21 Day Fix - what is so special about it?



  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    It's not necessary, but some people struggle with discipline and programs like this help them/make it easier for them. Even if it's the placebo effect.

    I drink a shake (herbalife) most mornings because I'm not a big whole fruit eater. Having a smoothie helps me get my fruit intake (I blend fruit in with the drink) in in a way that tastes better to me. It's NOT necessary. YES, I could make a smoothie without it, but I like the way it tastes and I know I'm getting extra vitamins and minerals. No harm, no foul.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So my friends are in love with Shakeology and have invited me to join a 21 Day Fix Test Group for Beachbody. While I applaud what they are doing (both have lost weight), I don't understand why I need to spend a significant amount of money on these programs/meal replacements. I use protein shakes a few times a week, I'm trying to eat healthier, and I workout when I can. I am slowly but surely seeing results. This month alone I have lost 6 pounds and I'm very proud of that. I know that if I worked out more I would see even more results, but I'm getting there.

    My friends that use Shakeology, have started eating much healthier and are doing the T25 workouts, in addition to biking 30+ miles a week. I feel like they would get these great results whether or not they are using Shakeology. Why do they place the reward of what they are accomplishing on a program? They are making the right changes to get healthier and it seems like they aren't taking the credit for what they are doing and place the importance on the product.

    Am I wrong here? Can someone tell me what makes the Beachbody and/or Shakeology programs so special? And is it necessary to use programs like this to lose weight?

    Not trying to hate on people that use them - I just really want honest opinions. Thanks so much!
    It can sometimes be like a "cult" mentality. Nothing wrong with Beach Body workouts IMO. But get a few people to lose some weight and attributing it to Shakeology with a "money plan" and next thing you know anyone NOT doing it, is doing it wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^ This. I like the workouts but I don't use any of the products. I don't even bother to look at the meal plans they come up with for the workouts. I think people put way too much stock in things as though the reason for their weight loss is a shake or a certain workout and not the fact that they created a calorie deficit, and that feeds the cult mentality. It's also worth noting that the requirements to be a BB coach are being able to legally sell their products. There's no requirement for coaches to have any background in fitness or nutrition. I have friends who are coaches and pretty much all they do is sell products and run challenge groups where they check in with people and cheer them on. They have lost weight and look awesome, but I wouldn't trust them to give me sound advice about exercise or eating. Nothing wrong with having someone to help keep you accountable, but there's plenty of other ways to do that without having to buy in to the hype.
  • I've worked out most of my adult life. At 62 with menopause and thyroid, I had gained 31 unwanted pounds and that's WITH working out an hour a day every day!

    I gave T25 and Shakeology a try and have lost 13 pounds. My husband tried shakeology after me and has lost 26 pounds. I love it and feel better when I drink it. As to the cost. It's a meal replacement. I drink it for one meal every day. That's $4 a meal. Add to that we no longer eat snacks/sweets (it kills your desire for those foods) and we no longer eat as much. When I go out to dinner, I bring half of it home for another meal! It turns out we are saving money! We no longer take the vitamins we used to take as Shakeology has the nutrients we need. It turns out Shakeology has saved us money! Yes... I have since become a coach. Too many people started asking us what we were doing to and I would be giving the business to another coach...It just makes sense to be a coach!

    Did I mention our doctors were thrilled????

    No... I'm not looking for your business.... This is honestly how I feel about the product.
  • alynn6489
    alynn6489 Posts: 1 Member
    Obviously I'm just speaking from my own experience here. I have always struggled with weight. I have been able to lose it on my own but it always comes back. I started using shakeology and started a beachbody program and, not just the programs, but the support I got from others using the products as well have really kept me on track. I can honestly say that Shakeology helped curb my cravings for foods I really didn't need to be eating. My coach always checked in on me and I was able to hold myself accountable. I started with the T25 program and what I liked was that it was only 25mins a day and I could do the workouts at home. I used to do workouts at home but I didn't realize how much I limited myself. The programs helped open my eyes to new exercises I could do and also how to do them properly. Yes, it is pricey. But it has been worth it for me which is why I've kept up with it. The results are unlike those I've ever been able to accomplish before. I'm sure anyone could do this on their own but I needed the help and it has proven itself to me.
  • Shakeology fills in nutritional gaps. There's a lot we miss even when we eat perfectly. Which can make us feel sluggish and or actually keep us from being as fit as we can. That's the biggest benefit. A friend of mine tried it and her energy went through the roof! I've been a fan for almost a year now!

    The 21 day fix is really exciting because it takes the guess work out for you. It comes with containers and if your food fits in the container, you can eat it, if not you save it! It's easy to overeat with healthy food too, so this really helps you get portions under control!
  • JessicaBowlby
    JessicaBowlby Posts: 14 Member
    I'll say it, I am a Beachbody Coach. I'm not in it to sell, sell, sell. If I don't believe in the product, I'm not going to share it with others. I became a coach to get the discount on Shakeology at first because of what it has done for my health. I was eating right, logging everything, and exercising 4-5 days a week, but I still felt like crap. I had NO energy. I watched my portions. How many carbs I was taking in and protein. I avoided soda, and sugars and still felt like I had nothing left and I was still really depressed.

    I had a coach I had been talking to for 6 months who said, "Look, I've been where you are, tried it all and Shakeology brought me some energy and clarity. Try it for 30 days, if you hate it, don't think it's working, just don't care; send the bag in and get your money back. What would it hurt?"

    So I did - that was two years ago. I am now a coach who is in it to HELP others whether they decide to use Shakeology or not and whether or not they use a structured, drawn out program offered by Beachbody.

    But I drink it every single day because it has been the one change that allowed me to reach my goals of being MED FREE! I am off all of my medications for depression/anxiety/bipolar as well as my medications for gastroparesis. Forget using it to lose weight. It's not some fast acting weight loss shake, no matter what people tell you. It really is a nutrition based shake. I didn't drink Shakeology for two months during those two years and my entire immediate family and coworkers knew something was off. Not to mention, my numbers in my blood work started to rise again. My doctor said there is something in it that MY body is seriously lacking and to continue drinking it.

    $108/mo for Shakeology sure beats the heck out of spending $300/$400 a month on anti-depressants, bipolar medications, and all the things we kept trying for my digestive tract.

    What you get from ANY workout or nutrition plan - whether it's structured for you or you do it on your own - you get out of it what you put into it. You work hard, you'll see results. You slack off and cheat, you won't - or you'll yo yo.

    I don't credit Shakeology or all of the Beachbody programs I have used. I KNOW I busted my butt to get my results. I KNOW I made the decision to start. I'm just grateful I found workouts I enjoy, with such a motivating team there to encourage me along the way.

    I made progress because I CHOSE to start the journey, not because some program/supplement.
  • lindseygriffith27
    lindseygriffith27 Posts: 13 Member
    Personally I love beachbody programs but hate shakeology. I've tried different flavors and just didnt like it. I've tried the coaching thing but didnt like that they pushed shakeology so strongly. So I went my own route. I buy the workout programs because I love the schedule and the accountability you get with groups or people doing the programs. I just dont buy the shakes and focus on proper nutrition throughout the day. Shakes just dont cut it for me. So if you see a BB program you want to try, try it. Dont feel pressured to get the shakes. Clean eating without meal replacement/protein shakes and working out are doing the trick for me. I don't need to spend $120 on a bag of something I dont need or want.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's funny that this came up...I have never looking into beachbody or their shakeology but just the fact of the price puts me off...and I have yet to see someone use it, stop using it and have good long term results...

    As a matter of fact I had friends I took of my friends list after I found out they were Beachbody coaches...I have no interest in reading that on my wall.
  • becky32500
    becky32500 Posts: 1 Member
    I applaud everyone's successes with their weight loss! Having been overweight as a child and through high school and still struggling with losing, I know how hard it is. I've always been very athletic, playing sports all of my life. I was a 2 sport athlete in college and now, 13 yrs later, still play competitively. I say that because I STILL struggle with weight loss after ALL these years of education, training and having family members who are personal trainers and physical therapists.

    I've done it all. Weight watchers worked the best but working out never went hand in hand with it. I've been a 'repeat offender' many times...always having success but the weight slightly inching back on over time. I've done South Beach, Adkins, Jillian Michaels, The Biggest Loser, worked with personal trainers, team athletic trainers and drank every whey/nutrition drink under the sun. I had great results but it all inched back on because I got bored or it was too difficult to keep up the regime. Yes, I was that gym rat, 2 hrs a day, 6 days a week...I LOVED lifting but HATED cardio. I always had great muscle and was very strong but looked it... Never strong and lean. What was that?! :)

    Fast forward to April 2012. I was pregnant with my daughter when I was diagnosed with lymphoma. It was devastating. I gave birth and she was healthy and thriving. 2 weeks later, I started chemo. Due to my weak body from being pregnant, I was about to endure more complications than the typical cancer patient. 6 mos of chemo, 4 hospitalizations, 17 daily medications, painful back injections to mass produce white blood cells, joint pain I would never wish on anyone, side effects (sore tongue, nausea, etc) and a 25 weight gain due to prednisone (from lung damage due to chemo). All while taking care of a newborn. I had my first clean scan in Nov 2012. I worked on getting my strength back and started PT for joint pain, strength and stamina. I was 35 and couldn't walk up stairs. With 8 mos of PT I was making progress but still had pain and my energy level was discouraging. I had many friends suggest Shakeology but could not get past the $$. How could I justify that with a new baby.

    In Oct 2013, I hit my one year remission. At that appt, I asked my drs about Shakeology. They gave me 2 thumbs up. I also consulted with a PA and nutritionist who reported that it is impossible to get all these vitamins and benefits in a normal diet. I decided to take the plunge and try it. I was paying $40/mo. for Weight Watchers, $30/mo. for the gym, $20/mo. on health shakes...Dunkin coffee 3x week $40/mo. All that was $130. Shakeology was $115...ummm. Save $? I decided to try it. Within 2 weeks, my pain was cut by 75% and my energy level was through the roof. Another 2 weeks and pain was 85% gone. At that point, I was feeling well enough to workout...after 2 years of no working out. I was SO out of shape. My PT was amazed at what I could do with the month I was on Shakeology. He physically saw the transformation in strength, dexterity and flexibility. After being skeptical, he was sure it was highly effective.

    With 4 mos of Shakeology and 10 weeks of T25, I've lost 18 lbs and 18", an 85-90% pain free, take ZERO Pills, have TONS of energy and have leaned out. No program has ever 'leaned' me out.

    This is not a sales pitch by any means. ONLY my experience and how Beachbody has changed my quality of life. I will forever be grateful for this company. I feel better than I have my whole life. And I'm keeping the weight off. Most people say 'you'll gain it back when you stop'. It's not 'low cal'... My shake, the way I make it is 300 cal. I can easily replace it with a good breakfast for 300 cal. But will I get all the vitamins and feel amazing? No. I'll spend the $4 a day to feel this great. Plus, the workouts are 30 min and I can stay home with my peanut.

    Do what works for you. This works for me and I'm eternally grateful for Shakeology. It gave me my life back. :)
  • Like everyone is saying, no- these things are not required. And I don't believe that most people who do the programs and drink Shakeology are using them as an excuse for why they are not getting the results that they want (if that happens to be the case) or crediting them solely for the success that they see. I have used several of the beach body programs and I currently drink shakeology on a fairly regular basis. I have seen really great results with what I am currently doing, but I know that it is based on my eating choices and my workout routine. The reason that I like the programs is that I don't have to put the time and effort into figuring out what to do in a workout, how fast or slow to do something, or even remember the correct form if I can't (though after doing an exercise once or twice you ought to remember proper form). The trainers in the workout have done all of the work for me and I'm more than willing to pay the money for that as my time is very valuable as a full-time mother of two who also works a full-time job. The shakeology makes me feel better and healthier than other protein shakes have and, again, it takes the guess work out of some of the aspects of nutrition. I absolutely could do all of this without the assistance of these, but would much rather pop in my dvd, do my workout, drink my breakfast, and then spend the rest of my time focused on my work or my kids.
    It's all about figuring what works best for you- and this happens to be what works best for me. I will always be an advocate of all things beach body, but will never pressure anyone to buy something that they can't afford or don't feel that they need.
  • The 21 day fix just takes the guess work out of it. If you use Myfitness pal and stick to it with some serious self control and workout getting a mix of cardio, resistance, and weights, keep you protein high and stay away from processed food you will see results. Most people do find shakeology expensive but it is an incredible product. I am a beachbody coach, and one of my customers has just said her husband and doctor have encouraged her to stay on it because its helped her digestion so much and energy levels, she was worried about the cost as well initially. I think being a Beachbody coach, and originally a customer the best thing about this for me was I found fun programs, awesome support and a fun way to meet new people doing the same thing. I couldn't figure it out before and its kept me motivated and on track and my weight isn't yoyoing all of the time. Good luck with whatever you decide :) You are worth any investment, be it the gym or at home programs :)
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    as with everything else in the world, there is no ONE way, or ONE size fits all. and people need to remember that.

    if someone is sharing what worked for THEM with you, that's all they are doing. they are sharing THEIR experience and their truth, with you. if you have no interest just be honest. however, if you are assuming they are just trying to sell you something, or that their sharing is a sales pitch, you just might miss out on information that COULD help you. you never know!!

    I have been on MFP for several years now. I have seen so much advice given on this site. some of it good, some of it bad. some works for certain people and some works for others, that's because we are ALL different. and what works for us is going to be different.

    I have taken a lot of the advice given here on MFP. most of it has not worked for me. i had tried counting calories and keeping within my macros and uping my calories spent, doesn't work for me. I have tried lifting heavy weights and ditching the cardio. doesn't work for me. i have tried uping the cardio and going lighter on the weights. doesn't work for me. if it's been mentioned on MFP, i've tried it.

    I FINALLY come to the realization that i had to get drastic and i did. FINALLY i was getting the results i needed. that was last year. however, drastic wasn't a long term solution, so i had to find a healthy balance that IS maintainable. which is what we ALL need to do. find something we can do for the LONG HAUL, as in FOREVER. and there it was in front of me. Shakeology and T25. and wouldn't you know it. by cutting out 3 foods that i KNEW i had issues with, drinking Shakeology daily and keeping my work outs to under 30 min, FINALLY worked for me. AND this is sustainable. I will be able to do this for the REST of my life! and THAT IS the GOAL! whatever you find that works for YOU has to be something you can do for always and forever! LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!!!

    my profile pic, is from 3 mo of Shakeology and T25. I recently started P90X3, and plan on going back and forth between the two products. eating like i have been now for a year. and continue to drop inches and fat. THIS is what works for me. does that mean it will work for YOU? no not necessarily. but, I feel so great and love how i feel and the energy that i have and how i no longer struggle with getting out of bed, or feeling tired in the afternoon, and my periods are much shorter and lighter, and i have NO PMS symptoms AT ALL! my hunger energy and cravings are ALL in check, that for me, it's worth the money. I would rather feel good and have things in check, and spend some money doing it, than constantly be looking for an energy bolt, or feeling moody and having cravings and mood swings, and frustrating digestive issues etc. again, that just me.

    I use a lot of educational materials from Metabolic Effect, and I am going to become a hormonal fat loss coach through them. I am also in school now through NASM to become a personal trainer. I will still SHARE my experiences with people about beachbody and shakeology because i have a story that is my own. my own truth, and we should all be welcome to share our truths with other people. From an NASM stand point p90x3 is a VERY well thought out and put together fitness program. and it costs a FRACTION of what a personal trainer would. I could charge 100.00/ session PLUS all of the gym fees too! and then tell you to tack on a couple hundred in different foods and supplements from the grocery store, OR , I could tell you to go buy the P90X3 complete program ( that comes with the shakeology) for basically the equivalent of TWO one hour sessions with me!!! but you'd have 3 months of program (that you now own and can do over and over again at your house) and at least 30 days of shake ( if you drank it every day)..........

    again, every person is different, and every body is different. but don't assume that someone sharing their experience with you is them just trying to sell you something. really at the end of the day, you could be the one losing out.......
  • smithlinda60
    smithlinda60 Posts: 3 Member
    I am doing the 21 Day Fix but I don't use Shakeology. This is probably a huge Beachbody no-no but I cannot afford that. They say it's only $4 per shake but I can make real food for much less than that. ;) Anyways, 21 Day Fix is awesome in my opinion. I'm on Day 10 and have lost tons because it's a full program. It's nutrition and exercise. It feels like I have a personal trainer telling me what to do to exercise and what to eat. I get to create my own meals but with a guide. It did cost me $60 but I can use the containers and the DVDs for the rest of my life if I want to. So... I'm not really sure about Shakeology. I think it's too expensive but I do LOVE 21 Day Fix.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm doing the Fix right now. Well, my version of it anyway. :) I gave up on the containers. It's only allowing me ONE yellow container a day, which is starches. (I have plenty of containers for proteins, veggies, fruits, etc.) Sorry, but I just can't cut out that much bread, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, etc. It's not for me. I felt miserable. I'm not going to do that to myself when I can just continue counting calories on MFP and still stay under my calorie goal. So container program - not for me.

    HOWEVER - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the workouts. I've been doing those faithfully. They are the best beach body workouts I've ever done (for my taste in workouts). I also love the trainer. She's not annoying and goofy like some of the other trainers. Even though I'm not doing the eating plan - I'm glad I bought the program simply for the workouts.
  • tmc0415
    tmc0415 Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing the 21 Day Fix without Shakeology as well. I just couldn't see spending that much money. Can you give me ideas on what you are doing to supplement?
  • smithlinda60
    smithlinda60 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing the Fix right now. Well, my version of it anyway. :) I gave up on the containers. It's only allowing me ONE yellow container a day, which is starches. (I have plenty of containers for proteins, veggies, fruits, etc.) Sorry, but I just can't cut out that much bread, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, etc. It's not for me. I felt miserable. I'm not going to do that to myself when I can just continue counting calories on MFP and still stay under my calorie goal. So container program - not for me.

    HOWEVER - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the workouts. I've been doing those faithfully. They are the best beach body workouts I've ever done (for my taste in workouts). I also love the trainer. She's not annoying and goofy like some of the other trainers. Even though I'm not doing the eating plan - I'm glad I bought the program simply for the workouts.

    In my book, the lowest plan available is 1200-1499 calories and it allows 2 yellows. That's the one I'm doing. :) Just thought I'd share in case your finger slipped to another column or something as you were going down it. :)
  • smithlinda60
    smithlinda60 Posts: 3 Member
    I am doing the 21 Day Fix without Shakeology as well. I just couldn't see spending that much money. Can you give me ideas on what you are doing to supplement?

    Shakeology just counts as a red cup so instead of drinking it, I eat another protein --- yogurt, cottage cheese, meat...etc. I prefer real food than protein shakes anyways.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Anything that specifies a fix in a specific number of days isn't going to help you in the long term. You need a "rest of your life fix" which is neither expensive nor hard to stick to. What happens after 21 days? Well, I know what Shakeology wants to happen after 21 days... you maintain your good progress by buying more of their products. If you go back to your previous lifestyle, the weight will come back on again. If you switch to a much less expensive programme of calorie deficit + exercise, you'll maintain your good progress, but then that would beg the question as to why bother with the 21 day fix programme... you'll get the same results if you just go straight to the calorie deficit + exercise programme, and save yourself a bunch of money.
  • I agree with the overall group. As a cancer survivor I needed more nutrient dense foods etc but I am a busy mom and lazy at food prep. Shakeology gives me what I need each day without all the slicing and juicing etc. The 21-day fix will help me keep my portions under control without having to get out the scale and the measuring cups. I love the workouts because I can take them on the road with me or do them in my living room with my husband etc. I still bike, lift weights etc but I love being able to grab a quick shake and a 30 minute workout when I don't have time for much else or I am traveling.

    I will say that one time I ran out of Shakeology while traveling and I had to without it for a week. Dang did I notice the difference! Ugh! I will never go more than a day without it again. It isn't about weight loss for me (although I need to lose a lot of weight). It is about how it makes me feel... Does that mean it will be the same for everyone? Nope! Do what works for you... but don't be afraid to try new things if the current things aren't working anymore...