Do you give in to cravings?

After struggling early to lose weight, I've since started losing. After 4 weeks I'm finding myself craving things.

Today, for instance, I yearned for a Mountain Dew and some tortilla chips. I didn't give in. Do any of you give in? How do you feel afterwords? How much do you feel it sets you back?

My biggest fear of giving in is creating more distance for my already distanced goal.


  • snowflakeln99
    snowflakeln99 Posts: 54 Member
    Sometimes, yes, I give in. I just try to adjust my calorie intake for that day so that I can fit in whatever it is that I'm craving. :)
  • fitfoutch
    fitfoutch Posts: 25 Member
    Why not make room in your diet for the things you crave? Unless you are unable to control yourself, I see no reason why you couldn't incorporate the things you really love.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I plan for eating my favorites like chocolate and ice cream. There's a bakery that I love that makes gigantor cup cakes. I will plan my day around eating one of those bad boys for lunch. worth every moment on the dreadmill!

    seriously though, eat now how you plan to eat for the rest of your life (just in a little stricter moderation) if you cut out things that you plan to eat later on you will doom yourself to yo-yo-ing because as soon as you introduce those things back in your life after going cold turkey and not learning to appreciate them in moderation you will go crazy. been there, devoured that!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    It's perfectly ok to give in - as long as it fits in your calorie goals. Eat a light lunch (or dinner or breakfast) and have a treat.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I make room for all kinds of food in my diet, but I do try to analyze cravings, rather than just caving.

    This afternoon, I really wanted one of those brownies sitting over there on the counter. I can have one, and probably will after dinner, but the desire for it seemed a bit unnatural. I made myself a cup of tea, instead. Just making the tea was enough, I almost forgot to drink it.
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    *looks up from bag of Fully Loaded Baked Potato Ruffles* No.Never.
  • Dreamingallday
    Once a month I cave for chocolate... but found better alternative to satisfy that urge like chocolate frozen yogurt with strawberries. And it has to be within my calorie boundaries
  • MrsHeatherG33
    MrsHeatherG33 Posts: 41 Member
    I add a piece (or two) of quality dark chocolate to my food diary every day, I dont always eat it, but if I want it I don't feel guilty about it, it seems to keep me from giving into my cravings.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I preplan my day to make sure if I want a sweet, I can.. Pretty much every night, I eat a Klondike bar.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    I did today. Which is why there are certain foods I can not have in my house. Ice Cream is one of them.
  • xscat
    xscat Posts: 80 Member
    I make room for it... I eat a piece of chocolate every other day or so, sometimes even 2 pieces within a day. And homemade cookies: yes! part of my routine actually. I try to make healthy-ish cookies (peanut butter, pecan, oats, flax seeds, all the good stuff). As long as I'm still under my calorie &sugar goal I try not to give myself a hard time about it :)
  • karmic_fit
    karmic_fit Posts: 24 Member
    I TOTALLY DO, i just make sure to log it... it gives me that little bit of sticker shock, which helps me to moderate myself over time (at first i would just give in completely full bore... over time i found myself embracing the craving but keeping down the servings) it also motivates me to work out since i really REALLY hate when my tracker bar is in the red

    the important thing is not to use a craving as an excuse not to log or to 'fall off the wagon', if you want it, eat it! just keep it under your calorie goal (for the week, if not for the day... remember, your body doesn't reset at midnight, as long as you keep to your goals long term, you will lose weight)
  • MerlinWilliams
    MerlinWilliams Posts: 92 Member
    I so very rarely have cravings now that I find the occasional ones quite easy to mollify.

    One or two dark chocolate covered pecans is about all I can handle in the way of treats.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I induge every craving I have given I have the calories for the day. If I dont have the calories I will tell myself, I can have it tomorrow. The more I lose, the less I crave things though. If you drive yourself nuts about it you may binge and set yourself back. Just buy a can of dew and a small bag of chips!!! Cravings gone, crisis averted! !!
  • jasmineeatsfood
    jasmineeatsfood Posts: 18 Member
    I like to plan my meals ahead of time so I could make room for my cravings.
  • ntinney6228
    Of course! Just not very often and when I do, its in moderation so I wont feel bad about it. Then, I work it off.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yes I do. I feel satisfied afterwards. I fit it into my caloric intake.

    The last time I cut out foods I thought were bad for me (but still craved them) I ended up binging on them for an entire week.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Depends how hot she is.
  • spongie_12
    Sometimes I do - but I make sure I am within my calorie intake set for me by MFP. It's important to not feel guilty about it afterwards. Don't be too harsh on yourself, It's a lifestyle change/journey - Take it slow and steady. Good luck :)
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    After struggling early to lose weight, I've since started losing. After 4 weeks I'm finding myself craving things.

    Today, for instance, I yearned for a Mountain Dew and some tortilla chips. I didn't give in. Do any of you give in? How do you feel afterwords? How much do you feel it sets you back?

    My biggest fear of giving in is creating more distance for my already distanced goal.

    I think it depends on how you are as a person and a dieter. I've struggled with binging for years. Many times, if I have serious cravings for a long time (like a week), I'm prone to binge on anything.

    I try to go for healthier versions of things and really limit my portions if I do go for it.