Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) and Garcinia Cambogia



  • I bought GC and GCB on the internet, not that cheap crap they sell on Walmart or everywhere around, yes it was expensive. I finished my first bottle of GC and half of GCB, with no exercise, no diet, and eating the same way I was eating before I have lost 7 pounds. Im a robotics technician and not getting paid for any of this things I dont need to promote nobody to make them rich but this work, of course is not a miracle pill but it cut your appetite and help you lose weight in another ways. Some people dont lose weight because they are taking it maybe wrong or scare to try the recommended dosis, some people use the excuse now that im taking these pills I can eat more than before because is going to burn my excess of calories and fat Im eating now, no, don't change your life just keep acting normal and thats it and if you want to help yourself with some exercise or diets of course you are going to lose weight faster, I lost 7 pounds in one month which I think is moderate. Its not magic you are right but not because another pills that you used before didnt work, this one cant. It works and is working for me. Now Im one size less than before and everybody notice Im losing weight. Again, don't buy any cheap crap of GC or GCB, yes the real thing is expensive, GC and GCB need one specific amount of some things to make it work effective in your body not more or less like the cheap ones. Im not going to see the name of the company here they charged me for them so I have no reason to promote them. But if you ask in private I can tell you.

    just copy and paste into your browser. it will bring up the notes from a study on garcinia cambogia.

    { This material was prepared for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for consideration by the Chemical Selection Working Group (CSWG) by Technical Resources International, Inc. under contract no. N02-07007. }

    I found this study when I was wondering if I got an ulcer from taking garcinia cambogia.
  • You know... I did look at this thread because I was interested in the topic. I am interested in trying the Garcinia as well. Then I read the comments that (I suppose) were trying to help. The overwhelming majority of the comments offered no knowledge of the subject at all. All they brought to the table was "If it is by Dr. Oz, it's crap" or "if you are looking for a miracle drug you are an idiot". Thanks for your expertise on the subject Fitness Gods. With all of that information I can make an informed decision on a particular extract I was reading up on. What would I have done without the wealth of information you provided?
  • fitcrystal1121
    fitcrystal1121 Posts: 49 Member
    I have also thought about adding this to my diet. I already cut calories and work out every day but i wanted a little more so was considering it however I do remember Dr. Oz saying something about it has to have 60% of something or hpa? Maybe idk lol but I do know he said there are a lot of companies that are trying to make mocks of it. And if your paying 6 dollars for it then its deff not a good one. He said you want to spend around 50 or 60 bucks for a 30 day supply if its way more or way less your getting ripped off!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I have also thought about adding this to my diet. I already cut calories and work out every day but i wanted a little more so was considering it however I do remember Dr. Oz saying something about it has to have 60% of something or hpa? Maybe idk lol but I do know he said there are a lot of companies that are trying to make mocks of it. And if your paying 6 dollars for it then its deff not a good one. He said you want to spend around 50 or 60 bucks for a 30 day supply if its way more or way less your getting ripped off!

    Sorry but you are getting ripped off either way.

    If this actually worked doctors would be prescribing it. They don't. Save your money and treat yourself to something useful
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Okay, so I searched these supplements and this thread popped up. Of course, I read it. I am 43 years old and having a hell of a time getting back on track. I lost 60 lbs all on my lonesome with diet and exercise many years ago, but have never reached goal weight and gained 20 lbs back. So.....I need help. Why is that such a crime? I logged on just to comment on this thread because it got to me....and reminded me why I stopped being a part of this community.

    Would you berate and belittle a smoker using the patch? Some of us need help. As I get older, my metabolism isn't what it used to be. My willpower is weakened. I KNOW supplements aren't magic pills. They are aids. I take vitamins everyday...ya'll gonna beat me up for that too?

    Seriously, this is my first post in a couple of years...well, I've lost track, but it's been a long time. It is also probably my last. You guys say you are just being helpful, but a lot of ya'll are actually being mean and sarcastic. It's, I don't wanna be coddled. And I'm fine with disagreeing. But there is a way to be supportive and honest without being hurtful. Why hasn't the OP come back on to let us know how things went? She probably did what I did and just logged off, never to return. Can't say I blame her. And I will probably only come back to joyfully read the mean responses to my post. Post again? I highly doubt it. But I never say never. I may have to defend myself.

    Well said!! I agree 100%

    Smoking patches actually work. These pills don't it is not the same.

    Maybe if people searched the forums as you clearly did to find this thread, then they would see that these pills are a waste of money and the people who help by actually posting the truth on the thread wouldn't have to say NO OVER AND OVER AGAIN :noway:
  • wnlbutterfly
    wnlbutterfly Posts: 35 Member
    What I find most amusing is there is an ad to the right of this thread on my page advertising said "miracle pill".
  • lkbfv
    lkbfv Posts: 1 Member
    OP, I tried the green coffee bean extract for a week with no change whatsoever. It was only after this that I discovered that Dr. Oz seems to recommend most everything new that comes along. Good luck with finding something to help get you through the tough times. I wish you the best.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Responding with negative review or opinion does not tearing apart of OP make...

    Herbals are something a lot of people take thinking it won't harm anything, but each and every herbal supplement has a little warning on the label that tells you to talk to your physician before adding any supplement. Every diet, exercise program, anything having to do with health and wellness has this warning, because they will be held liable if they don't.

    So the question is, what did your doctor say when you asked them about taking these? Green coffee extract is just coffee beans that are not roasted. You can get drinks from Starbucks or other energy drinks that contain this. As for raspberry ketones, there's a lot of research that has been done to say they are kind of worthless in pill form... Honestly, I don't know why you wouldn't just eat the dang raspberries. The other thing sounds like something you should be asking about...

    Personally, I would not have spent that amount of money on something I hadn't asked about first. Reading about it in a magazine doesn't do much... How much independent research occurred?
  • If this was true, all doctors would advise their patients who are obese to use it. I don't believe all he hype and would prefer to spend my money at the gym.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    People are so hot tempered about topics like this, and yet there's a steroid thread going out without near the same amount of negative responses.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    What I find most amusing is there is an ad to the right of this thread on my page advertising said "miracle pill".

    MFP has no control at all over what the advertising thingies show. I forget exactly how it works but it's been mentioned a few times.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I purchased Garcinia cambogia online and made sure it matched all of the descriptions doctor Oz mentioned. In 2 and 1/2 months I've lost 28 pounds. I have, however, been motivated, work out, speed walk, and eat more sensibly-not truly healthy, but much better at making good choices. I truly feel that my success stems from GC. I, too, will be trying it will Green Coffee bean extract now that my supply is about to run out and I'm ready to reorder anyway. I won't be ordering a lot of GCBE as many say it keeps them awake. I would just try it and see. Good luck.

    Why do you credit pills with your success instead of the effort and determination you put into exercising and making better food choices?
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