Worried about what to wear at the gym!

Hi, I guess I can call myself a newbie since I've created a brand new MFP account today after using my old one on-off for about two years and generally neglecting my health goals!

I'd love to make some friends on here to start my brand new (more motivated!) journey, but I'd also like a little help...

I'm always worried that people are going to be grossed out by seeing my muffin top through my t shirt at the gym. I obviously wobble a lot on the running machines so I get really embarrassed if someone is near by or behind me. Any advice on what else I can wear/if I'm completely off by thinking this?

Thanks in advance! Lots of love


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    First of all, I am pretty sure it is just in your head - and mine, you are not alone ;) I have never noticed or care about how others look at the gym, so I am pretty sure it is reasonable to assume others do not really care about me either. However, since I do worry too, what I have found to work best is either a slightly roomier t-shirt than I would normally wear when not exercising, or a vest top under the t-shirt - one that fully covers your belly, not bra-like. Also I find that for me cotton pants, tights etc work better, since they reduce the muffing top. They are not as comfortable perhaps as stretchier materials (especially when you sweat a lot) but they tend to look better when you have a less than perfectly toned tummy.
  • People at the gym are generally focussed on thier workouts, their goals, and looking mostly at themselves. You'll do this too if you're smart. It will help you to begin to really see changes and also appreciate how hard you work.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I wear a baggy t shirt and kung fu pants. No one can tell what's going on under there!
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Just wear what is comfortable. I always wear hoodies. I just don't like wearing shirts to the gym. Just focus on yourself and reach those goals. I use to worry as well, as I was soooo overweight, but no one seemed to worry the we're just friendly and gave me support. Most are there for the same reason.
  • SO weird - just yesterday while I was getting dressed for the gym (which took me about 20 min) I was feeling the same way! Its crazy how our minds can mess with us! I know how you feel but, no one is worried about it! Obviously you want to wear what you are comfortable wearing but then just keep telling yourself I am here to make a better me - thats what the gym is all about!! :)
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    You definitely don't need to be concerned about this. For the most part, people are there to focus on themselves, not others. The only thing that goes through my mind when I'm observing other people working out is "Good for them."

    That being said, if you are concerned, the main thing to avoid is wearing anything that is too tight or too small for you at the waist. Just use common sense, sister!
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    I do agree you should be comfortable, but I always work out better whan I have cute clothes to wear. Yes, my body is less than perfect, but a cute outfit can do wonders for your opinion on how you look. Plus if you get high waisted workout pants it really smashes that muffintop! :)
  • somethinginherair
    somethinginherair Posts: 14 Member
    It's true! Nobody pays attention to what other people are wearing at the gym. We're all too worried about ourselves to care about anyone else! What I mean is that we're all there for a reason.. Very few of us are completely satisfied with how we look. Personally, I'm too worried about my little jiggles to worry about anyone else's little jiggles.
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    I'll usually wear higher waisted yoga pants and a cut up baggy tshirt that falls off the shoulders. My shoulders and traps are pretty toned but my arms and stomach, not so much yet. Accentuating what you like while covering what you don't gives you the confidence to do real work at the gym and not focus on hiding your flaws. I've dressed uncomfortably before and I could barely put in any work cause I kept feeling self conscious about how I looked. Boo to that.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    Don't worry about it at all, you're there for you. When I'm at the gym I'm under such a time crunch and focused on my own workout that I generally don't even notice anyone else unless they're being really obnoxious. Wear what's comfortable and best of luck!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    In to just reassure that no one is going to look at you and care what you are wearing. When I see someone with some weight to lose, I honestly think about how I hope they stick with it and am genuinely glad to see them trying. I would hope that people were thinking the same thing about me less than a year ago.
  • ecottencat
    ecottencat Posts: 46 Member
    I guess I've been lucky to not care what other people are thinking and wear what I feel comfortable working out in. Honestly I don't look at what someone is wearing unless its like this insanely bright neon workout outfit, with that just see colors not what they look like. Don't worry about what you look like as long as are wearing something that is comfortable for you to work out in.
  • Thanks so much for the amazing support, guys!

    I will invest in a baggier t shirt, I think, and for now switch to trousers that aren't as tight.
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    The way I see it is this. I wish I were that important that people is really looking at me. Everyone is so submerged on their own they don't have time to be looking at me.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I wear an XL t-shirt that's nice and light, (the free ones they give out for donating blood are awesome) and running shorts. Nobody sees my muffin top because I don't tuck in my shirt. Besides that, lots of people there are bigger than me. Maybe they just started, maybe they had much more to lose. They are getting healthier either way so I say, "good for them!"

    If somebody is so shallow that they judge what I wear to the gym then I'm not likely to care what they think since they aren't my kind of people.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Have you seen anybody else at the gym yet? Don't worry about it. Many of the lean sculpted people have been exactly where you feel you are in the past. And if you get any comments or funny looks, ignore them. Those people aren't worth your time. Harassment or name calling ->complain to management.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I can honestly tell you that no one gives a damn what you look like/are wearing at the gym!
    My only bit of advice is to please don't wear perfume/body scents when you work out, your exercising neighbors will thank you!
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    Wear what you're comfortable in!
    I used to stray away from compression yoga pants, because I felt that I was far too fat for spandex. Now, I'm probably still far too far for spandex, but I'm most comfortable wearing compression capris and a t-shirt or tank top. You're there to work on you - not to impress anyone else. Crank up the music and have fun!
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    who cares what you look like at the gym?! Just wear whats comfortable for the activity you are going to be doing. Its not a fashion show, and it shouldnt matter if you jiggle or wiggle or whatever, you're there to better yourself.

    I usually wear an xl shirt with a large white t-shirt underneath (this is kind of a sweat absorbing layer as its been very cold here recently and I dont usually change back into my clothes after finishing at the gym, so i dont want to completely freeze outside walking to the car!), and a pair of capri sweats or a pair of my boyfriends smaller basketball shorts. Comfy, light, and allows good movement without a lot of unappealing visual (not that I care, cause in the warmer months I like to wear my tank tops to the gym).
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    Make working out easier. A trick I learned was to have all my gym clothes colored Black, Grey, or white, That way you can grab any top and bottom without having to match everything up. Helps when you are in a hurry.