What was your wake-up call?



  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    My rock bottom point was when I broke the 200 LB mark on the scale which Is something I haven't seen in years. I was in such denial for so long. All the signs were there that I was blowing up but I continued ignore them all. My jeans kept getting tighter and tighter and I kept blaming the tightness on the dryer or said oh there tight due to water retention. All Lies!
  • Short_scrivy
    Short_scrivy Posts: 8 Member
    My wake up call was playing at the park with my daughter. We "race" and I'm was left out of breath with a headache after too short of a distance
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    My mother has had gastric bypass and continues to struggle with her weight. In my early 20's I got up to a size 16. That isn't really big, especially given my mom was a size 30 before surgery but I realized that if I didn't pick a weight and get my self down there and stay, I could very easily be in trouble. I am 5'10". 170 is my "either I cut an arm off or go on a diet" number. Normally I am happy at 158-162. (dream weight, 150-153) I am 2 years away from 40 and my cushion was starting to look a bit tight so here I am. Calorie logging is the only thing that ever works for me. I have always weighed myself daily and when I get close, I start the logging.
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    I'd always been overweight, ever since I was a kid. Highest weight was 318lb when I was 20 years old. Had some health issues with Intracranial Hypertension and almost went blind. Lost down to 300, and a couple years later down to 290. January of '13, the scale had climbed back up to 303lb.

    But my weight or how I looked was not what made me start to lose, what finally flipped the switch with me was how I felt. Tired all the time, no energy to do anything, legs and joints that were so unaccustomed to activity that they'd feel stiff and rickety when I got up after sitting for a long period of time.

    And I took a minute to sit and think...and realize it wasn't going to get better. As the years passed, not only would I feel worse, but it would get even harder to lose the weight that would make me feel better. Realizing that the extra weight was a bomb and it had already been ticking for quite some time is what made me finally take care of my health.
  • I have group of 6-7 online friends from facebook...we all used to chat all days..we had never met each others..once one of our member invited all of us to his brother's marriage...this was going to be our first meet ever...i was so excited but it all ended up being disappointed because they all criticized me saying that i look really fat and should do workouts, running blah blah blah!

    i was hurt but i didn't showed it..i was like i still don't care..but well i wanted to change myself ...

    Marriage was on 6th of october 2013...i went to gym on 7th of the october...i started doing hard work and the exercises but found no result for first 15-20 days...i was really sad and depressed...i consulted a friend of mine who also used to look fat but transformed really well..He told me that all you can do is hard work, slowly but surely results will come out...

    Well that worked and i went down from 107kgs to 77 kgs...
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    When I realized my "baby" was almost a year old and I was still calling it baby weight and wearing maternity clothes.
  • My Body!
    It started producing GAS and pressure inside making me uncomfortable. I was also feeling not healthy. It was making me be weak. I was not able to use my regular skills. I said STOP!
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Some night after Christmas, I was up late browsing the internet & talking to a friend on Skype when I came across the What Will I Look Like? website. I guess I had never seen before & after pictures of someone at my size, & was completely blown away, as well as inspired! I told my friend we should do it, so we did! Now we've both been diligently logging into MFP & restricting calories for over a month & have no desire to turn back! In it for the long haul! Woo!
  • lizcraft
    lizcraft Posts: 35 Member
    I hit rock bottom. I was under so much stress with personal and work issues. I just went through a huge break-up and so I prayed to God to give me a sign that would wake me up and get my butt up and going and on track. I was sitting at 4:30am at work on lunch journaling and T-25 came on the tv. I could not take my eyes off the tv. I saw the results and wanted it more than I have ever wanted anythig in my life. So I ordered it.

    I am on day #3 today.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    I had a wake up call a couple of years ago and was successful losing 30 pounds. Then life hit me in the face and my Dad took sick and passed away. It has been just over a year now and I am finally starting to feel like I can start to deal again. The biggest factor for me is I am petrified of getting diabetes and looking at my weight I know if I don't stop I will. I also have the sweetest Grandson that I want to be able to keep up with in the park this summer.
  • Realizing that I'd soon have to start buying clothes in plus-size stores. I had been going up in size, gradually but steadily, but on one shopping trip I could only find ONE pair of pants in my price range that fit, and they were a size 16. I knew if I gained any more, I'd be *kitten* out of luck so I decided I'd just have to lose.

    Of course, now that I'm about halfway to my goal, I've moved to Thailand and will have to shop in plus-size stores even if I'm the normal weight I was in high school... :sad:
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I was in labor with my sixth baby- we planned a homebirth but didn't plan to be unassisted. At one point I was so tired I just knew my legs were going to give out, that we were both going to die. She was born just fine about 10 minutes later, but I thought about it a lot and vowed to lose weight. I was 250 pounds at the end of that pregnancy, that was six and a half years ago. It wasn't a vanity thing for me (not at first). I was really scared for my health and for future babies.
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    I've never been really big (my max was a BMI around 33 in high school that didn't last long), but whenever my weight gets over a set point (maybe BMI 27?), I don't ovulate. I lost 40 lbs a few years ago, then got pregnant with my son. After having him, I thought I could overcome the anovulation with fertility drugs instead of weight loss... I had 4 unexplained miscarriages last year. Of course, I can't say it's all related, but I'm sure my weight is wreaking havoc with my hormones. So I'm looking to at least get down to pre-pregnancy weight (BMI 26) before trying again... at this point, I want nothing more than to give my sweet little boy a sibling to grow up with :cry:
  • qstneverything
    qstneverything Posts: 125 Member
    Seeing photos of myself (or lack thereof, used to take so many snaps of myself and realised I now shy away) and also realising the only thing I can really wear without buying new clothes are leggings and baggy jumpers.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    my wake up call is when I went swimming in the ocean with a black bathing suit on and I heard someone say, "look, there's an oil spill!" LOL! No just kidding, but it's when I could'nt fit my jeans anymore and I have to wear sweats and seeing pictures of myself.