February Challenge



  • I'm definitely in I've been looking for a good challenge to start off the month of February!
    My current weight is 155
    My goal weight is 127
  • JennyJ2015
    JennyJ2015 Posts: 154 Member
    I'M in!!! definatley something that i can use to challenge myself :)
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    I'm definitely in!! I'll post my starting weight on the 1st! :)
  • spiffytools1610
    spiffytools1610 Posts: 25 Member
    Ist there space for one more?
  • Mizeri
    Mizeri Posts: 9
    Can I join please?
  • I'm game. I'll check in on the 1st :happy:
  • Im in! :happy:
  • positive2015
    positive2015 Posts: 64 Member
    Can I join ? Will check back with weight on 2/1.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Oooh!!! I want in on this too!!! Will check back on 2/1.
  • I'm in!! I'll check back 2/1.
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    If there's room for one more, count me in!

    SW: 225
    CW: 210
    GW: 200
    UGW: 130
    Goals this month: Stay consistent with my diet and workout for at least 150 minutes per week. (I know that doesn't seem like much, but I work 11 hour days so any exercise will be an accomplishment to start).

    Weigh in Dates:
    2/01: Starting weight
    2/28: Final weight
    Total weight lost:

    Adding so I can record both in one place:

    Exercise Minutes:

    Good luck everyone!!! See you on the 1st! :)

  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    I already sent out invitations remember to come back on February 1, 2014 to log in your starting weight. I created a private group.
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    Hello I would like to be in for February's Challenge :)
  • jt_alucard
    jt_alucard Posts: 956 Member
    bump I'm in...
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Count me in if there is room!!! I can't wait! I have never done a challenge on here before!
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Count me in. I am also doing the 200 mile Feb/March fitness goal, so this should help towards the weight loss goal as well. If anyone is interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1189233-200-mile-challenge-feb-march?hl=200+miles&page=1#posts-18569487

    I'll be back on the 1st!
  • Kelly1363
    Kelly1363 Posts: 25 Member
    Would Love to join, just completed the Biggest Loser Challenge MFP Edition and it sure keeps me motivated and accountable!!
  • marishka04
    marishka04 Posts: 28 Member
    hay there... i would love to join. here are my stats

    start: 209
    current: 209
    Goal: 120

    my goal for February is to workout 5x a week (finish ripped in 30 Jillian), eat my 3-7 meals 5x a week, and apply M/Th:wink:
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    I'm in!
  • Aniab4
    Aniab4 Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 140
    CW: 140
    GW: 132
    Goals this month: stay within my calories and aim for 1,000 calorie deficit per day, make 10k steps a day for at least 15 days out of the month, stay positive ....

    Weigh in Dates:
    2/01 --- 140
    2/28 Final weight
    Total weight lost: