What do you eat between breakfast and lunch?



  • dshalemiller
    dshalemiller Posts: 7 Member
    I graze all day, too. Breakfast smoothie, 10:30 am yogurt, cheese stick, carrots and hummus (not all of them, just one! lol). Lunch isn't big. Pita with hummus, cukes, a little feta and maybe a slice of turkey. 2:30 - 3 snack (same idea as morning snack). Then dinner around 6:00. This is what keeps me from binge eating. If I go too long, I want to run off to Chipotle for the biggest, fullest burrito they can make.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Second breakfast.

    I'm a giant hobbit in real life. Fer reelz...I shave my feet regularly.
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    Mixed nuts; chocolate; variety of my homemade chex mix; also love mixed or single fresh fruit. i.e. strawberries; berries; orange & grapefruit slices; cantaloupe; bananas (rarely) ; fiber one bars; hot tea or hot chocolate; sugar free jello; cheese, ham slices & multigrain crackers; popcorn...just to name a few.

    I eat 3 meals with 2-3 snacks per day.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    One fruit or one cheese string.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    right now I am eating a bean and cheese burrito between my breakfast and lunch.
  • tsubaki4
    I'd say have a second breakfast, like oatmeal or something else you like. Personally I either have fruit or plain rice cakes with peanut butter. Peanut butter takes a bit to digest I find, so that always works best for me.
  • HDHogger
    HDHogger Posts: 764
    My Girlfriend
  • bassettmama
    bassettmama Posts: 13 Member
    Usually a Greek Yogurt or apple/orange/banana.

    Me too, something with protein, so a Greek yogurt, or a piece of fruit with a string cheese are my go-tos in the morning.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I started my first job 2 weeks ago. My life has changed from being an active student, to sitting all day, and waking up early, and fitting exercise into my schedule with my long commute.

    I have to wake up at 6AM, eat breakfast around 7AM (2 eggs, and 2 toast). I find myself lightheaded at work by 11AM. It is too early for lunch, but a snack doesn't seem enough. Sometimes I end up eating my lunch at this time, but then get hungry again by 3:30-4PM. And then I feel lightheaded during my commute home. To avoid this, I end up eating chilli and bagel around that time. But then, I am not really hungry for dinner, and do not end up eating much (maybe 1/4 cup rice and some veggies)

    My question is, what can you eat between breakfast and lunch that is more than a snack, but not unhealthy? I was thinking oatmeal? Anyone else have this issue of waking up early, and getting super hungry before lunch time? What do you do?

    Well for me, I wake up at 5, then eat breakfast at 7:30AM, usually eggs and toast, but often a muffin too, and then at 11AM it's time for lunch. I get off work at 3:30, so I generally start on dinner shortly after 4. Sometimes I eat a snack about 2pm or so, which is usually a candy bar or some nuts.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I don't agree. "eat what you want"?? There is a huge difference in what you eat. You can have a doughnut (which will make you gain weight) or you can have something healthy and good for you.

    To the original poster of "what do you eat between breakfast and lunch?" To be honest I struggle too a bit. I find myself quite hungry in between breakfast and lunch and in between lunch and dinner. So I try to choose healthier snack options - fruit, yogurt (plain is the best), cottage cheese, a little bit of cheese, vegetable (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes - the best about this that you can eat a lot of them). Another thing - not very good I am sure but whatever works - coffee or tea. I like black coffee (just obviously don't have like 10 cups of it :wink: ) and this is only black coffee. If you take cream or sugar in it or like fancy lattes and stuff - don't do it because you'll pack on fat and calories in no time.

    Good luck!

    A donut, cream and sugar will only make you gain if you eat above your maintenance calories which applies to any food...

    ETA: I don't have time to snack between breakfast and lunch.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I found that if I eat carbs in the morning I will be hungry all day no matter how much I eat and if I eat a protein and fat breakfast I am OK and don't have the urge to snack.
    I like to have a protein smoothie, small tin of salmon or tuna, carrot sticks, nuts/seeds or small piece of grilled chicken for a mid morning snack if I need one depending on how much excersise I have done that day.
  • fificrazy
    To avoid this, I end up eating chilli and bagel around that time. But then, I am not really hungry for dinner, and do not end up eating much (maybe 1/4 cup rice and some veggies)

    What's wrong with this system? It's okay to break away from the 3 meals/3 snack system- I know people who have up to 6 meals a day! Not full on feasts, but a lot like what you described. Do what works best for you!
  • fificrazy
    I don't agree. "eat what you want"?? There is a huge difference in what you eat. You can have a doughnut (which will make you gain weight) or you can have something healthy and good for you.

    To the original poster of "what do you eat between breakfast and lunch?" To be honest I struggle too a bit. I find myself quite hungry in between breakfast and lunch and in between lunch and dinner. So I try to choose healthier snack options - fruit, yogurt (plain is the best), cottage cheese, a little bit of cheese, vegetable (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes - the best about this that you can eat a lot of them). Another thing - not very good I am sure but whatever works - coffee or tea. I like black coffee (just obviously don't have like 10 cups of it :wink: ) and this is only black coffee. If you take cream or sugar in it or like fancy lattes and stuff - don't do it because you'll pack on fat and calories in no time.

    Good luck!

    A donut, cream and sugar will only make you gain if you eat above your maintenance calories which applies to any food...

    ^ This. Watched a TV show once about a morbidly obese guy who lived in denial about his health because he ate "so healthy" and got fat on oranges... Then you have someone like my mom, for instance, incredibly petite but has a donut nearly every day of the week (between breakfast and lunch, to answer OP's question, haha.)
  • Trishsimon
    Fruit and yogurts works for me and sometimes popcorn and I dont be hungry in between meals.
  • malivic
    Another common reason for feeling light-headed is not drinking enough water. Lots of people are actually pretty dehydrated and don't even realise. A useful calculation for water is 33ml for every kilo of body weight a day - and this is water, not other stuff.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I have to wake up at 4:15 to be at work by 5:30, so my breakfast/mid-morning snack basically run into each other. I work alone in a busy bakery between 5:30-11am, , so I have to take a bite here and there whenever I have a free second to. Lunch is usually at 11:30.

    What I do eat though is a nutrition shake of some kind, carrots/celery w/ peanut butter, apple slices, almonds, grilled chicken chunks or other varieties of easy and bit sized foods. I try to keep it healthy though.... but since I DO work in a bakery, once in awhile, I'll have a cookie too as a treat :)
  • daniellemalpas5
    I eat porridge with a sliced banana for breakfast, this helps me feel full until lunchtime. Cereal, just fruit or eggs for breakfast does not keep me feeling full for long.
  • Tagwild12345
    Tagwild12345 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I have breakfast Monday to Friday at 7am I have cracker bread with light cheese a banana and a weight watches yogurt at 10.30am as long as your in your set calorie goal for the day eat when your hungry. A small box of strawberries are very low in calories
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    I think it depends on what you're trying to accomplish as to what you would eat during this time. For example: if I'm carb loading then I'm going extra carbs for this meal, if I'm low carb then I'm aiming for high protein instead. The key as I'm sure most have pointed out is to keep a calorie deficit if you're trying to lose weight without going into starvation mode. Everyone is different so you almost have to experiment with yourself to find out what works best for you.
  • YvetteNZ
    YvetteNZ Posts: 2 Member
    Add 1 teaspoon of Chia seeds to a bottle of water, leave for 10 mins shaking occasionally, then drink that between meals. They swell up into little jelly balls and are quite addictive for me (I love the texture) and super healthy and good for you. It helps a lot between meals and makes you drink more water. Google 'Chia seeds benefits' .

    For a mid-morning snack I would have a banana, maybe some yoghurt. You may need to add more protein to your breakfast to keep you going longer. :-)