Candida - I HATE you!



  • MissKittyCaroline
    I had to look up what candida was. I vaguely thought it was some made-up condition used by low-carb dieters to stick with their diet. :laugh: From what I read, it sounds like it's a real ***** to deal with; hope you can beat it. Interestingly, I found this tidbit of info below. I thought going low carb was a good treatment for the overgrowth, but that's not the case?
    Avoid very low carb.

    Paul Jaminet, who suffered from candida overgrowth, argues that since candida (being eukaryotes) have mitochondria that can feed on both ketones and carbs (as opposed to prokaryote bacteria without mitochondria), going very low carb or ketogenic will only provide more fuel for the overgrowth. Furthermore, since ketones are water-soluble and pass easily through cellular membranes, ketones will actually be a more accessible food source for candida.

    How do I avoid very low carb? Should I eat things like good grains like Qunioa? and maybe buckwheat and veggies that have carbs and just stay away from fruit and other sugar?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I dont want to go dairy free and thats what I dont like about paleo...but something has to give. I have been gluten free for 4 years. Doing that fixed a lot of my gut issues... but now this has come up and I feel lost.

    what's the reason you were given for giving up dairy? I would have thought that probiotic dairy would help a lot.

    Things I was reading online said dairy is hard to digest and can cause more issues than help.... I started to eat just plain yogurt and plain kefir... and I could go back to that...

    how hard dairy is to digest depends on genetics.... if you're not lactose intolerant it's not that hard to digest. If you are, then you can't digest it and it causes all kinds of problems. It depends if your body makes a particular enzyme, lactase, or not. Lactose intolerant people have low levels of this enzyme, and severe lactose intolerance there's none of it at all. However those who make a lot of this enzyme don't have difficulty digesting dairy.

    symptoms of lactose intolerance are bloating, gassiness, diarrhoea, nausea, cramps, digestive discomfort, and similar from consuming dairy... in severe cases there may be vomiting as well. Sometimes people with IBS and similar actually have lactose intolerance and would get a lot better from giving up dairy.... but if someone doesn't have difficulty digesting dairy and doesn't see a change in symptoms from giving it up then dairy isn't the problem and there's no reason to avoid it.
  • MissKittyCaroline
    I have never been told that I am lactose intolerant. So I think I will stick with the plain dary.... and go from there.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I was reading that it helped kill the yeast because it's an acetic acid and it helps to alkalize your body/ PH.

    Acid's don't alkalize. They acidify - the exact opposite.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    vinegar can be bad because many of them use yeast in their production.

    I had huge problems with it last year. I followed a strict diet for a few months eliminating yeast and things at risk for yeast contamination (like strawberries, cheese, vinegar based products...). Now as long as I take a probiotic and don't eat fresh baked bread, I'm fine. I love fresh bread but it almost cripples me.

    I had no problem with wheat.
  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member
    Dr. Bragg's ACV is good, no yeast in the production. [I'm a fan of most of their products.]

    Coconut oil is great, too.

    As chasingthe_sun mentioned, maybe an elimination diet would be helpful. I know that can be really frustrating, but maybe you could pinpoint some things that are making you feel bad.

    I PM'd you. Good luck everyone.
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    Check out Paleo and Whole30, it focuses on a "cave man" diet that insures you eat enough of the right foods while elliminating sugar, processed foods, and dairy. It may bring your body into balance but research in light of your condition and consult a doctor.
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    I only cook with coconut oil or Ghee.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    Just stumbled across this old post. The reason you need to avoid dairy is because of the sugar in it - lacTOSE, same as frucTOSE, gluCOSE etc. I have been doing anti Candida for about 3 years (had some time off as I thought I'd cleared it, but think it's coming back so I'm going to get strict again.)

    Hope you're managing to kill the evil stuff!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    In addition, yes ACV is the only one you can use, it helps to improve it. Also try Pau D'Arco capsules or tea along with the good probiotic.

    Forgot to add, plain, unsweetened natural yoghurt is good (only dairy you should have) as it's full of good bugs!
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Uh, talk to a medical professional and see what they recommend? Maybe a naturopath if you're feeling like normal rules of diet and medicine don't apply to you.

    Dammit... old post...
  • skimbo82
    skimbo82 Posts: 10 Member
    I had to deal with this myself last year, not fun but worth it in the long run.

    I found cutting out all fruits (but allowing lemon and limes for flavouring), only having plain natural yoghurt, cottage cheese and unsweetened soya milk (no other dairy) and yeast free bread (so things like soda bread and tortilla wraps, but check the labels carefully) really helped me. Other than that I checked the label of absolutely everything I intended to use that was tinned or pre-packed in some way for the sugar content and if it said 'sugar' I didn't have it.

    I stuck to this religiously for about 2 weeks and even in that short space of time I noticed a massive difference.

    Health shops would also do supplements to help with this but I'm rubbish at remembering to take tablets so this didn't work for me.

    Hope some of this is a help to you