21 Day Fix - what is so special about it?

So my friends are in love with Shakeology and have invited me to join a 21 Day Fix Test Group for Beachbody. While I applaud what they are doing (both have lost weight), I don't understand why I need to spend a significant amount of money on these programs/meal replacements. I use protein shakes a few times a week, I'm trying to eat healthier, and I workout when I can. I am slowly but surely seeing results. This month alone I have lost 6 pounds and I'm very proud of that. I know that if I worked out more I would see even more results, but I'm getting there.

My friends that use Shakeology, have started eating much healthier and are doing the T25 workouts, in addition to biking 30+ miles a week. I feel like they would get these great results whether or not they are using Shakeology. Why do they place the reward of what they are accomplishing on a program? They are making the right changes to get healthier and it seems like they aren't taking the credit for what they are doing and place the importance on the product.

Am I wrong here? Can someone tell me what makes the Beachbody and/or Shakeology programs so special? And is it necessary to use programs like this to lose weight?

Not trying to hate on people that use them - I just really want honest opinions. Thanks so much!


  • henriettevanittersum
    If they fail, it's easier to blame it on a program than to take the responsibility themselves. Yes, they lose weight now and if they keep up their lifestyle changes, they will keep losing. But if they go back to "normal" the pounds will fly back on and then some. Oh, well, that program didn't work...

    Stick with your own changes, you are taking responsibility yourself and the result will be lasting, if somewhat slower. You're on the right track!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    First, ask her!

    Second, no its not "Necessary" to use these products to lose weight, but they help Many. A specific program and Accountability. A bit like everyone here on MFP.

    Shakeology is about healthy nutrition. I HATE mentioning it on an open board(but I will answer you honstly) because many others are going to slam it/me and say "Protein shakes are cheaper" yup... but they do not have the Nutrition. The shake is Part of the healthy eating, not replacing. My daily calories are low because I'm Small. I just can't eat all the fruits/vegetables etc that it would take to have my full nutriton And stay under my calorie goals. I Love my shake, I love how I feel, and I don't mind paying $4 a day for it in comparison to my other choices.

    Was your friend running, etc before the programs? Probably not. It was her catalyst for change. Whatever YOUR Catalyst is, is what will work for you.

    The new 21 day fix program has containers for food, so people that don't want to weigh dont' have to (Look around, many of us do a whole lot of guessing) and specific workouts help many (myself) get up every morning, look at my schedule and push play. I'm not avoiding this because I don't feel like it, or just doing that because I like that better.

    Do what YOU Want. If you love to do Zumba.... then someone recommending running isn't going to entice you.
    Find what YOU like. The person is trying to help and share idea's. If its not for you, say No Thank you, and move on.

    I'd MUCH prefer someone tell me "No Thanks" then avoid me.

    Beachbody DVDs are the first ones that EVERY held my interest for more than a few weeks. That doesn't mean its for everyone, but it works for me.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    It is 100% not necessary to use those programs.

    The reason why they work for people is because they provide a specific structure and caloric intake, and take the "guess work" out of monitoring yourself. If you spend the time to educate yourself, you can accomplish many of the shakes' benefits on your own with a blender and some effort. This is not to say that people should be down about using the programs. I get the draw of the convenience. I just personally feel that it's too expensive for something that you could get on your own, and make more to taste.

    Even things like protein shakes are overrated. They can be good supplements, but I think people need to focus more on accomplishing goals with real food and diversified options.

    It is sad that they are giving credit to the shakes and not to themselves. Even if the programs played a major part, they wouldn't be on the program if they hadn't decided to start it in the first place. The initiative alone deserves recognition. Taking ownership of the success (and the failures, when they inevitably will happen) creates a personal investment, which is vitally important for continuing the plan outside of "dieting" parameters.

    No program/shake gets them on a bike for 30 miles a week.
  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    No. You do not need to use any of those programs to lose weight. It's just a simple science of calories in v. calories out. If you like protein shakes instead of meals and can thrive off of the structure of a predetermined program like that, then go for it. But, if you can actually hold yourself accountable to log your food honestly (weigh it out and log EVERYTHING you eat/drink), work out, and have a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.

    People like the structure of the programs. They like the hype of them. They like the at home workouts that come with the programs. But you can do whatever you want, so long as you are eating a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. If you do not, and are 100% honest about your food/exercise regiment, then you may have other underlying issues happening, like a hormonal imbalance.

    The Beachbody team is a very success, franchise/pyramid type of company, just like all of the other commission based companies (think Mary Kay, Avon, etc.) where they make money if you buy the program and keep buying. And if you end up loving it so much that you want to end up selling it, they'll take you under their name, and earn part of what you earn. It's all a business, and businesses thrive off marketing efforts. They're obviously doing well, since everyone keeps talking about it.

    At the end of the day, do what you like. Figure out how many calories you should eat in a day (google TDEE calculator and calculate it out), eat at a deficit from that, and move your body. You'll lose weight. And congratulations on the weight you've already lost! Keep it up!

    ETA: I have never used any programs like this. I lost 30 pounds in just about five months, and I'm now resetting my goals to lose my last 10-15 that I'd like to lose. I did it all by eating, working out, and making sure I was at a deficit. That's all! :)
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Not trying to be negative, but I'm assuming they have become BeachBody coaches and have a vested interest in gettting you signed up for a monthly autoship of Shakeology.

    In the past I have been a BeachBody coach, and subscribed to Shakeology. I personally don't care much for the Shakeology product - I tried a few different flavors and never cared much for them. Especially the vegan products, as I found the rice protein to be gritty no matter what I did.

    My $0.02 on your questions:
    Why do they place the reward of what they are accomplishing on a program?
    Likely it is just the excitement of finding something that works. It seems common that whenever someone does get some success, they want to spread the news to their friends, hoping they can get the same results as well.
    Am I wrong here? Can someone tell me what makes the Beachbody and/or Shakeology programs so special?
    I don't think you are necessarily wrong. There isn't anything special about the programs. IMHO they are very well done and provide good instruction for working out at home. Like any business, they do seem to exaggerate things when marketing to make it as appealing as possible, thus making you think they are special. However, I can assure you that they have not found any revolutionary fitness concepts.
    And is it necessary to use programs like this to lose weight?
    No, absolutely not. IMHO, they can be useful if you don't want to figure things out for yourself.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I will add, I'm excited about the 21 day fix, and have been since last fall, because I'm a LAZY food prepper. There, I said it! I waited for Christmas to get my food scale, and shocking, its still in the box. Will I use the containers and prep my meals that way? Its Up To Me. I'm Telling myself I WILL take that next step. I would imagine after time I'll have a better visual and keep at it, or I won't be so adverse to weighing my food.

    Lazy people Unite! I'm Excited about the 21 Day Fix and I hope I get a great group of people to join me because THAT accountability helps me.


    Have a great day!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    What I love about the BB programs is, you have a huge community to turn too, to workout with, to help motivate you, answer questions etc. Each program comes with a nutrition plan as well as a free coach and others doing the same program to keep you motivated to reach your goals.

    Once you purchase a program you have the nutrion, the motivation, and cash prizes that ends up with you succeeeding. You could buy a dvd from target and pop it in your player, but what then, what if you have a question, will you get bored etc.

    If more folks are doing the same program and you can tap into them for motivation or motivate others too, it woks wonders.

    Do you have to do that - no way, everyone is different. For me it was a system that worked, kept me on track and now I pay that forward. I did P90X from tv, lost 30 lbs and never looked back. I love it but everyone is different.
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for all of the great responses so far and the detail about the products. I have actually asked them about the products but I still didn't get the responses I was looking for. And believe me, I am truly happy for them finding something that works for them and is helping them get healthy. And I have never talked bad about what they are doing - they just seem surprised that I don't want to join the program. I have done other types of weight loss programs in the past, and I did lose weight initially, but fell back into bad habits once I was not using it. So I am trying to do this for long-term benefits and to not rely on something that won't always be there, if that makes sense.

    Good luck to all of you on your journey to better health! :)
  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach
    I agree that buying a program isn't the "key" to losing weight. It's all up to YOU to get it done each day. However, the support you get really does help you succeed. The structure of the program, the workout schedule and the meal plan really makes it a no brainer. Do you have to spend money to lose weight? No. Do these programs help set you up for success? Absolutely.

    I use Shakeology daily and have used Beachbody programs for a year. In that time, I've not only lost weight, but completely eradicated a "chronic" health condition (fibromyalgia). I just can't argue with that kind of success.

    What it all comes down to is finding what works for YOU and sticking with it. Programs like these aren't for everyone. I know plenty of people that have changed their lives at the gym or in a fitness class. Do what works for you! :smile:
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    All of this works exactly the same for men as for women. There is no such thing as a man workout or a woman workout, that's bull**** marketing.

    Diet = Lose/Maintain/Gain Weight (be it Fat or Muscle)
    Cardio = Most time efficient way to burn calories, Great for cardiovascular health and conditiong, Not *required* to burn fat
    Heavy Lifting = Burns lots of calories, Builds strength, Builds or Maintains Muscle

    Recipe for Toned Look = Lower Bodyfat %, Increase Muscle Mass, Mix to taste

    Recipe for Ripped Look = Even Lower Bodyfat %, Increase Muscle Mass, Mix to taste

    You can't spot reduce fat with exercise or diet, so where/when/how the fat comes off depends on your genetics. Usually first on means last off... is what

    it is. Keep lowering BF% until you're happy. You do this by eating a deficit of calories. If you screw up a day or a week or whatever, don't worry, just

    get back on it. No shame. You'll start looking better and getting compliments well short of reaching your actual goals anyway. Big plus. How noticable it

    is though depends on how much you have to loose.

    You have to eat a surplus of calories to put on any appreciable muscle, and some of the weight gain will be fat as well. And the whole process is slow.

    So... don't worry about getting bulky, whether you're a man or a woman. Getting bulky is slow for men and even more difficult for women, so you'll know

    well in advance when you're approaching whatever aesthetic goal you're aiming for.

    My book recommendation, and *I swear on my life* it will help you and is worth your time to read, is "New Rules of Lifting" (they have one geared a bit more towards women as well, although there's 0% difference in the way this works for either sex). The program at the very end of the book is kinda

    "fluffy" lol, but it's perfectly fine to use if you like it. If not...

    An excellent starting program is Stronglifts 5x5, doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Uses the five main, fundamental compound movements to build

    strength, and it's a simple workout that hits nearly every muscle in your body. Do that for a while to start, and then use "ICF 5x5" to up the volume a bit and keep the "5x5" compound lifts for strength (just review the programs and you'll see what I mean).

    You're going to freaking love this.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    All of this works exactly the same for men as for women. There is no such thing as a man workout or a woman workout, that's bull**** marketing.

    Diet = Lose/Maintain/Gain Weight (be it Fat or Muscle)
    Cardio = Most time efficient way to burn calories, Great for cardiovascular health and conditiong, Not *required* to burn fat
    Heavy Lifting = Burns lots of calories, Builds strength, Builds or Maintains Muscle

    Recipe for Toned Look = Lower Bodyfat %, Increase Muscle Mass, Mix to taste

    Recipe for Ripped Look = Even Lower Bodyfat %, Increase Muscle Mass, Mix to taste

    You can't spot reduce fat with exercise or diet, so where/when/how the fat comes off depends on your genetics. Usually first on means last off... is what

    it is. Keep lowering BF% until you're happy. You do this by eating a deficit of calories. If you screw up a day or a week or whatever, don't worry, just

    get back on it. No shame. You'll start looking better and getting compliments well short of reaching your actual goals anyway. Big plus. How noticable it

    is though depends on how much you have to loose.

    You have to eat a surplus of calories to put on any appreciable muscle, and some of the weight gain will be fat as well. And the whole process is slow.

    So... don't worry about getting bulky, whether you're a man or a woman. Getting bulky is slow for men and even more difficult for women, so you'll know

    well in advance when you're approaching whatever aesthetic goal you're aiming for.

    My book recommendation, and *I swear on my life* it will help you and is worth your time to read, is "New Rules of Lifting" (they have one geared a bit more towards women as well, although there's 0% difference in the way this works for either sex). The program at the very end of the book is kinda

    "fluffy" lol, but it's perfectly fine to use if you like it. If not...

    An excellent starting program is Stronglifts 5x5, doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Uses the five main, fundamental compound movements to build

    strength, and it's a simple workout that hits nearly every muscle in your body. Do that for a while to start, and then use "ICF 5x5" to up the volume a bit and keep the "5x5" compound lifts for strength (just review the programs and you'll see what I mean).

    You're going to freaking love this.

    I'm not sure what this response has to do with what was asked... at all... It looks copy/pasted. A generic response maybe?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,633 Member
    So my friends are in love with Shakeology and have invited me to join a 21 Day Fix Test Group for Beachbody. While I applaud what they are doing (both have lost weight), I don't understand why I need to spend a significant amount of money on these programs/meal replacements. I use protein shakes a few times a week, I'm trying to eat healthier, and I workout when I can. I am slowly but surely seeing results. This month alone I have lost 6 pounds and I'm very proud of that. I know that if I worked out more I would see even more results, but I'm getting there.

    My friends that use Shakeology, have started eating much healthier and are doing the T25 workouts, in addition to biking 30+ miles a week. I feel like they would get these great results whether or not they are using Shakeology. Why do they place the reward of what they are accomplishing on a program? They are making the right changes to get healthier and it seems like they aren't taking the credit for what they are doing and place the importance on the product.

    Am I wrong here? Can someone tell me what makes the Beachbody and/or Shakeology programs so special? And is it necessary to use programs like this to lose weight?

    Not trying to hate on people that use them - I just really want honest opinions. Thanks so much!
    It can sometimes be like a "cult" mentality. Nothing wrong with Beach Body workouts IMO. But get a few people to lose some weight and attributing it to Shakeology with a "money plan" and next thing you know anyone NOT doing it, is doing it wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I cant think of anything less appealing, other than even less appealing diets. Diets are a fake, quick fix. They dont represent a normal lifestyle and it is of no wonder that people off the wagon when off it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,633 Member
    I've been drinking Shakeology for over 4 years. Its the dense nutrion in the mix. 70 ingrediens and 10 super foods from around the world. Since I've been drinking it, I feel better, have more energy and haven't had a cold or been sick in over 3 years (knock on wood) What seperates it form say, gnc shakes etc is the quality of the ingredients. I have many friends that drink it to and they are suprised how much energy they have (once the initial bathroom vists are out of the way)

    21 day fix is out early february - its a program of full body exercise and eating healthy without counting calories etc.. the nutrion book will show you what you fit into the containers for your daily food. The test group did very well.

    good luck. try it. rember too, all BB products are guarenteed. You have 30 days on Shakeology, even if you drink the whole bag.

    I haven't been sick in 4 years and just eat right and exercise along with ensuring I meet my macro/micro nutrients on a daily basis. I saved $5760 by doing it this way.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Fitnessman168
    Fitnessman168 Posts: 85 Member
    No one is required to use these programs but some people need the motivation to workout some people are to afraid to go to the gym or even go outside walking because they are afraid people will judge them these programs allow them to workout in their own home without anyone staring at them. No it not the only way to lose weight but it is a very affective way to and it also a great way to see results fast that way you don't give up as easy.

    And while I believe Shakeology is a big scam some people just have a big problem to eat the right kind of foods something like shakeology may help them with that.
  • allittakes110
    Shakeology has one of the most misleading ads. If you don't believe me, take the time yourself to run the foods they list in their commercial that you supposedly must eat to reach the level of nutrition in their product through a diet analysis program. You'll quickly discover that shakeology's nutrient content doesn't even come close to that. If you were to eat all of those fruits and vegetables listed in a day, you would be in toxic levels for several of the vitamins and minerals. Save your money and consume real whole fruits and vegetables (you don't have to eat everything they list in that commercial to be healthy... Aim for 5 servings a day). There are so many added health benefits that come with consuming whole foods that you simply can't get through supplements. There are nutrient interactions that occur while eating these foods that we don't completely understand yet but know that they occur. Just making yourself a big salad with a variety of different color produce can easily get you at the 5 serving mark while delivering a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. It's not as hard as they want you to think it is.
  • bzbs
    bzbs Posts: 10 Member
    I love shakeology and drink it daily as a meal replacement. with the 6 flavors and different ways to mix it the variety is endless. I am a nurse and showed the nutrition info to the dietician at the hospital I work at and she was impressed with the contents and said it is the healthiest meal replacement that she has ever seen,, and being certified low glycemic index makes it a plus also for diabetic or those with pre-diabetes.. ..( yes I am a beach body coach but I also am someone who loves the products and the difference I have seen in myself since I started using them and the exercise programs).

    the 21 day fix will be available Monday but only through the coaches for the first few weeks. it has 7 exercise programs, 7 food containers that go with the nutrition plan ( that does include one meal of shakeology) . IN 21 days yo can lost 10, 20 pounds or more if you follow the program.. I am going to be ordering mine Monday I am still on my journey toward fitness and better health and feel this will be another great tool for me to use..
  • Flagdropper
    This site is about support. Supporting each other no matter what is working for them, don't discount others successes. The truth is, there is only one way to get fat- take in more calories than you burn. Guess what, there is only one way to lose the fat too... Whatever healthy way you can find to burn more than you bring in, is what you should do....
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't understand why I need to spend a significant amount of money on these programs/meal replacements.
    you don't.
    If that's what helps someone find structure and succeed, then who am I to argue with them...but you don't need it. Lots of us have lost a lot of weight without meal replacements or regimented programs.
  • clodia2
    I'm a coach for Beachbody. The reason I decided to coach for Beachbody is because I found their products worked for me. Do I think other programs could have worked? Maybe. But, I tried so many different ways to lose weight, and this was the only one that helped food and fitness "click." I didn't have to buy multiple programs, but I did. I could have bought one and done it multiple times to defer cost. But, I liked the variety. But, when money was tight, I was able to hybrid and not pay anything.

    What I like about the 21 day fix is that it gives tools other Beachbody programs don't have. The containers, for one, keep you honest because you don't guess how much you're eating. Will it work for everyone? Maybe, maybe not. Everyone is different. I didn't get results like Insanity people did, but I got results for P90X and those programs because I tend to work better with weights.

    All that said, when I talk to people about the programs I first try to figure out what they like. You may not like doing 21 day, so you won't be successful. You'll stop using it. These days, I get bored with P90X, which is why I was so glad X3 came out. I was tired of working out at home, so I joined a boot camp. Yes, it's a lot of money, but it's an investment in my health that find valuable to me. Some people don't feel they need to spend that money, and I"m ok with that too. My friend walks three miles, I cheer her on. It's not about needing to spend the money, it's about finding the tools you want to invest in to get you where you want to go. If you can do it cheaper, that's awesome. :D

    As far as Shakeology, I know there are a lot of opinions out there. I won't argue points, all I know is it works for me. I have a very busy schedule and there are times I can't get the nutrients other ways. Either because of time or because of location. I like having the Shakeology with me, at my ready, knowing I'm getting some consistency in what I put in my body.