Saying hello and ... half my body weight to lose..!



  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member

    I put on around five stone in as many years and to get back to ten stone felt like mission impossible.
    What really helped was giving myself 5% goals (aiming for 5% weight loss at 1lb per week). I've reached each goal just about in time and feeling like small milestones can be celebrated. Have two stone left to lose...

    Excellent idea. 5% of 325lbs is a lot of weight still .... I am so huge I think I need to do 1% chunks :-(
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there! I have about 50-65 lbs to lose. I am restarting after a rough year last year. I did really well on MFP last time and hope to reach my goals this time. Please feel free to add me.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi! I'm here to say it's possible & sooooo worth it! I started at 330lbs & so far have lost 145lbs! All "just me" watching what I eat & exercising! The "real" way works! And I had a previous co-worker try to get me to do those shakes with him & his girlfriend, saying I'd have so much more success! Well...she from what I understand just had gastric bypass surgery! And I'm loving life! I'm not done yet, but know I'll get there!

    Ps...feel free to send pal request! I love cheering others on! We CAN do this!

    I feel sooooooooooo far away from my goal weight. I'm trying not to think about it and will desperately try to focus on a weight that I will start to feel comfortable again. Just walking is a uncomfortable for me.

    Yes the person who was peddling the Body by Vi stuff has had a gastric bypass too. It's money making for her, nothing about believing in the product as she'd lost and gained a lot on Cambridge too, hence the decision to have bypass surgery. I guess it's her choice in the way she makes her money - good luck to them.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    I really just want to gain a new life, lose weight and move out of the godforsaken town I live in now and just feel good. I've realised I have to be selfish as other have been in their own lives. I have recently come to the realisation/opinion that a friend of mine is knowingly holding me back because they know if I were slim, I'd be happy and attractive - so every social event involves going out for food and saying "oooh you have to let yourself have a treat some times!". It's just so easy to acquiesce when on is addicted to food as it is! So 2014 is all about ME and no one else as I realise it has been my consideration and selflessness/generosity has resulted in my circumstances as they are now.

  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there! I have about 50-65 lbs to lose. I am restarting after a rough year last year. I did really well on MFP last time and hope to reach my goals this time. Please feel free to add me.

    How did you do well? Did you just eat your calorie allowance?
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    "What are you doing at the gym that burns so many calories!?! I want in!"

    "Me too!!!"

    Hmmm... I am quite heavy and my heart rate goes up to about 185bpm, so it doesn't take much for me to get my heart rate up. That said, my heart rate drops quickly too.

    So I start off with 10 mins cardio starting slowly then pushing myself harder and harder over the course of the 10 minutes. I then move on to weights I love to do squat as the glutes are a big muscle so I know I'm burning a large about on calories - my heart rate doing squats is around 145-160bpm depending upon how heavy I lift. I do a warm up set with a light weight then a further 3 sets heavier weight - I try to do my last set on a slightly heavier weight for the extra burn. In between sets, I'll do press-ups or burpees, ball slamming or weighted ab-crunches (I have dumb bells in my hands, which are held up in the air. I then crunch by lifting both my straight ourstretched legs up in the air to meet my arms - I do about 15-20). I hate lunges, but have promised myself that I will lunge at least once per week and get my knees strong again (squatting really helped with this too) I like lifting weights so I'll do back (another large muscle group) exercises and intersperse with say chest or biceps. Also I love to do kettle bell swing and kettle bell clean and press (this raises the heart rate like no other). I also love love love doing the Concept II 30-second interval rowing - I do this for 5-10 reps. Then I'll do a 10 minute warm down on the cross trainer or a walk with a steep incline on the treadmill for 10 mins. Then do a bit of stretching on the PowerPlate - also use this for doing leg and core exercises. My work outs are usually an hour, unless I decide to go do a spin class or a Body Combat class in addition to the work out.

  • There is no magic pill. There is only sensible eating and exercise (to do the toning and help speed up weight loss).
    I am doing the program I found at and loving the results.
    You can too. It's just for women so we can get the lean, sexy body we have always wanted. Come be supported by 100s of members that have done this or are doing this system.

    To your weight loss success!
  • welcome friend.

    I know exactly how you feel apart from "feeling" fat. I have been able to keep somewhat fit but I was feeling the body resisting the weights gain. I have about as much to loose as you do, however I am looking at it in a different perspective. I am not looking at how far I have to go, I am simply taking one day at a time. I only weigh myself once a week, to keep from seeing the scales fluctuate with water weights. Keeping a journal is part of my 18 lbs of weight loss in week three. The other thing that keeps me on track is preparing for the day. I usually keep my breakfast the same so I do not have to rethink the calories early in the morning and I also keep my snacks simple as well.
    I wish you all the success. Keep on moving and loose those pounds. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Good Morning Folks am also a newbie myself with i guess you can say HALF OF MY BODY to say bye to ( even tho i think i just want to loose about 100 then rethink). So please feel free to FRIEND ME i am looking for motivation and cool people to chat with in terms off doing this thing properly.
  • The amount of calories to eat are different for each person. It depends on your weight and height, and how much you want to lose.
    Go to for the right calculator for that. Then, if you're serious and want an awesome program created for women that is guaranteed to work go to
    This is the program I'm doing. It has the right exercises, food and calories you need to succeed.
    PLUS there is a community of women that have done the program and have succeeded to support you. And those in it right now. I'm using it to lose weight then maintain.

    To Our Weight Loss!