Big Boob Blues



  • kayglaze
    kayglaze Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I have been reading all the post and response to my original post. Some are so positive and reassuring and some......well not so much lol however I must give an update. I have lost almost 30lbs since the before pic below and although I wish my breast were smaller, the proportions are much better than they used to be. Working out has helped me a little with the back pain but shopping is still a pain in the *kitten*. That being said, I am still looking into getting a reduction however now that I am seeing a major difference in my body, I am not as depressed about the situation. Shopping is what hurts my feelings the most but I am learning little tricks to get around wearing what I want like open back shirts and dresses. I can't do bare back outfits but I have learned how to wear partial bare back. That in itself is an NSV for me!

  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    You look AMAZING! I started out more or less around that weight and with a similar shape so I'm really inspired to keep losing!

    I too have this problem and hope they go away. People never seem to understand that when I tell them, so I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Mine have gotten smaller and honestly, I understand why some people get breast augmentations. Having been a "big girl" my entire life, I never knew anything else. I'm accepting my body for what it is though. I am beautiful the way I I just want to be healthy. :)
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I got a reduction 10 years a go, and I LOVE my perky C cups. Yes they are still perky 10 yrs later at the age of 45. I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't like being overly "gifted"
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I got a reduction 10 years a go, and I LOVE my perky C cups. Yes they are still perky 10 yrs later at the age of 45. I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't like being overly "gifted"
  • Urgh men can you please stop with the creepy frigging comments? Having large breasts is a really frustrating problem - it can ruin your self-esteem, cause people you've never met to form harsh judgments about you or sexualize you, and prevent you from doing the things you want to do or wear the clothes that you want to wear. It can be a serious, complicated issue that can affect people incredibly negatively for their whole lives.
    I know all you're trying to do is reassure the women who are suffering with this that many men find large breasts attractive, but you are lacking in understanding, and being downright degrading. Who gives a monkeys what you find attractive? My body is not here to please any one but me. If it's causing me misery, you offering the idea you'd be excited to screw me (despite that never being offered) is really, really insulting.
    These forums are for people who wish to confront their body issues and shape themselves into who they want to be. What gives you the right to offer the suggestion that you get enjoyment from a person's body if it's causing the person whose body it is distress? And what kind of reaction are you expecting?
    Please go away.

    This! It goes for other women too! I'm always feeling judged by both genders. Either I'm a slut or a prude because of how I dress. Clothes are not made for large chested ladies (there are NO swim suits AT ALL that fit my boobies while still fitting the rest of me!) I have both men and women ask to feel my boobs. Drunk women are terrible about invading my personal space if I go out to the bars with friends.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm just starting now to accept my body as it is, but am careful about what I wear in the summer so as not to attract unwanted attention, which is really frustrating. ~sigh~ While I haven't had anyone wanting to touch the girls (!!!), I did once throw a drink in the face of a jerk who said something very lewd to me in reference to my chest.

    Anyway, OP, you look fantastic!
  • _jessicamarie_
    _jessicamarie_ Posts: 35 Member
    You look gorgeous. My boobs were the first to go when I lost weight and kind of miss them. They're still very present (maybe 38D? I haven't been professionally fitted in years) but I kind of miss the DDD I was wearing before.

    Anyway. You look gorgeous :)
  • HannahBaban
    HannahBaban Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a size 14 and I've had big boobs all my life (36G right now)
    Any chance you guys think they'd get any smaller losing weight?
    All they've done is gotten bigger and I really don't want them any bigger than they are now!


    Love from a confused weight loser >_<
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    I can so relate. Thank goodness for minimizers!!!