Frustrated! Rant!



  • WOW.....thank you! maybe now I do not feel so bad! According to that web site I can still eat a little over 2000 calories a day and still lose weight!
  • happyhype
    happyhype Posts: 1 Member
    1250 calories is that a number you chose or did the suggest that amount for you. You may be craving sugar because you're starving yourself. I've been eating 1600 calories for 4 weeks with myfitnesspal and have lost 20 pounds in 30 days. We need energy to burn fat and lose weight. Stick with it. You can do it!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    WOW.....thank you! maybe now I do not feel so bad! According to that web site I can still eat a little over 2000 calories a day and still lose weight!

    Now we're talking!

    If you up your calories stay off the scale for 2 weeks. Your weight will likely fluctuate more than usual and it will freak you out.
  • br1twaslyke
    br1twaslyke Posts: 41 Member
    First off, don't feel bad at all! It sounds like you are having difficulty because you're trying to restrict yourself too much.. Although it's obviously not the best course of action, you can still eat crappy food and lose weight... I myself have been on 1200 calories for 3 weeks now, and I'm feeling fine. The thing that helps me the most is ALLOWING myself these snacks so that I do not get overwhelmed and then binge.. For instance, about 2 hours ago I was craving a chocolate milkshake so badly! I went to burger king and asked how many calories were in a small and it was more than I had left for the day, so I split it in half with my daughter and my craving was satisfied. Who knew u could drink milkshakes and eat candy and lose weight?! its awesome, and as long as you don't go out of your calorie limit, eat whatever you'd like! I personally couldn't live off of vegetables and boiled chicken but everyone is different
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I second what others are saying about eating more cals. It seems you've got that part figured out already! The only thing that has helped me with sugar cravings is not eating a ton of sugar and staying away from artificially sweetened foods/drinks. I still eat sugar, but most of it comes from fruit & veggies (sometimes honey). Seems like you've gotten great advice here and you'll be fine!
  • You're on a journey ONE day is not going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things!! Look at it this way if you workout for the rest of the week and stick with your caloric deficit you'll still be down weight by the end!! Although you daily calories seem abit low but I really don't know your body specs!! Good luck you CAN do this!!

    One Cheat meal won;t make you fat, the same as one Healthy meal won't make you skinny.
    Stick to it! Grind it out everyday!! things WILL change!
  • You're definitely not eating enough, then! 1250 should be your base--what you eat on days you do not exercise--and that's kind of a low base. You need to eat back some of your exercise calories. I tend to eat back half of what MFP says I burned, and then I round down. For example, my base is 1500 calories (which is closer to what you should aim for), and if MFP says I burned 600 calories during exercise, I'll eat up to 1800 calories that day.

    It might seem counterintuitive, but eating just a little more can get rid of your fatigue, weakness, sugar cravings, and really help offset binges. So does having a cheat day. Mine is Sunday. I allow myself up to 3000 calories, and this always follows a long run on Saturday (this week will be 8 miles for a total of 20 miles this week, plus daily strength workouts). I hardly ever get near this high number, but sometimes alcoholic beverages can get high in calories, so I try to account for this. ;)