Biggest Loser Finale

I'm just wondering on my families perception of the finale last night on the Biggest Loser. I know that these people are true success stories and inspirations for many, me included. I never miss exercise on a Loser night! However, I really thought that some of the contestants overshot their goal weight and are underweight. Did anyone else think this or do I just like a little meat on a persons bones, maybe because I have some meat of my own.:happy:


  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    The winner looked like she lost to much weight. Most people look younger when they lose weight, she looks older. Her face was very drawn looking.
  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    Rachel totally lost too much weight. How many people are at a healthy weight at 105 pounds. Way to thin, from one extreme to another!
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    I'm quite proud of the journey she and the rest of the other contestants undertook, but she had a final BMI of 17.5 which is considered underweight. I wonder how/if this will impact rules for future contestants; personally I hope they do put in some sort of language that would disqualify a contestant for going that much underweight. She looked terrible.
  • hmp1130
    hmp1130 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm quite proud of the journey she and the rest of the other contestants undertook, but she had a final BMI of 17.5 which is considered underweight. I wonder how/if this will impact rules for future contestants; personally I hope they do put in some sort of language that would disqualify a contestant for going that much underweight. She looked terrible.

    I agree, I think if they become underweight they should be disqualified. She just looked sickly.
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    Having technical difficulties....just keep scrolling.... :bigsmile:
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    I thought both Rachel and Bobby looked too thin. Hopefully it was just for the finale and they can safely gain a few pounds back without completely derailing their success.

    I did think that Tumi and Marie looked awesome!
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    The thought did run through my head that she may have an new eating problem; hopefully not. Her face and arms were definitely gaunt looking but I thought her body and legs didn't look bad.
  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    I thought both Rachel and Bobby looked too thin. Hopefully it was just for the finale and they can safely gain a few pounds back without completely derailing their success.

    I did think that Tumi and Marie looked awesome!

    I agree those two looked awesome and healthy sexy awesome, not sickly skinny.
  • brittanyabanks
    brittanyabanks Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not sure because I'm not an big watcher of Loser because it makes me feel bad about myself but I did see a lot of articles concerning her and her weight loss. I'm not sure if it's true but in the last month of the competition the supposedly lost 40 pounds. When ever someone gains or losses this much this fast they should be taken to the side and talked to because it's NEVER heavy but commenters on this same article said that America just wants everyone to be "fat." I think that will be the only reason they will not change the rules.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I don't watch so.... but a weight loss competition where the winner is the one who loses the most weight , healthy or otherwise, did what she needed to win 250 thousand dollars. Pretty compelling reason to lose the MOST weight they can. Why would they change the rules?
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I dont really watch the show the last few years, but someone in one of my challenge groups brought it up and looked at some pics online after the fact, and there is one pic that to ME says it all, its a pic of the reaction of Bob and Jillian, and they BOTH looked SCARED at her reveal, not surprised like "wow awesome" surprise, but surprise like "Oh my gosh what did she do to herself?" scared look. If you look at the face of anorexic people, she has the same features of her face, taught looking skin, looked older in the face. She looked much better in the face/upper body leaving before going home for the 90 days than when she came back, she was just heavier in the hips/thighs still, but she looked awesome then compared to her reveal pics. I hope she just did a drastic weight loss to win the money and realizes she is too thin and will get to a healthy weight. She should be proud of her hard work while on the show, but the stuff after, the 90 days they are at home, it makes me wonder if they are going to start adding new rules, more like they need to check in with one of the doctors several times during that last 90 days before the final reveal. That's my 2 cents, again from someone who doesn't follow the show anymore.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I thought she looked awesome. Her abs are probably bangin' and she has a sweet thigh gap. You go girlfriend!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I thought she looked awesome. Her abs are probably bangin' and she has a sweet thigh gap. You go girlfriend!

    Oh yes, thigh gap.

  • martinytime
    martinytime Posts: 41 Member
    Rachel and Bobby were too thin. Rachel looked anorexic. Her legs were fine but her arms and face were emaciated. Toumi on the other hand, looked great!
  • Her body, her life.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why is this in success stories?
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    The winner looked like she lost to much weight. Most people look younger when they lose weight, she looks older. Her face was very drawn looking.

    I agree with this.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    why is this in success stories?

    Pondering the nature of "success"? Deep. Philosophic. Thigh gap.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why is this in success stories?

    Pondering the nature of "success"? Deep. Philosophic. Thigh gap.

    well in a previous life I had my doctorate in philosophy and did my doctorate study on the "wonders of the thigh gap" ….interesting research….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    question 2 - why give a rats *kitten* about the biggest loser….?