Anyone else...not a runner, hate gym?



  • Oodlez
    Oodlez Posts: 13
    I looooveee hiking it's been my thing lately. I'm definitely not FIT enough to be a runner yet but if I ever were to jog/run for enjoyment I'd do it some place really nature-y and not in the middle of a city or something.

    As for the gym; I don't like the gym... I go every so often (because my gym has a Jacuzzi there for me when I'm done lol) but I generally go really early in the morning or really late at night when most of the populace remain at home.
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    I used to hate I love it. I think everyone has their fav in or out of the gym. I'm not a gym girl myself I have all kinds of equipment at home along with DVDs weights etc...Find something you love doing I know you will it takes us all time to find what we get excited about doing...especially when it comes to working out.
  • MildredBarhopper
    MildredBarhopper Posts: 99 Member
    I absolutely LOATHE running. I work out at home, doing either Fitness Blender videos or some Jillian Michaels videos for cardio, and I do bodyweight exercises for strength training. If it's nice, I'll also go for a walk (which is not much lately since it's winter and I'm a baby when it comes to the cold. I will only go for a walk if it's above 0 degrees!) Oh, I also hula hoop while watching TV.

    I used to enjoy going to classes but I started to become lazy and not as into it anymore, and once I established a routine that I liked at home, I cancelled my gym membership.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I'd much rather be doing something fun and not notice I'm getting the health benefits. I hate running too. Gyms annoy me but I still go to them.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    Jogging, to me is stupid. I cannot understand why people insist on conditioning their muscles in a manner that encourages heart problems. And kills your knees to boot. I have friends who love it. And they are the 40 year olds that have replaced their knees already. One has had a heart attack when he was moving - Cardiologist told him his marathoning contributed - heart learns to work efficiently for long, "slow" burns, but when you are moving a couch up a flight of stairs, you are straining it in a different way and can't handle it.... SO no running for me.

    When I was younger and healthy, I WOULD "power walk" - fast paced walk while pumping arms - now THAT is a workout 9and burns more calories than jogging) Loved that! I also LOVED belly dance classes! Where I took them 9through local parks and rec) I was the thinnest one there at 50 lbs overweight, and we had FUN!!!!!!

    Now I walk the dog, and get to the pool when I can.... sigh....
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Totally agree, but there's no law that says you have to do either. It sounds like you're plenty active and that's what matters.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    ME ME ME!!!

    I hate to run. I hate going to gym.

    I swim and do Zumba on X-box.. Now going to Zumba classes at the community center.

    Save $50/ mo :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but I think of myself as a pretty fit/active person, but I HATE step classes, machines and running. Now I can run if I have to...child going in front of a car, ax murderer behind me...but i just don't get into "jogging" for exercise/the fun of it. I will take the dog out and walk briskly in nice weather or chase my kids around/kick a soccer ball/play basketball with them... But that's about it.

    Anyone else the type of person who likes to "live life" and not spend much time in a gym, running on a treadmill, etc?

    Would love to hear from you!
    why are you assuming you have to run on a treadmill. I've never been near one I run outside to me that's living life
  • I pretty much hate any form of exercise. I don't mind swimming but the only pool nearby that isn't packed with school kids and absolutely filthy is rarely open to casual swimmers, and is about 10 degrees (C) too hot. It's also only 11m long so it gets tiresome quickly doing all those turns.

    I mostly do step-up at home while watching TV (40mins), and walk to and from work twice a week (20mins each way) . Occasionally go for half day bushwalks, but that's more about seeing the sights than the exercise (though it's usually pretty tough going for a sloth like me!)

    I like the concept of running, but have wobbly knees and my boobs are way too big to be controlled by any sports bra currently on the market LOL.

    Everything else I despise, and I find it VERY difficult to get any fitter than I am because I am LAZY!
  • I like lifting weights, but I don't like cardio. Sometimes I do HIIT, but lately I haven't wanted to, so I don't. I've been doing jump rope, circuits etc.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Find something you enjoy and it won't feel like a chore. I didn't really like working out either until I found something that I actually like doing
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I also don't like running all that much. I focus mainly on strength training rather than cardio. I very much enjoy working toward getting stronger. The key to enjoying the gym is working toward goals.
  • If the only thing I did in the gym was use a treadmill or take step classes I'd hate it too. Try lifting something.

    Ok, I'm going to guess that you've never taken a step class then. Those things are the funnest ever! Music, dancing, cardio, funny banter, and cute outfits:). Come on! What's not to love??
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Come on! What's not to love??

    Indoors, other people...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I don't like cardio. ......I've been doing jump rope, circuits etc.

    :) Another "I don't do Cardio, I do Cardio" situation...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I truly do not get why people focus on things they do not like. Don't like the gym? Do something else.

    I'm an avid cyclist - and have biked with my kids in about a dozen countries - one of them now, unfortunately for me, has let me know she really doesn't like biking. But she fences and indoor climbs, occasionally joins me in the gym and wants to go ice hiking or mountaineering with me. It's her thing. The fact that her old dad does things that she enjoys less (usually) isn't an obligation.
    Unless your parent, captor, government is forcing you to go run or go to the gym ... You don't have to.

    Find something that fascinates, identify a goal and hold onto it loosely. Do what you like.

    Or, try something you think you dislike a few times, see if there is pleasure once you get beyond the first awkward moments. I hated the gym as a teen, needed to be outside (biking, hiking, etc...) now it's part of my weekly routine and I enjoy it. Personal attitude shift - one that I honestly still struggle with running - because while there are moments of running I enjoy, getting to those is a significant mental inertia.

    You can find solace in the hundreds of threads of people who hate things, a conformational confirmation of non-doing mediocracy, or you can go forth and be awesome at your own thing. I hope you find it.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Awesome reply!
  • i prefer fun exercise like walking the dog, long boarding, rollerblading, hooping, climbing things, etc
  • bucjo
    bucjo Posts: 2 Member
    Really is simple as finding something you love isn't it? Everyone seems to be training to run a 5k or a half marathon in London...I hate running so I'm happy with my cardio classes. I like going to a class and getting pushed to do stuff and failing miserably at coordination. I like my gym classes because the laughing at myself is just as much of a work out! If just went to the gym I'd just boredly do stuff half assed and not even get a work out.

    I also love walking everywhere. I set myself the task to walk the Thames Path - done all the London ones, now doing the out of city ones which are up to 18-25km long. I can walk for hours but I can't run for 10 minutes. I know what my body can and can't do.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    i prefer fun exercise like walking the dog, long boarding, rollerblading, hooping, climbing things, etc

    I think that was the originators point ;)

    Interesting how people have taken it though...