Goodbye Coffee Creamer



  • Be careful with the green tea, however. It will dehydrate you.
  • I was getting depressed too about how many calories my coffee takes out of my daily allowance (I like sugar and cream - cant do aspartame) calculating that if i took it out of my diet - and only changed that - I would lose 20 lbs in a year. Then I saw your post and others and went in and calculated by 5% light cream and it was 1/2 the calories that the creamer in the system said it was!!! I love my coffee - I have quit it in the past and felt great after the initial few days - and don't think right now I want to give it up but like you gong to wean my creamer down from my present 6 tbsp in my double mug :) Good luck!
  • foxxyroxy12
    foxxyroxy12 Posts: 25 Member
    I gave up creamer over a month and a half ago and i've been great. I use full fat pastured milk but only a small amount. NO sugar. It fits my macros nicely and I still get to have a good cup o' joe.
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Everyone has given great suggestions - almond milk, light creamers, stevia, etc. All of which are great alternatives! I started drinking my coffee black in high school cold turkey - it really is a different drink altogether than coffee with cream and sugar. Also agreed with buying better coffee - I am a bit of a coffee snob and I find buying a quality fairly traded medium roast is so much better than the garbage at Starbucks/Tim Hortons/insert cheap coffee place from the states (Dunkin Donuts?). Despite my love, I gave up coffee early January for health reasons (sometimes in makes me nauseous in the morning, or at least that's what I thought it was so I quit it to see if things changed) and now it's a treat rather than a necessity. The freedom of knowing my day won't be ruined if I don't have coffee is wonderful. As well, I have been finding even in the winter months it isn't NEARLY as difficult to get up and that's the main change I can think of. I no longer wake up in a withdrawal. So if you want to quit coffee as a morning routine, I support your decision! If not, cheaper (calorie wise) alternatives and better quality coffee FTW!
  • TheresaTester
    TheresaTester Posts: 115 Member
    I used to use lots of creamer too, but instead of cutting it out entirely, now I just use 2% milk... a coffee with 2% milk and 1-2 sugars is 75 calories at MOST.

    I love coffee, so I make room for this in my daily calories. :)

    I do the same as this person, only I don't use the sugar. I could never give up my coffee!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I would die with half and half or International Delights French Vanilla.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Oh, and get better coffee. Seriously.

    If you need to add creamer to drink it either your coffee is garbage or your palate is impaired.


    Now that's plain silly. That's like saying "Get better roast beef. Seriously. If you need to add spicy mustard to eat it either your roast beef is garbage or your palate is impaired." Don't tell me how to make my sammich!

    Also, International Delight - Almond Joy flavor. Divine.

    Also, zombie thread. :drinker:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member I use heavy cream. It's the equivalent of breakfast and 2 snacks calorie-wise, and that's just fine by me. Don't want no lousy soy milk, almond milk, any of that uber-processed ridiculously unnatural JUNK. My commitment is to REAL FOOD. Things that grow, run, and bloom. I have one vice, and that's my coffee cream, and if in order to have it I have to sacrifice later on with a few extra crunches or a few less chunks of turkey, so be it!!!!:drinker:

    Bumping an ancient thread with your first post!

  • This is one thing I'd NEVER WANT to give up. I allow myself 2oz/day and have been drinking decaf coffee for nearly two years. Never sugar. The cream is about 79 calories/day. I figure that's a pretty good balance. Keeps me sane.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I use the Sugar Free Torani Syrups in my coffee instead of cream/sweeteners - there is a variety of flavors and it is just great

    Supermarkets may carry the basic ones like Hazelnut and French Vanilla - I live near a Smart and Final that has pretty good selection of flavors/prices - I get the 750ml there for $3.99 ea when I buy six and since they have all the different flavors and I am a coffee addict, that
    is pretty easy for me

    And after doing this for over a year, coffee with milk/creme now tastes like dessert when I have it
  • kaylerato
    kaylerato Posts: 18 Member
    I started drinking my coffee black,I used to drink it with sweet and low but I recently changed to just plain sugar. Every now and then when I buy coffee at the store,I will add skim milk.
  • Ironandruns
    Ironandruns Posts: 24 Member
    Heavy cream!!! Cant stand the fake stuff!!!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    I love almond milk in my tea! So good.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I am a coffee hound and I used to put tons of 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee. I tried to cut it out cold turkey because I don't like straight black coffee. Then I reminded myself that everything in moderation. So, I allow myself two servings of 1/2 and 1/2 a day which will make two travel mugs of coffee for me. It's 80 calories total and I count it and move on. No need saying no to something you love.
  • derickson73
    derickson73 Posts: 1 Member
    This has been a huge issue for me, too! I just love my flavored creamer. Any alternatives? I like warm beverages in the morning. Good Luck!!
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    i like mine black with 2 stevia or splenda. so yummy! :)
  • wynn217
    wynn217 Posts: 53 Member
    I use fat free creamer, 2 T only has 20 cal. and it still gets creamy.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I wasn't drinking coffee creamer, I was using half and half and sugar but I decided to cut it out as well. I started yesterday drinking it black. It's not so bad. Lol
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    put some vanilla almond milk in your coffee. its such a small amount of calories (35 per entire cup, which you wouldn't be using) and it tastes great!
  • _jessicamarie_
    _jessicamarie_ Posts: 35 Member
    My friend started trying to break up with coffee creamer too. She started using almond milk and a little vanilla extract. She says it's okay, not the same at all, but a decent substitute. I am still meeting up with coffee creamer on a daily basis and while I know I probably need to call it quits, I just am not ready yet... :-/