I am becoming judgemental



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.

    Love cold pizza for breakfast, but my favorite is cold spaghetti/sauce/parm cheese. The breakfast of champions. On a serious note, I always eat what I'm in the mood for and ccasionally, it will not coincide with the correct meal timing.

    I cant do cold pasta like that because clumping.
    Like pasta salad is fine - not the kinda with mayo unless its my Grams. She puts shrimp in it unless ive eaten them all haha

    Cold pizza = amazeballs

    Now Anderson and I are judging your distaste of my breakfast choices.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    BTW, my plan for dinner is a double cheeseburger from Five Guys followed by a Butterfinger. Go ahead and judge me.

    No fries? How can you have a burger and no fries?

    (Never had a Five Guys burger. I heard they are to DIE for).

    When you order fries at Five Guys they give you like 10 pounds of them. They seriously put some fries in a paper thing like McDonald's, place it in the bag, then dump another few scoops of fries on top of it. It's crazy.

    But, with a 900-calorie burger you have to cut back somewhere :laugh:

    Pfffft. No Five Guys without cajun fries. I mean, come on. I cut back nowhere with my Five Guys. It's totally do-able with a little burger. Plus they recently created a smaller size of fries- like within the last year. But the normal size? Yeah, I always shared that among 2 or 3 people.

    Quit being judgmental about my fry-ordering habits, devil woman!

    Hi, BTW.

    Hi! I mean, I just expected better from a fast food guru like you. I'm pretty positive you have a "best of" Taco Bell list, so forgoing the cajun fries is a major oversight! I forgive you for it though.

    I kinda feel like I have to order the fries now. Help MFP, I'm being bullied and sabotaged!!!

    [I probably will order the fries.]
  • mtgeorgefan
    Mmmmm..... Five Guys! The best EVER!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's good you recognize it, we all have moments of judgement but don't stay there. I've lost 20 lbs and I did not cut out chips and candy, I only limited how much and how often. Don't judge because as you said, you aren't perfect....none of us are.

    Except me.
    Im perfect.

    I judge you on your perfection.
  • breeshabebe
    It's alright to judge what you eat, but keep in mind that those people are making their own health decisions. In the past, maybe you weren't as knowledgable as you are now, or didn't care as much. It happens to the best of us. We've all experienced it and we all know what it's like to not be constantly thinking about calories, macros, and nutrition in general.

    It's not up to us, however, to educate the masses. If your co-workers see your progress and they see how healthy you're becoming, they may ask you for what you did. Some will reply, "Wow, that sounds rough" and continue eating doughnuts. Some might start thinking, "Hey, that sounds like something I could do." And for some, you may just be the final push they need into trying to improve themselves. But it's never up to us to judge them for what they're doing or try to change them. Can't make decisions for others, but you can sure help them find their way if they're asking for help. Diet is a very personal thing.

    I agree completely with this.

    Judging others is sometimes inevitable, but you've gotta try to keep it in perspective as it can be a slippery slope.

    Think for a moment about someone with much stricter dietary habits than your own, and how annoying it would be to see them looking down their nose at you or to know that they're judging you for eating something processed, or whatever. It's not a good feeling.

    My best advice is to just stay out of it as much as you can, and keep to the thoughts of "I'm so glad I know better than to indulge in X, Y, Z all day long"

    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    Agree with both of these.

    I judge too.. but its super annoying to be judged.
    Super Bowl Sunday there was a guy--actually a great friend of mine-- who knew I was dieting and he had much stricter dieting than I did (though his isn't something he is going to be able to sustain longterm) and so while there I felt completely under the radar. I had told him of a recipe that I had made with cheese in it and he looked confused and repulsed that I ate cheese. I ate off the vegetable tray even though I could afford a cookie.

    When he left, I ate that cookie. As did another friend who is way more fit than both me and that guy, but they too had felt judged.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.

    Love cold pizza for breakfast, but my favorite is cold spaghetti/sauce/parm cheese. The breakfast of champions. On a serious note, I always eat what I'm in the mood for and ccasionally, it will not coincide with the correct meal timing.

    I cant do cold pasta like that because clumping.
    Like pasta salad is fine - not the kinda with mayo unless its my Grams. She puts shrimp in it unless ive eaten them all haha

    Cold pizza = amazeballs

    Now Anderson and I are judging your distaste of my breakfast choices.


    Not judging you.
    Envious that you can do that.
    Clumpy pasta bugs me haha
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    It's good you recognize it, we all have moments of judgement but don't stay there. I've lost 20 lbs and I did not cut out chips and candy, I only limited how much and how often. Don't judge because as you said, you aren't perfect....none of us are.

    Except me.
    Im perfect.

    I judge you on your perfection.

    Youre just jealous.

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.

    Love cold pizza for breakfast, but my favorite is cold spaghetti/sauce/parm cheese. The breakfast of champions. On a serious note, I always eat what I'm in the mood for and ccasionally, it will not coincide with the correct meal timing.

    I cant do cold pasta like that because clumping.
    Like pasta salad is fine - not the kinda with mayo unless its my Grams. She puts shrimp in it unless ive eaten them all haha

    Cold pizza = amazeballs

    Now Anderson and I are judging your distaste of my breakfast choices.


    Not judging you.
    Envious that you can do that.
    Clumpy pasta bugs me haha

    I'm now intrigued by your Gram's pasta with shrimp. Recipe? Or closely guarded family secret?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    It's alright to judge what you eat, but keep in mind that those people are making their own health decisions. In the past, maybe you weren't as knowledgable as you are now, or didn't care as much. It happens to the best of us. We've all experienced it and we all know what it's like to not be constantly thinking about calories, macros, and nutrition in general.

    It's not up to us, however, to educate the masses. If your co-workers see your progress and they see how healthy you're becoming, they may ask you for what you did. Some will reply, "Wow, that sounds rough" and continue eating doughnuts. Some might start thinking, "Hey, that sounds like something I could do." And for some, you may just be the final push they need into trying to improve themselves. But it's never up to us to judge them for what they're doing or try to change them. Can't make decisions for others, but you can sure help them find their way if they're asking for help. Diet is a very personal thing.

    I agree completely with this.

    Judging others is sometimes inevitable, but you've gotta try to keep it in perspective as it can be a slippery slope.

    Think for a moment about someone with much stricter dietary habits than your own, and how annoying it would be to see them looking down their nose at you or to know that they're judging you for eating something processed, or whatever. It's not a good feeling.

    My best advice is to just stay out of it as much as you can, and keep to the thoughts of "I'm so glad I know better than to indulge in X, Y, Z all day long"

    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    Agree with both of these.

    I judge too.. but its super annoying to be judged.
    Super Bowl Sunday there was a guy--actually a great friend of mine-- who knew I was dieting and he had much stricter dieting than I did (though his isn't something he is going to be able to sustain longterm) and so while there I felt completely under the radar. I had told him of a recipe that I had made with cheese in it and he looked confused and repulsed that I ate cheese. I ate off the vegetable tray even though I could afford a cookie.

    When he left, I ate that cookie. As did another friend who is way more fit than both me and that guy, but they too had felt judged.

    This is a good point.... it is still each person's responsibility, but if a person eating out in the open feels judged for what he or she is eating out in the open, he or she will move the eating into a more private setting, and is more likely to binge eat in that private setting. So OP's judging, if it becomes obvious to her coworkers, could lead to their downfall, in the long run.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    It'll fade. People who are new to a hobby or interest often become highly judgmental of how others do it. For instance, new guitar players will sneer at people playing old ratty guits and new photographers with expensive DSLRs will judge others based on their older or less-capable camera.

    Then something amazing happens. As you become highly experienced, you realize that the obvious, external signs matter less and less. John Petrucci could pick up a 30 year old $50 guitar from a Sears catalog and blow you away. Jay Maisel could take one snap with a disposable film camera that shames your entire 10,000 picture history with that fancy DSLR.

    And it's the same with food. The person eating that peanut butter cup or slice of pizza might, under that suit and tie, be an 8% body fat triathlete in extraordinary health who can squat 400 lbs.

    So yeah. Everyone gets uppity about their awesome stuff when they start. You'll get over it.

    BTW, my plan for dinner is a double cheeseburger from Five Guys followed by a Butterfinger. Go ahead and judge me.

    So not judging you, but you are definitely making me jealous!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    It's alright to judge what you eat, but keep in mind that those people are making their own health decisions. In the past, maybe you weren't as knowledgable as you are now, or didn't care as much. It happens to the best of us. We've all experienced it and we all know what it's like to not be constantly thinking about calories, macros, and nutrition in general.

    It's not up to us, however, to educate the masses. If your co-workers see your progress and they see how healthy you're becoming, they may ask you for what you did. Some will reply, "Wow, that sounds rough" and continue eating doughnuts. Some might start thinking, "Hey, that sounds like something I could do." And for some, you may just be the final push they need into trying to improve themselves. But it's never up to us to judge them for what they're doing or try to change them. Can't make decisions for others, but you can sure help them find their way if they're asking for help. Diet is a very personal thing.

    You are sooooooo right!

    When I first became a vegetarian (many years ago) I had the zeal of a religious convert. I thought I had to convert everyone in my sphere because I was the "righteous" one. As my circle of friends became narrower, I realized that everyone makes their own life choices, so I shut up and practiced what I believed was right. Several of my friends now practice "meatless dinner nights" and tell me they eat healthier because of my example. It's not perfect but nothing is, and I admit to eating junk now and again - or daily - whatever! :blushing:

    The point is, people will notice that you're healthier and maybe some of them will follow your example. Some won't. That's human nature.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    I had ranch flavored Pringles at 7:30 this morning. Darn it, I'm going to wake up fat tomorrow :sad:
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.

    Love cold pizza for breakfast, but my favorite is cold spaghetti/sauce/parm cheese. The breakfast of champions. On a serious note, I always eat what I'm in the mood for and ccasionally, it will not coincide with the correct meal timing.

    I cant do cold pasta like that because clumping.
    Like pasta salad is fine - not the kinda with mayo unless its my Grams. She puts shrimp in it unless ive eaten them all haha

    Cold pizza = amazeballs

    Yep! Cold pizza is the shizz! :smokin:
  • ceen43
    ceen43 Posts: 7 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    When my husband and I found out our son was ADHD at 4 years old, we opted to try diet changes (no artificial colors, flavors preservatives and so on). He could still eat candy and junk, as long as it didn't have these ingredients. This became a problem when going to church/Sunday school and other get togethers (birthday parties and such). Because the changes helped him and his ADHD tendencies, we continued to monitor these things the best we could. We shared with others what we were doing and to please not give our son artificial food items.
    It has been a struggle, but 9 years later we are seeing parents making similar choices for their kids!
    Moral of my long winded tale, Stick to what works for you and encourage others, without being condemning. They may eventually question you more about what you are doing and try to make similar changes!
    Keep on keepin' on!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    My favorite thing to eat at 8:30 AM is cold pizza with Diet Coke.

    I love cold pizza. I think I like cold pizza better then hot pizza...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    When my husband and I found out our son was ADHD at 4 years old, we opted to try diet changes (no artificial colors, flavors preservatives and so on). He could still eat candy and junk, as long as it didn't have these ingredients. This became a problem when going to church/Sunday school and other get togethers (birthday parties and such). Because the changes helped him and his ADHD tendencies, we continued to monitor these things the best we could. We shared with others what we were doing and to please not give our son artificial food items.
    It has been a struggle, but 9 years later we are seeing parents making similar choices for their kids!
    Moral of my long winded tale, Stick to what works for you and encourage others, without being condemning. They may eventually question you more about what you are doing and try to make similar changes!
    Keep on keepin' on!

    Keep on being judgmental?
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I do the same. I don't lecture people about their food choices but I do notice when people are eating (or buying at the grocery store) nothing but junk and think "if only they knew...". One day I was behind a woman at the grocery store (an extreme couponer) that was buying nothing but junk (ice cream, chips, frozen dinners, etc.) and I silently judged. On a side note... I have a lot of "extreme couponer" friends and while they're talking about their haul I just think about how I wouldn't benefit from couponing because you can't buy lean meats and produce with coupons. I buy very little pre-packaged stuff so no couponing for me. *sigh*

    I just chalk it up to ignorance. Most of those people just don't realize what they're doing wrong and how much better they would feel and how much healthier they would be if they ate better. For instance, I haven't had health insurance in YEARS because my hubby's and my employers don't offer it and its too expensive to fit in our budget. But, neither of us get sick because we take good care of ourselves.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    I do the same. I don't lecture people about their food choices but I do notice when people are eating (or buying at the grocery store) nothing but junk and think "if only they knew...". One day I was behind a woman at the grocery store (an extreme couponer) that was buying nothing but junk (ice cream, chips, frozen dinners, etc.) and I silently judged. On a side note... I have a lot of "extreme couponer" friends and while they're talking about their haul I just think about how I wouldn't benefit from couponing because you can't buy lean meats and produce with coupons. I buy very little pre-packaged stuff so no couponing for me. *sigh*

    I just chalk it up to ignorance. Most of those people just don't realize what they're doing wrong and how much better they would feel and how much healthier they would be if they ate better. For instance, I haven't had health insurance in YEARS because my hubby's and my employers don't offer it and its too expensive to fit in our budget. But, neither of us get sick because we take good care of ourselves.

    You must be a blast at parties...
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I'll often have soup for breakfast (don't know why, it's just easy to eat in the mornings). But I get questions from my coworkers about it....whatever, I like soup in the morning!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do the same. I don't lecture people about their food choices but I do notice when people are eating (or buying at the grocery store) nothing but junk and think "if only they knew...". One day I was behind a woman at the grocery store (an extreme couponer) that was buying nothing but junk (ice cream, chips, frozen dinners, etc.) and I silently judged. On a side note... I have a lot of "extreme couponer" friends and while they're talking about their haul I just think about how I wouldn't benefit from couponing because you can't buy lean meats and produce with coupons. I buy very little pre-packaged stuff so no couponing for me. *sigh*

    I just chalk it up to ignorance. Most of those people just don't realize what they're doing wrong and how much better they would feel and how much healthier they would be if they ate better. For instance, I haven't had health insurance in YEARS because my hubby's and my employers don't offer it and its too expensive to fit in our budget. But, neither of us get sick because we take good care of ourselves.

    So what are you gonna do if you get into a car accident or get cancer? Because you can eat right and still get cancer or get into an accident.