Frustrated! Rant!

Today was such a horrible eating day for me...I am supposed to be on a 1250 daily calorie diet, and had over 2000 today! Do you ever get fed up of not eating the things you want to eat and used to eat? I have been attempting to eating healthier for four weeks now, working out with a trainer two days a week and then at least an 45-60 hours cardio at least three days a week when I am not with the trainer. I have lost 8 lbs in these 4 weeks. Granted a loss is a loss, but if I could just control my sugar cravings it would be so much more!!! Days like this when I do bad make me want to give up!


  • 1BrunoBaby
    I know how you feel, but don't beat yourself up and def don't give up! Strive to do better tomorrow. You'll get through. Congrats on the 8lb loss!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    1) 8 lbs in four weeks is a good rate of loss. Congratulations!

    2) If you are working out an hour a day, you can probably eat more than 1250 and still see a consistent loss.

    3) If you are craving sugar, consider going on a low carb diet for a week or two. This will break you of your habit of eating sugar, so that the cravings are more manageable.
  • karleigh55
    I totally get it. I have been buggering about with my calorie counts for ages. I lose a few pounds and then I give in to my sweet tooth and feel like I've blown it and feel disgusted with myself. I have been losing and gaining around seven pounds for months now and I get so discouraged. I have around 25 pounds to lose although 30 would be ideal so I could have a few pounds to play with. I know it's my fault. Abstaining from sugar for a while is what I need to do. I read about others on here doing so well and I am inspired but I can't seem to be consistent.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Nope!! I eat way more than that!! Look up your TDEE and BMR, you can eat more to lose weight.
  • karleigh55
    Oh yeah and don't give up :smile: I'm not going to! We can do it - starting all over again tonight. JUST SAY NO TO SUGAR:smile:
    A snickers chocolate bar has 250 calories, it takes me one hour on the tredmill to burn 250 cals. An "In and out burger" combo that I used to have is 1750 cals, you guessed it, 7 hours on the tredmill when I look at it that way I really don't want it anymore.... hope this helps
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    This is exactly why I refuse to live on a 1200 calorie limit. I like food too much.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    It's very likely that 1250 calories isn't enough for you. I couldn't stick to mine until I started eating at least at my BMR.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You can fit things you want to eat into a 1250 calorie diet. You don't have to deprive yourself, and you don't have to eat 2000 calories.
    You don't have to eat "clean" to lose weight.
  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    You can fit things you want to eat into a 1250 calorie diet. You don't have to deprive yourself, and you don't have to eat 2000 calories.
    You don't have to eat "clean" to lose weight.

    Totally agree!! Eat what you want within your 1250 calorie allowance and you WILL lose!! But don't beat yourself up over an extra 750--you probably burned it off through exercise and it would take an extra 3500 to gain a pound. You can do this!!
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    If you eat healthy foods 80% of the time, give yourself a break.. You are doing fine, do not punish yourself. If you wind a string too tight it will eventually snap.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    maybe you should try and eat the foods that you want and build them into your daily caloric deficit?

    It sounds like your problem is that you are restricting certain foods; then craving said foods; and then having a binge day where you eat all the foods that you are restricting.

    1250 calories a day is also that what you net with exercise or is that 1250 less calories burned for exercise…?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh yeah and don't give up :smile: I'm not going to! We can do it - starting all over again tonight. JUST SAY NO TO SUGAR:smile:

    sugar is not what is leading to your weight gain ..over eating on calories is…eat less, continue eating sugar, and you will lose weight...
  • AllanBell
    Happens to the best of us. Cheat day(s) happen, even when you least expect them. The important thing is to not beat yourself up about it. Stay positive and know you have tomorrow to keep burning. You'll get there!
  • elizabeth_1976
    elizabeth_1976 Posts: 5 Member
    cheer up you are doing good so u had a slip, don't be to hard on your self tomorrow will be a better day focuses on the positive not the negitive and give your self a hug:flowerforyou:
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    A snickers chocolate bar has 250 calories, it takes me one hour on the tredmill to burn 250 cals. An "In and out burger" combo that I used to have is 1750 cals, you guessed it, 7 hours on the tredmill when I look at it that way I really don't want it anymore.... hope this helps

    This!! Don't give up. I lost 13 lbs fast now its slowing down but as I log on & see pics if others & hear testimonies it gives me hope.
  • meyou4042
    Thank you to everyone who has responded. I will try to answer comments!

    My trainer at the gym put me on the 1250 calorie diet, although my best friend thinks its way too low. Unfortunately I did NOT exercise today because I have a sore throat and am afraid I am coming down with something. I try to do my cardio at least 5 days a week. On days that I work out with my trainer I do 30 min cardio instead of 60. I usually use the elliptical.

    I am trying to keep my sugar intake down since it really is my downfall. I hate veggies, so I only eat the few that I can tolerate. I am trying to eat lean protein like fish and chicken, but today I have a turkey sandwich on wheat bread and that damn thing tasted so good I wanted to cry! I haven't had that in weeks!! I try to stick to chicken breasts, fish, or my frozen lean cuisine meals.

    What is BMR and the other acronym you mentioned?
  • DaveWagoner
    I had the same problem, I have been drinking Shakology now for two months and most of the craving for sugar is gone. If I do get one, I eat a protein bar that is only 2 grams of sugar and it satisfies my urges. I have lost 11 pounds since the first of the year doing this. I weigh 218 now for a reference point. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • paavec
    paavec Posts: 3
    I think most people have days like this, especially when dieting. Don't beat yourself up over it! Drink some more water, pull up your boot straps (or shoestrings) and get back on it. I have a weakness for sugars, too, which is how I got where I am over the past few years. I finally reached that point where I said the speech to myself in the mirror, you know, the one where you go "WTH happened to you? You gotta get a grip, and get back into shape!" or some other verbage! Hang in there, and know there's a HUGE community here right there with ya! 8)
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    You had a bad day. You're human. You caved in. It happens. Everyone has days like that. Don't let it get to you. Tomorrow is a new day. Most importantly, did you notice that when you caved in, you were "less bad" than you would have been in the past? THAT is the key!