Only lost 7lbs in a month - getting very frustrated!



  • sueoatley5
    Me too, it is very frustrating but we gained weight over time and we'll lose it the same way, just think of wowing yourself when you wear your new bikini :smile:
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i think 7 pds in a month is very good ….
  • DancingJester
    DancingJester Posts: 76 Member
    7lb in a month is SOOO good! Its fact that the weight loss will slow down as you get slimmer. There is nothing you can really do its just how things work. I started losing 2lb a week. I’m now losing 1 but I went through a period of time when I didn’t lose anything for 6 weeks. When you stop losing I say have a 2 week brake where you eat your maintenance calories then go back to your diet. That’s what I didn’t over Christmas and I’m now losing 1lb a week. Also DON’T rush there is no rush! you lose weight too fast your skin will look terrible as well. Sorry but end of May is doubtful, I know it sucks. But you just have to keep going. I’ve lost 32lb in 8 mouths (with a 2 mouth brake because I had knee surgery) Just go slowly, you will still reach your goal and you will look more toned in the end with slow weight loss.
    Good luck you will be fine!
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I did put it all on quite quickly, a stone & a half in 2 months as I snacked a lot because my life felt like it had fallen to bits (had to find somewhere to live, relationship breakup, nasty online stalker).

    I guess it's because my clothes don't feel that much different & only lost 0.7lbs the last 2 weeks & I'm not cheating.

    Plus I'm impatient & no one commenting "you've lost weight" etc makes me feel a bit rubbish.

    You won't get comments for a while and then they will all come at once. That was my experience.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I am kind of confused. If you follow the WW member and follow their rules, why are you here at MFP ? I would decide that it is one or the other and also not compare myself with others.
    Also losing 7 pounds in a month is spectacular ! Anything more is not realistic, apart from not being healthy...

    I was already a member on here & only belong to WW online, so thought I'd use both.
  • diamondlakerd
    diamondlakerd Posts: 2 Member
    7lbs. in a month is perfect. Losing 1-2 lbs. a week is the way to keep the weight off and not regain it. Also, think about your workouts. Muscle weighs more than fat, so even though it is only 7lbs. you are probably in better shape than when you started. Just keep at it and you will see results. I was on WW online also and lost 30 lbs. over 2 years ago and have kept it off, until just recently. So I left WW and am on this website. Like it much more and already am seeing results.. Keep up the good work and you will achieve your goal. My goal was to get back into my old bathing suit as I was going to Punta Cana with my daughter, and I achieved it.:flowerforyou:
  • rhufault74
    Losing 7lbs in a month is amazing especially based on your current weight. You may often hear of people losing 7lbs in a week or watch TV shows where you see people losing 15lbs in a week but these are generally people at least two, if not three, times your weight total. Typically the heavier you are the quicker it "starts" to come off. Eventually everyone has to deal with it slowing down or going slow within a certain number of pound of a healthy weight. You may even plateau at some point and lose no weight for weeks. The important thing is to keep at it. Focus on smaller short term goals (maybe 3lbs at a time over 2-3 weeks), keep motivated and don't weight yourself too often. Once a week is plenty and keep your expectations realistic - around 1-1.5lbs per week. Remember, when looking to lose weight there's also a thing called eating too little which can slow things down on you.

    Smile and keep focused!
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    Hate fruits & vegetables (always have since I was child) so have been juicing them to get some goodness into me because I know it's not right that I don't eat many of them (although I have discovered a LOVE for butternut squash).

    To try & explain my frustration, at my work leaving do a couple of months ago I was called a fat c*** by a complete stranger & although I know I shouldn't let an idiot get to me, it has.

    I want to lose as much weight as possible so no else thinks I am fat because now I think that's what everyone who looks at me is thinking.

    Why would you let the opinion of a total stranger influence you so much? Does it really matter what that stranger thinks? You don't know if that stranger has a realistic idea of what a healthy weight is. You don't know if that stranger prefers that women look like anorexics. You don't know if maybe that stranger was just having a rotten day and hurled completely unjustified insults your way out of frustration.

    Once, when I weighed 145 (a long time ago, I was 18 at the time I think), someone commented that I was getting "chunky". Well, that started me on a crash diet roller coaster that in the end only fulfilled the fear of being fat. I look now at my height and weight and body type and see that 145 was about as low as I EVER should weigh, and yet I let a comment from someone with unrealistic expectations throw me through a loop and ruin my normal, healthy, mindset towards food.

    Don't make the same mistake.

    It upset me a lot because I'd had a bad day anyway then I was innocently sitting at a table when him & his friends came back in & accused us of taking their seats (we hadn't). His exact words were "that fat c*** with her fat *kitten* is in our seat". I promptly burst into tears. Shouldn't have let it get to me, but it did.
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    i would be thrilled if i lost 7 pounds in that time frame. but at your height and weight, which isnt really all that heavy imho, just be careful its not muscle that you're losing.
  • glennoxyoung
    there's no way that 7lbs in a month is 'only'...... try picking up that much and see. be kinder to yourself.:flowerforyou:
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    My only suggestion would be to maybe talk with your WW leader. Those weekly Points are there for you to use. It's basically figured into the plan that you will be eating those too. You can also use the Points that you earn from exercise to be able to eat a little more. While it doesn't sound like it would work, eating more will help you lose weight. (At least eating enough for your body to not be hungry.)

    You didn't totally mention what else you are eating, but maybe try to eat foods that have more protein in order to stay satisfied. (Although you did mention chicken, which is good.) Are you weighing your food or measuring your food? Try using a food scale to get an accurate food portion. Estimating a serving of food isn't the best way to go when trying to determine the Points or calories. I'm not a vegetable fan either. Do you like lettuce salads? Maybe add that as a filler to your meals. If you put the salad in a bowl with a lid (or a plastic bag), you can measure out the salad dressing to about a tablespoon, put the lid on, and then shake it around to coat all of the lettuce with the dressing. It's amazing how little dressing you need if you shake it all up.

    You really are doing a great job with your weight loss!! If you lose seven pounds a month in February, March, April, and May, you'd lose another 28 pounds.

    Just keep in mind that the scale isn't the "end all" for measuring your success. When you add in strength training, you could go up in the scale a little or the scale might not show as much of a loss as you are gaining muscle. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Muscle weighs more than fat".. which really isn't accurate. A pound is a pound, but muscle takes up less room that fat. So you are still losing fat, which is what you want to do... just that you are also gaining muscle, which is also what you want.

    You can do it!!!
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    I am down 7 pounds even as of today and started this journey 20 days ago...I am super excited about this. Now I agree it does suck looking in the mirror thinking...really? I still look fat? But.......take your time and before you know it you will look in the mirror and say wow...all this work was so worth it. Just keep fighting and losing and you will get there....I'm still learning as I go too and I lost 52 in 2012 watching calories and got too comfortable being skinny that I'm back at square one so my suggestion is slow and easy...:):):) good luck and be proud of those 7 lbs...
  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    You are doing very well! Measure and you will be surprised.
  • jasonsdragon
    jasonsdragon Posts: 21 Member
    Dont be frustrated. A healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is VERY good. Instead of focusing on a number on a scale, how did you feel this past month. Did you feel better and have more energy? Another thing to ask yourself how long it has taken to gain the weight or how long have you been lugging around the extra weight. Realisticley you can;t expect to just have that just fall off. It will come off as long as you stick to eating a healthy nutritious diet and getting both aerobic and strength training 3 to 6 days a week and 1 more thing. Muscle weighs more than fat. As you develop strenth and your health improves your FAT will come off. Be patient with yourself......
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    First, all trolling comments are unnecessary and have been removed.

    Second, do you want to be 117 or fit and toned? You most likely wont get both with your current plan. If you care more about weight, continue your plan. With only 1000 calories (which isnt following ww as you are supposed to eat the additional points and they expect people to eat 2 fruits and 5 veggies which adds calories) and loads of cardio, a good portion of your weight loss will be lean body mass loss. The more muscle you lose, the more flabby you will be. You need to realize that muscle is tight and lean, so the more yo maintain, the more fit and lean you will look. This is why its very common for under weight people to not have definition. If you take the fit approach, you will want to reduce your deficit, increase protein and weight train; you can even start with body resistance and work the muscles to strengthen your back. When I had a torn mcl, I had to rehab my leg by increasing my strength in my muscles to put less stress on my ligaments. So if your back muscles are weak, its probably why it hurts (bad form doesnt help either).

    I can tell you the average woman I know us eating 1700 to 2100 calories while doing resistance training and cardio. Once you make a choice, then we can help you develop a better plan and you can drop ww.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    7lbs in a month is REALLY good! Those ads you see on the side of sites claiming to lose 10lbs in 2 weeks are serious BS anyway. Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, they will only hinder you.

    I also agree very much with the above post, but I didn't wanna push that as I was focusing that 7lbs is already an incredibly large amount of weight to lose in 1 month... and here I thought my 6 (weigh in day is monday, but so far it is 6 lost ^^) from eating around 1900 cals a day was good xD
  • jasonsdragon
    jasonsdragon Posts: 21 Member
    after reading a little more of what has been said let me mention 1 more thing. NEVER, EVER, EVER let someone tear you down or make yourself feel bad. DONT give them that power over you. You are the one that lives in your body. You are the one that is responsible for its health. There are people with eating disorders and some people are so obsessed with being THIN as opposed to being healthy, strong and fit that their perception of themselves become screwed. It is YOUR job and YOUR job alone to decide what is best FOR YOU.
  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    Also, a little WW trick is this. Add up all your point allowed for a week(not bonus points) let's say you are allowed 24 daily X 7 is 168. Instead of eating 24 daily, eat 30 on Monday...on Tuesday, take those extra 6 off and eat only 18. Sounds hard, but on Wednesday, eat 26, Thursday 22...and so on to fluctuate. As long as you hit168 at weeks end, and you have high/low every other day, you will see faster results. Years ago, WW promoted this but found that it got members to the free membership too quick. It is called the Wendy plan. Give it a try. It keeps your body guessing as to not go into starvation mode.
  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    Strongly agree!!! With Jason.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Firstly I didn't mean to be "borderline offensive" to anyone. I was just down because I weighed myself this morning.

    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm on Weightwatchers & eating what the points allow me. I just so happen to put them onto here to see what it equated to & it came out at under 1000 calories. I didn't sent out to only eat that much.

    Maybe I've just read the wrong stories where people have lost loads.

    Sorry if I've annoyed anyone :(

    Does that include the fruits and vegetables that you don't count on WW?