Always feeling hungry. Foods that help?



  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Sometimes I feel hungry because I'm too restrictive with myself. At first, I had my daily calorie allowance as 1350 but found I was still hungry. I upped it to 1450 and I know it's only 100 calories but it made a big difference for me. I don't feel hungry before bed anymore. Also, when I completely cut out foods I love to eat like chips or ice cream, I feel hungry, too, so if I eat one serving or less, I see that it keeps my hunger at bay. Hope you find what works for you! Feel free to friend me if you'd like extra support. You look like you're doing great!

    I get paranoid adding extra calories or other items I like even if it's just a serving. Mostly I fear adding because I feel like if I do, I'll just go back to my old ways. I'm going to friend you. Always looking for new friends and support and wanting to give it back!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Awesome. I normally boil my chicken, but I am going to try cooking it with some olive oil now.
    Personally, while olive oil is good fats, it adds up from a calorie stand point quicker than other things. If you are OK with boiled chicken, then if it was me, I would stick with boiling it and maybe add an avocado to it. Still good healthy fats, but a bit more food to be able to eat so while still calorically high, to me it's more satisfying. I often use avocado to replace mayonnaise for a type of chicken salad using boiled chicken.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Awesome. I normally boil my chicken, but I am going to try cooking it with some olive oil now.
    Personally, while olive oil is good fats, it adds up from a calorie stand point quicker than other things. If you are OK with boiled chicken, then if it was me, I would stick with boiling it and maybe addi an avocado to it. Still good healthy fats, but a bit more food to be able to eat. I often use avocado to replace mayonnaise for a type of chicken salad using boiled chicken.

    What does avocado taste like? I've never had it. I just looked at the olive oil my friends mom has and it's got a crap ton of calories. Sooo I'm sticking with boiled chicken because I'd rather have something else that adds on my calories not an oil..good or not. Lol
  • betweenthesedays
    betweenthesedays Posts: 15 Member
    The key is high volume foods that have less caloric density. Your food diary tends to have lower volume foods so I can see why you're hungry. So, I'd focus on upping the volume. The name of the game, then is fiber - poatoes of all colors, whole grains, squashes, etc.

    Try serving your soup over a baked potato you'll get a hefty dose of fiber, vitamin c, and potassium. You could also add in something like quinoa or brown rice.

    Do you like hummus? It makes a tasty dip for veggies, but as another poster mentioned, greek yogurt plus some herbs can make a tasty ranch dressing substitute. Simply Organic (Frontier) makes a set of greek yogurt dip mixes that might help cut prep time a bit. I also love the brown rice cakes from Lundberg Farms. I top mine with hummus and veggies or peanut butter and sliced fruit.

    The other key, I think, is availability - so if it's cut and easy to grab that tends to get eaten. Spending an hour or less when you get home from the grocery store to cut things up can help you out later in the week. I'd also suggest taking a tour of the produce department. Try a new vegetable every trip you go. Look up a few recipes and try it prepared a number of ways. If you like it, add it to your list. If you don't like it, move on. There are plenty of other choices out there.

    If you make it all the way through the produce department, then try a few more of the ones you didn't care for the first time. Multiple exposures are often key to learning to like new foods. On the other hand, if you really hate it (like I do artichokes), feel free to never eat it again. :0)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    For healthy veggie dip, try hummus, or tatziki sauce (spelling) - it tastes like sour cream. You can get hummus with different kinds of flavoring. If you don't like the tatziki you could try adding some salsa to it.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Avocado's are very creamy and if you ask me, are delicious! Not everyone likes them though. The only way to know is get one. Just make sure to get a ripe one for the best flavor. I also use them as a spread on a turkey sandwich, in salads, mixed with quinoa, a spread on quesadilla's .... so many uses!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Do you mean that you are actually hungry, or that you just want to eat?
    I am always hungry. I always overeat. It is my biggest issue with food, but my question is I am always hungry. Are there healthy foods that are filling or will make me fuller? I am a really picky eater and don't care for vegetables, but can tolerate a few more than others. Just looking for suggestions food-wise. I'm going bonkers feeling like I am starving.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    The key is high volume foods that have less caloric density. Your food diary tends to have lower volume foods so I can see why you're hungry. So, I'd focus on upping the volume. The name of the game, then is fiber - poatoes of all colors, whole grains, squashes, etc.

    Try serving your soup over a baked potato you'll get a hefty dose of fiber, vitamin c, and potassium. You could also add in something like quinoa or brown rice.

    Do you like hummus? It makes a tasty dip for veggies, but as another poster mentioned, greek yogurt plus some herbs can make a tasty ranch dressing substitute. Simply Organic (Frontier) makes a set of greek yogurt dip mixes that might help cut prep time a bit. I also love the brown rice cakes from Lundberg Farms. I top mine with hummus and veggies or peanut butter and sliced fruit.

    The other key, I think, is availability - so if it's cut and easy to grab that tends to get eaten. Spending an hour or less when you get home from the grocery store to cut things up can help you out later in the week. I'd also suggest taking a tour of the produce department. Try a new vegetable every trip you go. Look up a few recipes and try it prepared a number of ways. If you like it, add it to your list. If you don't like it, move on. There are plenty of other choices out there.

    If you make it all the way through the produce department, then try a few more of the ones you didn't care for the first time. Multiple exposures are often key to learning to like new foods. On the other hand, if you really hate it (like I do artichokes), feel free to never eat it again. :0)

    Thank you very much for the very informative answers! I appreciate it very much.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Do you mean that you are actually hungry, or that you just want to eat?
    I am always hungry. I always overeat. It is my biggest issue with food, but my question is I am always hungry. Are there healthy foods that are filling or will make me fuller? I am a really picky eater and don't care for vegetables, but can tolerate a few more than others. Just looking for suggestions food-wise. I'm going bonkers feeling like I am starving.

    I mean I am hungry. My stomach growls and everything. Lol. Even when I am full, I want to eat. ;) But I can control that, it's the being hungry all the time that bugs me.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Avocado's are very creamy and if you ask me, are delicious! Not everyone likes them though. The only way to know is get one. Just make sure to get a ripe one for the best flavor. I also use them as a spread on a turkey sandwich, in salads, mixed with quinoa, a spread on quesadilla's .... so many uses!

    Well, I guess I will have to get one and just...try it! :)
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    For healthy veggie dip, try hummus, or tatziki sauce (spelling) - it tastes like sour cream. You can get hummus with different kinds of flavoring. If you don't like the tatziki you could try adding some salsa to it.

    Guess I am going to have to try some hummus! I've seen it, but never tried it or cared too. But after all the suggestions on how it's yummy and healthy, it's peeked my interest.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    it seems to me that if you are actually hungry all the time, then you need to up your calories.

    Do you mean that you are actually hungry, or that you just want to eat?
    I am always hungry. I always overeat. It is my biggest issue with food, but my question is I am always hungry. Are there healthy foods that are filling or will make me fuller? I am a really picky eater and don't care for vegetables, but can tolerate a few more than others. Just looking for suggestions food-wise. I'm going bonkers feeling like I am starving.

    I mean I am hungry. My stomach growls and everything. Lol. Even when I am full, I want to eat. ;) But I can control that, it's the being hungry all the time that bugs me.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    MFP gives you an estimate of your BMR and how many calories you should eat in order to stick with what your goal is (i.e. Losing 2 pounds a week or whatever you set it to) but if you are feeling true hunger w the amount of calories you are given, maybe you do want to try To increase your calories. I know you want to lose weight as fast as you can but if you're hungry all the time, it will be hard to continue living that way and you might end up just giving up (that's what I used to do).

    What I have found worked for me is I increased my calorie goal by 100 calories a week until I felt a sustainable deficit. I started MFP two years ago w the lose 2 pounds a week setting and I never kept at it for long. Now I have it set to a calorie deficit where I lose 0.9 pounds per week and have stuck with it for awhile now. It's slow, but I haven't had the urge to binge eat because I starved myself. Again, I'm no expert, just sharing what works for me :)
  • Hummus is pretty filling! I like to dip baby carrots in hummus.
  • If you're looking for a snack that you can eat a lot of and not gain weight, eat grapes. They are super filling!