Diet Coke?



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm not really convinced it is bad, but of course it's not good for you. I personally have cut artificial sweeteners from my diet (my choice - Paleo) but I'll still enjoy one with some rum every now and then as my drink of choice. :smile: If it doesn't seem to be affecting your weight loss and you're not concerned with artificial sweeteners, go for it - as you see, plenty of people here enjoy it.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I like my coke zero..I am losing weight..I don't get the "more sugar cravings" from drinking it. But then again I only have about 3 cans a week with certain foods.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    For m it is. My belly gets super bloated after a can of diet soda. I have problems to digest anything that I eat after the soda. I blame the artificial sweeteners. Stuff from hell!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    For m it is. My belly gets super bloated after a can of diet soda. I have problems to digest anything that I eat after the soda. I blame the artificial sweeteners. Stuff from hell!

    Which artificial sweeteners do that? All of them?
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy.

    Let's not go blatantly insulting people in your first 20 posts.

    Wasn't meant to be an insult, more like "What?!! How can you not think it is bad for you?" Sorry if anyone is "offended by the word crazy."

    Obviously there are a million things you could consume that could be "bad" for you, but I really think pop/soda is one of the worst. I feel a lot better NOT drinking it every day. Maybe it depends on the person....but it made me bloat & feel sluggish.

    You can't cut out all the bad things, but for me pop was the first to go. Will I ever have it again? Oh, I'm sure. But as the poster asked, I think it is one of the most unhealthy things you can put into your body by choice.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Does it make you retain water? Gain weight? Will one glass a week really cause me harm?

    In order: No. No. No.

    I drink about 3-5 cans' worth every day. I seem to be doing OK.

    Same with me. I don't know that I drink that much, but a couple cans a day and I seem to be doing alright.
  • diswho14
    I do think it affects differently people differently. I am definitely a diet coke addict. When I go off of it I can tell a difference in bloat. My stomach goes down a bit and my face doesn't feel as full. I had been off of it for 2 months and fell off the wagon last week due to a crazy work schedule and a need for caffeine. So I wouldn't say it's harmless necessarily, but it sure tastes better than coffee. <shudder>
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy.

    Let's not go blatantly insulting people in your first 20 posts.

    Wasn't meant to be an insult, more like "What?!! How can you not think it is bad for you?" Sorry if anyone is "offended by the word crazy."

    Obviously there are a million things you could consume that could be "bad" for you, but I really think pop/soda is one of the worst. I feel a lot better NOT drinking it every day. Maybe it depends on the person....but it made me bloat & feel sluggish.

    You can't cut out all the bad things, but for me pop was the first to go. Will I ever have it again? Oh, I'm sure. But as the poster asked, I think it is one of the most unhealthy things you can put into your body by choice.

    Well I said Diet Coke is fine.

    And you called me crazy.

    So that is an insult, whether you meant it that way or not. I'm not offended, but you did insult me.

    Anyway, I won't say you're crazy. I'll just say you're wrong.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    For ME - personally - yes, it's a bad thing. For others, probably not.

    At one point in my life, I was drinking a case - yes, a CASE, 24 cans - of Diet Coke a day. That is overkill. That would be overkill for ANYONE. Why did I drink it so much? I'm not sure I can really give a good reason other than that it was zero calories and it had a "taste" factor (unlike water, which at the time, I wouldn't drink because it was "tasteless", "no flavor", etc.). I've since learned that you can put lemon slices, orange slices, etc., in water and now that's all I drink.

    It even got to the point where I could tell whether the Diet Coke was 'sweeter' than usual, or more 'carbonated' than usual, etc. That's definitely a sign that you just plain drink too much of it!

    I've been dC-free since January 1. I don't have an objection to others drinking it (or anything else, it's an individual thing) - if you can handle it, you like the taste of it, if you don't drink a case a day like I did - bottoms up. But I do think that there might be SOMETHING to the "addictive" principle - after a while, you crave it to the point where you get headaches if you DON'T have one. (This happened to me.)

    So, no, I don't necessarily think it's bad in general. For ME, however? Never touching one again.

    ETA: I also HATED the taste of regular soda. Couldn't tolerate it, I preferred the diet drinks. I'm now sticking to water, unsweetened tea, and milk. No juice, though (I'm diabetic).
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    No, you don't need to cut it out of your diet as it won't kill you. But there is a lot of evidence suggesting affects of aspartame not being helpful with weightloss.

    Basically don't make it part of your food shop but if you fancy one every so often, then why not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy. Artificial Sweetners have addicting qualities to them. I am a solid believer that I was addicted to Diet Coke. And I say Diet Coke ... cuz it was just Diet Coke that I craved.

    Today is 1 month since I have not had any soda! & I just feel less bloated and look less bloated. It was a rough first few weeks, but I seriously feel a lot healthier. Soda is terrible for you, especially artificial sweetners. Just google some of the **** they put in it.

    If you need the caffeine or the taste...try switching to Pepsi Throwback ... real sugar!!!

    I'm not a doctor, but I have researched this stuff in full. & I feel better without it :)
    Googling artificial sweeteners brings up lots of anecdotal evidence. Not the same as peer reviewed clinical evidence.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Everything in moderation. I usually indulge in 1 or 2 glasses a week. I believe I had an addiction to it and lived on diet coke. I never equated it to my constant annoying mild headaches. However, once I gave up diet coke on a regular basis, the headaches went away. I was probably sensitive to the artificial sweetener.

    Now when I indulge, it is from a fountain source and I mix half coke and half coke zero and enjoy it.

    There is some science/concern that the phospates (fizzies) has been shown to leach calcium which is a concern for woman but I believe everything in moderation.

    If coke, diet coke or whatever controls you, then it is bad for you and that needs to be addressed.

    This is why I gave it up too! Chronic headaches for years, I saw tons of doctors, took all different kinds of medicine, but once I gave up Diet Coke (or any artificial sweeteners) no more headaches! This is HUGE for someone who would go to bed and wake up with a headache for years.

    Like you mentioned it controlled me. I had to have my diet coke, I had to make sure there was enough stocked at home, it was insane. I'm happier without it :-) But I don't think it's evil or anything, it was just bad for me.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy.

    Let's not go blatantly insulting people in your first 20 posts.

    Wasn't meant to be an insult, more like "What?!! How can you not think it is bad for you?" Sorry if anyone is "offended by the word crazy."

    Obviously there are a million things you could consume that could be "bad" for you, but I really think pop/soda is one of the worst. I feel a lot better NOT drinking it every day. Maybe it depends on the person....but it made me bloat & feel sluggish.

    You can't cut out all the bad things, but for me pop was the first to go. Will I ever have it again? Oh, I'm sure. But as the poster asked, I think it is one of the most unhealthy things you can put into your body by choice.

    It sounds like what you're saying is that you don't like how you feel when you drink Soda. That's all fine and dandy, but I'm not sure why anyone else should care if they have: 1) had soda and 2) had no adverse reaction to it.

    I just want to make sure we avoid making statements similar to: "I feel bad when I do X. Therefore other people should not do X."
  • rachellouisa2014
    I didn't have a major soda problem until my ex boyfriend! He had full fat coke ALL the time...By co-habitation I developed this problem also. I've switched to diet pepsi now, though.

    I am trying to cut it out though, like yourself, cause I've heard it's really bad for your teeth, stomach and all that jazz....

    They got some seriously addictive stuff in those drinks..I don't think it'd hurt weight loss though.
  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    What are people's opinion on Diet Coke with Splenda vs. regular Diet Coke? I have about 3 Diet Cokes with Splenda per day currently. I like the taste better than the Aspartame version and I don't get the headaches I would sometimes get with regular Diet Coke.

    I'm sure it's maybe not the healthiest thing but I don't find that it makes me crave more sugar.
  • diswho14
    For ME - personally - yes, it's a bad thing. For others, probably not.

    At one point in my life, I was drinking a case - yes, a CASE, 24 cans - of Diet Coke a day. That is overkill. That would be overkill for ANYONE. Why did I drink it so much? I'm not sure I can really give a good reason other than that it was zero calories and it had a "taste" factor (unlike water, which at the time, I wouldn't drink because it was "tasteless", "no flavor", etc.). I've since learned that you can put lemon slices, orange slices, etc., in water and now that's all I drink.

    It even got to the point where I could tell whether the Diet Coke was 'sweeter' than usual, or more 'carbonated' than usual, etc. That's definitely a sign that you just plain drink too much of it!

    I've been dC-free since January 1. I don't have an objection to others drinking it (or anything else, it's an individual thing) - if you can handle it, you like the taste of it, if you don't drink a case a day like I did - bottoms up. But I do think that there might be SOMETHING to the "addictive" principle - after a while, you crave it to the point where you get headaches if you DON'T have one. (This happened to me.)

    So, no, I don't necessarily think it's bad in general. For ME, however? Never touching one again.

    ETA: I also HATED the taste of regular soda. Couldn't tolerate it, I preferred the diet drinks. I'm now sticking to water, unsweetened tea, and milk. No juice, though (I'm diabetic).

    Holy Smokes! I think you win the addict award for Diet Coke! ;)
    My question to you...have you found a good caffeine alternative or is that not an issue for you?
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Switching from juice/pop to diet coke or my personal favorite coke zero has helped me lose weight.
    I don't have those extra calories.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    What are people's opinion on Diet Coke with Splenda vs. regular Diet Coke? I have about 3 Diet Cokes with Splenda per day currently. I like the taste better than the Aspartame version and I don't get the headaches I would sometimes get with regular Diet Coke.

    I'm sure it's maybe not the healthiest thing but I don't find that it makes me crave more sugar.

    It's whatever you prefer. Neither one is bad and one isn't better than the other.

    Coke Zero FTW!! Love that stuff.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Holy Smokes! I think you win the addict award for Diet Coke! ;)
    My question to you...have you found a good caffeine alternative or is that not an issue for you?

    I think I probably do. :embarassed: I've read about a lot worse, though.

    Caffeine isn't usually an issue for me. I was one of those people that could drink a couple of cans of dC and fall asleep like a baby right afterwards. If I do have a caffeinated drink, though, I'll have a cup of coffee or two. Maybe some herbal tea (though I usually prefer the Celestial Seasonings brand, which has no caffeine).
  • Kentuckygirl61
    Kentuckygirl61 Posts: 31 Member
    I drink Coke Zero, or should I say started back when my nephew lived with me last year. Before that I had given all soda up, just did not want it, I suppose. But not!!!! I swear they put something in the Coke Zero b/c I am addicted to it! I have cut down on some days, and back at it on other days.

    Some of you may remember back when Coke put "cocaine" in it. No joke younger crowd, ask someone older, like say at least 50 yrs old.