Please friend me if you have a public diary!



  • TLC7613
    TLC7613 Posts: 86 Member
    Just made mine public. Feel free to add me.
  • Open diary
  • feel free to add me
  • missing75
    missing75 Posts: 26 Member
    Mine is open, feel free to add me!
  • royvmax
    royvmax Posts: 13 Member

    My diary is public, I think it is a good idea to seek encouragement from other members. Good luck with reaching your goals. I have found that I need a combination of right diet AND exercise to lose weight - do you do much exercise?

    kind regards,

  • geedoesit
    geedoesit Posts: 4 Member
    Add me I post daily
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I don't open my diary to anyone, as I don't need anyone to hold me accountable for what I eat, I do a pretty good job of that myself ;-)
    Thanks anyways.

    I can certainly see why you posted in this thread then. LoL
  • christinaahs2002
    christinaahs2002 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me as a was my first day and
    Im beyond motivated and ready to lose some fat..
  • theedeevaa
    theedeevaa Posts: 3 Member
    Mine's open to friends also, feel free to add me! Or I could finally figure out to add people too:wink: Learn how to add a smiley, check.
  • fujiko
    fujiko Posts: 58 Member
    just added you, I like to look at people's diaries and mine's always open!
  • KrysBlaze
    KrysBlaze Posts: 196 Member
    Mine is open as well. I also post recipes that either I create, hack or find along the way. Friends welcomed! :smile:
  • Mine is open. I personally would want to see other people's to see good ideas for low calorie meals
  • I'm just starting out so I think it would be great to see what others are eating and maybe even try it out!
  • Mines open. Friends are welcome. I really don't see why diaries are so private?
  • Tanteee
    Tanteee Posts: 80 Member
    Feel free to add me, my diary is always open.
  • inspiredkat
    inspiredkat Posts: 26 Member
    My food Diary is open to my friends. I feel that with my food diary open to my friends that I am being honest and not lying, not only to myself but to my friends here on mfp. Feel free to add me.
  • ttomvu
    ttomvu Posts: 1 Member
    Just added you as friend for open food diary.
  • metulchik
    metulchik Posts: 59 Member
    my diary is open. I could use more friends who share theirs as well, so anyone feel free to add me :)
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    Mine is open. I'll send you a request :) feedback is important and it keeps me honest.
  • Mine is open since today. And I really need a kick in the *kitten* sometimes, so please feel free to add me!