7000 Calories Burn Challenge!!



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    wednesday - 482 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 39 mins - 157 calories
    C25K run after work 39mins - 325 calories

    thursday - 609 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 25 mins - 104 calories
    treadmill @ gym - running/walking - 5 miles - 90 mins - 505 calories

    friday - rest day - 0 calories burned

    saturday - 453 calories burned
    55 min group power class (weights) - 267 calories
    1 mile walk on heart trail with station stops and running hill with kids (34mins) - 186 calories

    sunday - 701 calories burned
    8 miles on the treadmill of running/walking (2hrs 28mins) - 701 calories

    7000-482-609-453-701= 4755 calories to go
  • SkierElle
    Okie doke,I am starting today! going till next Sunday, then back down to 3500-4000 per week.

    Sunday- 1084 cals burned
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Wednesday: 815 (50 minute cardio sculpt class(367) and 45 minute spin class(448)
    Thursday: 830 (walk dog (56), 7 mile run/walk intervals (730), yoga abs and stretching (52))
    Friday: 1037 (18 holes golf, pull cart)
    Saturday: 435 (45 minutes spin class)
    Sunday: 150 (short walk with hubby on the Bayshore)
    Monday: 906 (50 minute cardio sculpt class (425) , 45 minute spin class (481))

  • mrtrik
    mrtrik Posts: 31
    Sunday 1 hr masters swim... 600ish? And today 1 hr bike ride 680. Planned 30 min run tonight....

    2448 - 600 - 680 = 1168 to go with tonight and tomorrow remaining.... I think I can I think I can.
  • collettemrk
    Today I burned 276 calories playing softball & 1580 calories riding my bike 26.51 miles !!

    So previously I had burned 7262 & todays burn of 1856 calories =

    9118 calories burned so far with one more day left!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    wednesday - 482 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 39 mins - 157 calories
    C25K run after work 39mins - 325 calories

    thursday - 609 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 25 mins - 104 calories
    treadmill @ gym - running/walking - 5 miles - 90 mins - 505 calories

    friday - rest day - 0 calories burned

    saturday - 453 calories burned
    55 min group power class (weights) - 267 calories
    1 mile walk on heart trail with station stops and running hill with kids (34mins) - 186 calories

    sunday - 701 calories burned
    8 miles on the treadmill of running/walking (2hrs 28mins) - 701 calories

    monday - 803 calories burned
    4.71 miles of running/walking & up down up down 22 floors of stairs...

    7000-482-609-453-701-803 = 3952 calories to go
  • simhas
    Does this mean we have to eat extra to make for this 7000 calorie burn -- will our bodies require more fuel?

    I have done 1000 calories a day before and its tiring, but well worth it:)
  • collettemrk
    Does this mean we have to eat extra to make for this 7000 calorie burn -- will our bodies require more fuel?

    I have done 1000 calories a day before and its tiring, but well worth it:)

    Yes you should eat more.There are those that will tell you you should eat all your exercise calories!.I believe in eating when my body tells me to!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Wednesday: 815 (50 minute cardio sculpt class(367) and 45 minute spin class(448)
    Thursday: 830 (walk dog (56), 7 mile run/walk intervals (730), yoga abs and stretching (52))
    Friday: 1037 (18 holes golf, pull cart)
    Saturday: 435 (45 minutes spin class)
    Sunday: 150 (short walk with hubby on the Bayshore)
    Monday: 906 (50 minute cardio sculpt class (425) , 45 minute spin class (481))
    Tuesday:525 (20 minutes arc trainer (180), 32 minutes treadmill intervals (310), 10 minutes abs (35))


    Well, didn't think I'd make 7000 but it did make me work a little harder on some days than I had planned. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  • collettemrk
    Wednesday: 815 (50 minute cardio sculpt class(367) and 45 minute spin class(448)
    Thursday: 830 (walk dog (56), 7 mile run/walk intervals (730), yoga abs and stretching (52))
    Friday: 1037 (18 holes golf, pull cart)
    Saturday: 435 (45 minutes spin class)
    Sunday: 150 (short walk with hubby on the Bayshore)
    Monday: 906 (50 minute cardio sculpt class (425) , 45 minute spin class (481))
    Tuesday:525 (20 minutes arc trainer (180), 32 minutes treadmill intervals (310), 10 minutes abs (35))

    Well, didn't think I'd make 7000 but it did make me work a little harder on some days than I had planned. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

    Great week!! the motivation of this challenge surprised me.Great numbers..Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • collettemrk
    Previously this week I burned -9118 calories

    Today I burned- 1941 calories

    11059 calories burned for this challenge !!!
  • SkierElle
    Sunday- 1084 cals burned
    Monday -1028

    Today I have 600 more to go which will get done walking the dog and some time on the elliptical!

    I am doing Sunday - Saturday =) pretty smooth so far, not tired at all!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Saturday - 698 calories (65 minutes of Biggest Loser Wii Workouts including a custom cardio routine and yoga)

    Sunday - 530 calories (48 minutes with a 3-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD by Leslie Sansone)

    So, my total is 1,228 calories. Only 2,272 to go.

    Monday - 0 calories. (That's right. I happen to be sick [to the stomach] again for the second time this month. Ugh, gallbladder surgery didn't help at all.)

    Tuesday - 227 calories (Still very sick, but I did it just for you guys! :) )

    I have until Friday on my little challenge. 1,455 out of 3,500. Only 2,045 left. About 700 calories per day. Pff, I can do that! (If I'm feeling better, ugh)
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I agree, burning 1000 per day is a ferocious goal. I know a hardcore spin class burns about 731 calories for me, but to do that plus another half hour or so it would take on the eliptical for 7 days in a row. Wow. Good luck!! Hope you all do great, I'm sure you'll pull it off with dedication. Keep us posted. I know I don't have the drive.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    wednesday - 482 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 39 mins - 157 calories
    C25K run after work 39mins - 325 calories

    thursday - 609 calories burned
    leisurely walk during lunch 25 mins - 104 calories
    treadmill @ gym - running/walking - 5 miles - 90 mins - 505 calories

    friday - rest day - 0 calories burned

    saturday - 453 calories burned
    55 min group power class (weights) - 267 calories
    1 mile walk on heart trail with station stops and running hill with kids (34mins) - 186 calories

    sunday - 701 calories burned
    8 miles on the treadmill of running/walking (2hrs 28mins) - 701 calories

    monday - 808 calories burned
    4.71 miles of running/walking & up down up down 22 floors of stairs...

    tuesday - 548 calories burned
    2.28 mile walk @ lunch
    4 miles on treadmill watching biggest loser

    3601 total calories burned.....
    i didnt make 7000 (never really thought i would, but it was nice to push myself)
    doing a 4500 calorie challenge this week and gonna try really hard to push myself to make it....
    good job to those who made it and to those who didn't great effort...
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Previously this week I burned -9118 calories

    Today I burned- 1941 calories

    11059 calories burned for this challenge !!!

    You are a rock star! I bow down to you!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Saturday - 698 calories (65 minutes of Biggest Loser Wii Workouts including a custom cardio routine and yoga)

    Sunday - 530 calories (48 minutes with a 3-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD by Leslie Sansone)

    So, my total is 1,228 calories. Only 2,272 to go.

    Monday - 0 calories. (That's right. I happen to be sick [to the stomach] again for the second time this month. Ugh, gallbladder surgery didn't help at all.)

    Tuesday - 227 calories (Still very sick, but I did it just for you guys! :) )

    I have until Friday on my little challenge. 1,455 out of 3,500. Only 2,045 left. About 700 calories per day. Pff, I can do that! (If I'm feeling better, ugh)

    Wednesday - 917 calories (21 minute 1-mile Walk At Home DVD by Leslie Sansone and 57 minutes of Biggest Loser Wii Full Body "Challenging" workout)

    2,372 out of 3,500. 1,128 left to go!

    Almost doubting that I burned that much. HRM must be wacky, but oh well. :) Still sick, yet completely crazy. Can't eat and I'm still exercising. I haven't even had 917 calories worth of food in the past 3 days. I was feeling a bit better, so I actually ate something for lunch today... Eh, it can't be too healthy to exercise and not eat. Thanksgiving is stressing me out just a wee bit.. And I might not even feel better tomorrow to eat anything!
  • collettemrk
    You need to eat! Don't get sicker because you're exercising.Relax we'll have another challenge once you're better!!
  • SkierElle
    K, I am doing this from memory but, approximately:

    Sunday: 1080
    Monday - 1020
    Tuesday- 1010
    Wednesday- 1008

    Today so far - at least 500.
    Will be tricky today because I have to work and then go over to a friend's house. Maybe I can convince them to go on like a 5 mile walk! very very doubtful. then by the time I get home it will be dark (and I don't really want to walk/run out in the dark, and the gym is closed). maybe I'll do another easier workout video tonight, since I have the Insanity plyometrics in the morning. Eek! I really want to make it to 7000 by Sat night!! Good job everyone, and even if you didn't make 7000 it is still great that you pushed yourself -thats what counts!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Saturday - 698 calories (65 minutes of Biggest Loser Wii Workouts including a custom cardio routine and yoga)

    Sunday - 530 calories (48 minutes with a 3-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD by Leslie Sansone)

    So, my total is 1,228 calories. Only 2,272 to go.

    Monday - 0 calories. (That's right. I happen to be sick [to the stomach] again for the second time this month. Ugh, gallbladder surgery didn't help at all.)

    Tuesday - 227 calories (Still very sick, but I did it just for you guys! :) )

    I have until Friday on my little challenge. 1,455 out of 3,500. Only 2,045 left. About 700 calories per day. Pff, I can do that! (If I'm feeling better, ugh)

    Wednesday - 917 calories (21 minute 1-mile Walk At Home DVD by Leslie Sansone and 57 minutes of Biggest Loser Wii Full Body "Challenging" workout)

    2,372 out of 3,500. 1,128 left to go!

    Almost doubting that I burned that much. HRM must be wacky, but oh well. :) Still sick, yet completely crazy. Can't eat and I'm still exercising. I haven't even had 917 calories worth of food in the past 3 days. I was feeling a bit better, so I actually ate something for lunch today... Eh, it can't be too healthy to exercise and not eat. Thanksgiving is stressing me out just a wee bit.. And I might not even feel better tomorrow to eat anything!

    Was feeling better today and ate my share of Thanksgiving food. :) Thanks for being concerned collettemrk. I probably won't meet the challenge this week, but I'll try again next week.

    Thursday - 512 calories (more Biggest loser wii workouts)