Flat Tummy Tips..Do you have any?



  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    Does anyone think genetics could play a roll in flat stomachs? All the women in my family have large stomachs. Am I destined to never have a nice stomach?
  • Jocampgrl
    Jocampgrl Posts: 59 Member
    Also, being aware of your tummy throughout the day and holding them in will help to tighten your abdominus recti (?) which will flatten your stomach. Genetics plays a big role but you can work to tighten and shrink. Calorie deficit is Important but so is lifting and other exercises that incorporate abdominal muscles.
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    My son told me that Abs are made in the gym and exposed in the kitchen! Just a thought, everybody might be right!!!
  • ksparrows
    Thanks for all the responses. Thanks for the links too. Glad to see I am on the right track, I just need to keep ticking away at it.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Does anyone think genetics could play a roll in flat stomachs? All the women in my family have large stomachs. Am I destined to never have a nice stomach?

    Most of my family/relatives are either obese or have died obese, from things like T2 diabetes. So my family is large all over :tongue:

    eta: every woman in my family, going back several generations is/has been overweight/obese. Every.single.one. My sisters and I are the first ones who have lost the excess weight and kept it off for any period of time. Most of my male relatives are/were overweight/obese, with my dad being the thinnest, at about 10lbs overweight right now. When he was younger he used to be really into weight lifting, so I think that helped offset the middle age weight gain that hits our family. For him to only be a few pounds overweight in his 60s is quite remarkable, considering our family tree! He's also the only one who exercises, besides my sisters and I, by riding his bike several times a week. He has none of the health problems that have plagued his siblings and he's still going strong :)
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I run 20-25 miles a week, lift weights 2-3 times a week, log everything I eat down to the last morsel, and keep hydrated at all times.

    ETA: Even when I was 70 lbs heavier I never had a big stomach so that's why I was able to get a flat stomach now. It never stretched out or had rolls, plus I have never had kids so the skin is still elastic.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Even as a 2 sport athlete I didnt have a flat belly, but I also was young and not watching what I was eating. I don't think you can just work out and get abs/flat stomach. It has to come from a pretty strict diet. When I was on WW for 6 months after having my first child, I had the flattest stomach I had ever had just because I was logging and not eating processed foods.

    I do believe some is genetics. It has to be. My friend is one of the healthiest people I know and her weight is 75% in her stomach.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Like others have said - can't spot reduce etc

    I have the opposite problem - the weight on my stomach was the last thing to appear and I have a substantial *kitten* to waist ratio. It's far from washboard, but it's almost always been comparatively flat compares to the rest of me and I have had a child.

    I'd like to lose it off the backside, but as others have mentioned, it's just a case of cal deficit. I also think genetics must play a part too, I've lost 25% of my body weight but only lost 7 ins off my hips, I'll have to accept that skinny jeans will always make me look like a pair of chicken drumsticks.