. I too, am within a close weight range I am 5'5" and weigh 238 lbs. I started MFP 3 months ago weighing 265.I'm kind of at a stand-still right now with exercising due to a recent knee-cap injury. But I am continuing to lift weights and log in daily. Although there is a vast difference in our ages (I turned fifty this year) I would be more than happy to be your friend.
  • amandahowze1
    amandahowze1 Posts: 38 Member
    I think that it's great that you were able to recognize that there were some things that you needed to change. It's easy too look at others and point out their faults. But very difficult too look at our own. Congrats on your weight loss. And much success in the future.
  • Girl, go on On Demand and watch last night's Biggest Loser - It's the only time I've seen the show and it was the makeover show. These people had lost anywhere from 75-150 pounds and you could not even recognize them.
    but please keep in mind, if you do watch this show, that it is not reality. It's a television show that gets ratings by being dramatic. I'm not saying that to discourage anyone, yes, absolutely is is possible to lose that much weight, but the WAY they do it on that show is not only unhealthy, it's misleading because you are only seeing the parts they want to show, not to mention that those people are taken out of their homes and their day to day life to focus on nothing but weight loss.

    Having said that...good on you for seeing what you needed to see, and deciding to address it instead of continuing to deny it. You can do this.

    one of the guys from season 9 lives in my town and works at my physical therapist and my gym... since coming home he has gained back some of the weight... hes not fat but hes not skinny.... he is a personal trainer but he doesn't scream fit....