100 days Challenge!! who is with me??



  • I'm in! I am already in a 30 month weight loss challenge at work. I would really love to be in clothes that dont make me feel blah by the summer.
  • Chrissee
    Chrissee Posts: 23 Member
    Hey all, I got an email saying I'd received an invitation to the group but can't find where to accept or reject it and the group isn't showing in my groups section. HELP!!

    Yeah I can't figure it out either....any suggestions?
  • Epic_Blitz
    Epic_Blitz Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in!
  • EachDayDoesCount
    EachDayDoesCount Posts: 34 Member
    I am in! I am graduating on May 9, 2014….my goal is 32 lbs. Lets do it!
  • EachDayDoesCount
    EachDayDoesCount Posts: 34 Member
    Please send me an invite to the group. When I click on the link provided, it does not take me to the group
  • I was looking for a challenge, I'm 2 days late but I'm in.
  • segreen85
    segreen85 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    If you wouldn't mind sending me an invite, I'd be happy to join (added my name to the spreadsheet).
  • DGgetit
    DGgetit Posts: 10 Member
    Can you add me into the challenge as well?
  • I am in but 20 LBs is more reasonable for my age. I hope I can do it. Today is Feb 1st .
  • JeffreyJRiggs
    JeffreyJRiggs Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck everyone!
    I am on an 8 week Lean and Mean challenge that started on Jan12th...
    im down almost 14lbs with the need of 30 more to go! I hit my hard part where I cant seem to loose more... but it is an MMA based workout and im building mass and strength in addition to weight loss...

    everyone stay healthy and remember... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    Sounds good! Count me in!! Are there any rules?? Anyone please feel free to add me!! Im looking to clean up my habits again, since living at my nonnas has made me gain back the 11 pounds I lost.. I am looking to lose 10 pounds now!! c: So excited! Hope I am not too late!

    No rules Sweetheart except one....

    WE are not going to starve ourself..... will eat healthy...live healthy...and look like a million bucks :):)

    Just saw this now!! I am loving these rules!! Thanks so much for all of this!! c: Today I had treats because it was my sister's birthday, but tomorrow I plan to be right on track!! (though sweets have been a problem for me recently, if anyone has tips to avoid them, please share!! c: Feel free to add me guys, would love talk to you all!! So glad were all in this together!
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I would love to join.
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    count me in....15 lbs
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    If it's not too late I want in! I'm going to California in April to see my skinny sister and need to lose those last 30lbs!
  • sapavan
    sapavan Posts: 2 Member
    wow, this was exactly i was looking for . recently i stopped working out and as a result i put on lot of weight. I even lost that motivation i had for working out. I was just browsing around and found your profile, by reading all these posts, kind of gave me the motivation to workout again...i dont know how long it will last, but i am going to try really hard again....i have read there are lot of other people like me in this forum.,,,good to meet them all.....finally i am in for your 100 days chalenge
  • This would be awesome. I'm getting married in the fall and my dress I ordered will be ready for April. It fits but if I have to pay to have it taken in...well I don't mind spending money for that...or even if it doesn't need taking in but I just look better in it I'll be very happy. My over all goal is at aprox. 45 pounds but 30 in 100 days is awesome. Please add me to your group. Let's do this together.
  • I'm with you... I don't know if I'll be able to do the whole 33 lbs, but I'll do my best. Even if I get healthier and lose some weight that will be better than nothing.
  • kalice29
    kalice29 Posts: 6 Member
    Me too. I am in. I will aim for 10 pounds.
  • Count me in!