Biggest Loser Finale



  • cornucopiaoflove
    cornucopiaoflove Posts: 45 Member
    I can't judge how healthy she is, because obviously I don't see what she eats and can only guess based on her appearance...but I have a feeling that the motivation to win 250,000 plays a huge role in how these people approach their at-home weight loss before the finale. I wouldn't be surprised if they were restricting calories in the weeks leading up to the finale weigh-in.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    why is this in success stories?

    Pondering the nature of "success"? Deep. Philosophic. Thigh gap.

    well in a previous life I had my doctorate in philosophy and did my doctorate study on the "wonders of the thigh gap" ….interesting research….

    "Thigh gap: Banging Bang Bang"

    Sounds legit.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I think Rachel looked way too thin. She needs to gain about 10-15pds and she would look so much better!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why is this in success stories?

    Pondering the nature of "success"? Deep. Philosophic. Thigh gap.

    well in a previous life I had my doctorate in philosophy and did my doctorate study on the "wonders of the thigh gap" ….interesting research….

    "Thigh gap: Banging Bang Bang"

    Sounds legit.

    Actually the title was "Exploring the Thigh Gap - Deep thoughts on my Personal Deep Exploration"
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    TBL is irresponsible and clearly a million times more focused on revenue than the welfare of the contestants. VLCD's combined with insane amount of exercise will transform you physically, but it is not a healthy transformation and it continues to propagate the general populations misguided perceptions on what it takes to lose fat and be healthy.

    I don't care what anyone else believes, you can NOT lose as much weight as she did in a healthy manner. Starving herself (and/or drug use) would be the only ways to accomplish what she did.

    In my view, they could make vast improvements if they simply changed the shows metric (measure of success) to fat loss instead of weight loss. This would get the trainers actually thinking about how to program for these people, introduce resistance training, and not simply burn them out and starve them half to death.

    Oh and forget about the reaction of the trainers to her transformation... check out the look on the woman behind Jillian! :noway:
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
    It's clear that Rachel looked malnourished in the final. I was expecting her to win however I could not believe when she walked in the scene.

    Also the second finalist look weird. however I think the rest of group look amazing. specially tumi love her transformation.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    I was as shocked as Jillian and Bob (neither of whom were her trainer btw) when Rachel came out. She's only 24 and she looked gaunt and ill and so much older. It's so sad because before she left the ranch she looked amazingly muscular and fit and healthy. I'm hoping she just took it to an extreme to assure her victory and will gain back some of her muscle tone and fitness now that she has the $250k. PS, her height isn't a confirmed 5'4, she's anywhere between 5'4 and 5'7.

    Not all winners have gotten as scary skinny as she did. Last year's female winner, Danni Allen, looked muscular and healthy at the finale.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Body shaming is still body shaming whether the person is skinny or heavy.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Whoa, it was shocking to see. I think she went overboard because there was a big cash prize. She probably lost that extreme amount of weight at the end bc she knew she had a great shot at winning. However, is that the message? Winning at the expense of good health? Drastic weight loss. How much weight will the next Big Loser lose in order to win?
    In "scharmainedra's" post, look at the facial expression of the girl behind Jillian Michael.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I don't watch the Biggest Loser because I don't think any part of it is healthy or usually maintainable in the long run. But they signed up for it & are probably well aware of the lengths they have to go to in order to lose that much weight...
  • claudineer
    claudineer Posts: 144 Member
    She looked old because her body was stressed. She was so focussed on wining that she saw very little else. $250,000 (yes, I know prober English cant start with number characters) is an incredible amount of pressure to put on a person. If I knew I was in the final 3, I would have overshot my goal to make sure I win. That amount of money is no small carrots. Consequently, the show should have known that this was bound to happen. You go from being overweight, you push contestants to the extreme, and now they are on a speed belt towards skinny. How do you know when to stop? There are people "here" who look great and have made their goal weight; nevertheless, they keep going. Who tells you when to stop losing weight when you don't see yourself as others do?
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    You know what's truly funny?

    Biggest Loser has been promoting unsafe, unrealistic, extreme weigh loss tactics all along, but no one seemed to care until someone started LOOKING unhealthy.
    No one gave a s^hit about all the vomiting because of physical exhaustion, the incredibly low calorie diets, etc. That chick who won did it the same way everyone else did, she just did it a little bit longer.

    I am just saying, no one took offense to her drastic methods until the results were showing on her body.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Body shaming is still body shaming whether the person is skinny or heavy.

    I don't think people are shaming her personally. She followed what she had to for the prize money.

    What most people (myself included) are upset about is the complete lack of care TBL has shown for these people. It has been happening for years - and I have been criticising it the whole time.
  • Pcarolln
    I thought Tumi looked great. I was really surprised by her weight loss and she did not look unhealthy as David and Jennifer did. Isn't it in the BL contract about gaining to much of their weight back. If I remember not long ago, BL was taking legal action against one of the former contestants for regaining her weight back.

    Good luck to them all. I would like to see an update on the contestants 6 months from now to see if they have been able to maintain there weight lost.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The winner looked like she lost to much weight. Most people look younger when they lose weight, she looks older. Her face was very drawn looking.

    :laugh: let us know how you really feel. It's not like the winner is a real person who might have a computer and know how to read or anything.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You know what's truly funny?

    Biggest Loser has been promoting unsafe, unrealistic, extreme weigh loss tactics all along, but no one seemed to care until someone started LOOKING unhealthy.
    No one gave a s^hit about all the vomiting because of physical exhaustion, the incredibly low calorie diets, etc. That chick who won did it the same way everyone else did, she just did it a little bit longer.

    I am just saying, no one took offense to her drastic methods until the results were showing on her body.

    Oh allow me, I can explain this. It's because it's television. So only drama and looks count. All that stuff that happened before was drama and we like. The ugly part falls under "looks" and bad looks, we don't like. The end.

    ^the above explanation brought to you by Nielsen. I dont' think it's leslie Nielsen though. PRetty sure.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You know what's truly funny?

    Biggest Loser has been promoting unsafe, unrealistic, extreme weigh loss tactics all along, but no one seemed to care until someone started LOOKING unhealthy.
    No one gave a s^hit about all the vomiting because of physical exhaustion, the incredibly low calorie diets, etc. That chick who won did it the same way everyone else did, she just did it a little bit longer.

    I am just saying, no one took offense to her drastic methods until the results were showing on her body.

    Yeah, this is what I'm thinking also.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    You know what's truly funny?

    Biggest Loser has been promoting unsafe, unrealistic, extreme weigh loss tactics all along, but no one seemed to care until someone started LOOKING unhealthy.
    No one gave a s^hit about all the vomiting because of physical exhaustion, the incredibly low calorie diets, etc. That chick who won did it the same way everyone else did, she just did it a little bit longer.

    I am just saying, no one took offense to her drastic methods until the results were showing on her body.


    IMO, it's a horrid show justifying its promotion of unsafe weight loss tactics as giving hope to the masses.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You know what's truly funny?

    Biggest Loser has been promoting unsafe, unrealistic, extreme weigh loss tactics all along, but no one seemed to care until someone started LOOKING unhealthy.
    No one gave a s^hit about all the vomiting because of physical exhaustion, the incredibly low calorie diets, etc. That chick who won did it the same way everyone else did, she just did it a little bit longer.

    I am just saying, no one took offense to her drastic methods until the results were showing on her body.


  • time4me2change14
    time4me2change14 Posts: 16 Member
    I am not sure why people are saying those who are concerned are skinny shaming. If a person is looking sickly, no matter what size, people will say "They lost too much" or "They gained too much"

    The premise of the show is to lose the most amount of weight in said time frame. She did that, though unhealthy, that is what it is about. All you can really do is hope that the show changes how it works so that unhealthy weight loss is not promoted when they say their focus is on being healthy.

    This is really why I would much rather watch Chris Powell's show because it is one on one. It is about that person's HEALTH! He will tell them when they are going to far and look into how he can help them. Its a more realistic approach for those who want to watch people lose weight and be healthy at the same time.