What is a good, healthy weight for a woman who is 5'2"?



  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I'm about 5'3"-5'4" and weigh a pretty solid 140 as of last night. My lowest weight around Thanksgiving last year was about 130 and I felt pretty good about that; I went window shopping and determined that I was a size 8. I didn't want to miss out on the holiday foods and I wanted to increase some muscle mass, so I did a pretty moderate bulk (about 2200-2400 calories daily). I'm not sure exactly how much of what I put on was muscle, but I'm still very comfortably a size 8. When I started losing weight, I was about 165 and a size 14, to give you some perspective. Now that I've gained some muscle mass and the holidays are over, I'm going back into a mild deficit (about 1800 calories daily). Bear in mind I strength train five days a week (http://theoutlawway.com/), and I get about 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass, on average to help retain muscle mass (when in a deficit) or increase muscle mass (when in surplus). I'm hoping to get back down to 130 in the next couple months. Honestly, the scale isn't much of an indicator of success or failure to me anymore so much as it is an outdated metric.

    To answer some of your other questions, Kruggeri posted the thread about wanting a nice stomach. That's an excellent thread with great advice. I would highly recommend reading it. One of my favorite parts was her pointing out that you can't spot reduce.
    FINALLY: Losing fat is like trying to dry out a sponge. You can't dry a corner while the rest of it is still wet. You won't magically lose belly fat or thigh fat or any other fat. It will come off where it wants to. Keep working at it! It is possible!

    Firstsip also mentioned the "Eat, Train, Progress" group. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10118-eat-train-progress It's moderated by Sarauk2sf and SideSteel, both of whom seem to know what they're talking about.
  • ana877
    ana877 Posts: 2 Member
    i am so happy for you ... and you said that you are not happy whet you weight ... i think is not the weight is your breast .... i hope and feel good ..
    and how did you do it >?
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    Hey I'm 5'2.5" (I round up to 5'3" lol)
    Anyway I'm currently 109lbs and feel healthy and happy :)
  • I am 5´3 and 103 lbs. However I am skinny-fat so I am gonna start lifting a bit. You are in the healthy range!
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    It really depends on your build. I'm 5'3 but if I drop below 140 I look completely skeletal
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    I still stick to the standard I was taught.

    5'0= 100... add 5 lbs for each inch

    5'2= 110 - For the range you add and subtract 10 percent...


  • I'm 5'2" and around 130 is my ideal weight…when i got closer to 120 i looked sickly skinny on my top half. i think it varies for everyone and really depends on where you carry your weight.

    This is the same for me as well. I'm aiming for about 130lbs.
  • metalloz
    metalloz Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 117 pounds. I feel a bit pudgy, so I'm doing some weights.
  • I'm 5'2" and the best weight for me is 120. However, body fat percentage has a lot to do with it....if you already weight 120, and you are still not happy, then most likely you need to add toning and strengthening into your routine. I do crossfit and it does wonders for getting rid of fat and adding toned muscle. (not bulkiness)
  • swbabe33
    swbabe33 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulate yourself on that accomplishment. Do you feel good in the clothes you buy, is exercise or physical activity less of a strain, do you have more stamina? Are you trying to lose a number of pounds or do you want to feel a particular way and your loss hasn't done that for you? I am impressed and right now I need to hear the numbers. I agree that toning might do the trick but it is up to you. I would love to weigh 50 lbs less, so I'm applauding you.
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    There are three weight range which are 108-121 (Small Frame), 118-132 (Medium Frame), 128-143 (Large Frame). I would say you might lose some more weight, but don't over stress yourself to look too skinny.
  • faykis
    faykis Posts: 10
    i think 99-110 lbs is a good range for us, the 5'2'' people! I am eyeing at 99 lbs in 6 months.

    last Saturday i weighted myself and i was 129.5 lbs!! I have all the fat stores in my upper n lower tummy, and face/ jawline as well. I look horrible in all my dresses and jeans don't fit me anymore! So I started eating healthy, 1200 calls a day from that day and hoping for the best. My target is 99-100 in 6 months! since i started counting calories i wonder how much i used to eat before!! almost 3000 cal day or even more in some days for years! I never realised how unhealthy my eating habit was until i joined MFP last Saturday. By coming down to 1200 Cals a day I am hoping to loose at least one or two lbs in 2 weeks!!!!

    I can't manage time for exercise now, but I will be jogging 1 hr a day from 11th Feb....
  • TrulyBlessedToo
    TrulyBlessedToo Posts: 11 Member
    First I am waaaay overweight at this point in my life and very much out of shape. I am 5'4. In my teens I weighed 120-125. I wore a size 12. After 3 babies in just under 4 years, and living a healthy lifestyle, the BEST I ever felt was at a weight of 140. I walked 5 miles every morning, played racquet ball 3 times a week and lifted twice a week. I also ate lots of bright veggies...oh and I wore a size 9 jeans for the first time in my life. 120 = size 12 // 140 = size 9. It took me a long time to get my head around that.
    Weight is a measurable quantity but it does not tell the whole story.

    With 7 children I expect your day is very busy but do make time for yourself. Being physically active with your children can do wonders for all of you. Be proud of your accomplishments I think you are doing great things!!!
  • vh1mtv
    vh1mtv Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, where you feel good is important, but I would think 119 is just fine. Just be careful not to get obsessed with it. I did that years ago and had a problem with food for a while. A lot depends on how we're built, too. I'm 5' 4" and feel good at 140 or so. I'm about a size 8 when I get to that weight. I can weigh down to about 125 and look fine but anything under that I look too skinny. Congrats on your awesome weight loss! The advice about lifting weights, getting toned, is great!
  • vh1mtv
    vh1mtv Posts: 5 Member
    That's a guideline, but I think it favors smaller body sizes. I'm at least medium boned, so at 5' 4", 120 is too skinny for me. Adding 10% makes 132, which is okay but still on the thin side with my bone size. So people should keep that in mind and not beat themselves up for not fitting into those guidelines.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Maybe it's time to tone

    119 sound perfect.

    I always shave 10lbs off of the top & bottom of the BMI scale. I figure 10lbs from the top leaves me a little wiggle room if I get stressed or injured and can't be as active as I'd like. and 10ls from the bottom means that I'll have resources to sustain myself if I get sick.

    As long as I'm maintaining somewhere in that range I'm good. I want to focus on living an awesome life more than focusing too much energy of my energy on food, (be it over eating or dieting)...

    I really would rather go out and have fun.
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    Well done hun. Look at yr bmi and also take yr body frame into account. All the best
  • halfjapgirl79
    halfjapgirl79 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree this has to depend on your body type. Im 5'2 for me.. Under 135 looks unhealthy. Coming from 200 pounds back down to a closer range of healthy has been huge. I won't lie its a work in progress still. But I will get there
  • I'm 5'2"ish and I'll be happy to get down to 125, though I'll probably be thinking I could lose more once I get there.

    Honestly, there is a healthy range for a reason. Your frame size matters, but also your muscle mass matters as well. Muscle weighs more than fat, but muscle is more compact than fat.

    Imagine two girls, same height, that both weigh 120 lbs. One has average muscle and looks average. The other has a more muscle mass, looks toned, and looks much skinnier. The scale says 120 lbs for both, even though one is markedly skinnier than the other.

    Now imagine two girls of the same height who look equally skinny, but one is 110 lbs with average muscle, and the other is 120 lbs and toned. Is one weight better than the other? Depends on which look you choose for yourself.

    NOTE: if you do decide to gain more than average muscle mass, BMI will not be a good estimate for your "ideal" weight because it is based off of average muscle mass.

    If you don't like your stomach because there is fat, do any type of cardio, and it'll trim down fat all over, but you cannot choose where. This might not be your goal since you're worried about your chest shrinking. If you don't like your stomach because it isn't flat or doesn't show your abs, do strength exercises, and brace your core every time you do anything physically difficult.

    As you're going, try to celebrate your triumphs, even the small ones. Surround yourself with others who appreciate and admire what you've done. You will be much happier then. :)
  • My girlfriend is also 5' 2". She runs and, light weight training. She say she feels her best at 115-118 range. Any heavier and says she feels it on her knees when she runs.