Horizon- sugar v fat BBC2



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I did watch it! Couldn't believe their conclusion though - cheese cake makes you fat!!! OMG
    More to the point.... cheesecake makes you fat BECAUSE.... it's tasty!

    And that means you want to eat more!
  • A lot of problems with this so called "DOCUMENTARY"

    1. I love how many Pro Sugar advocates they had and only 1 Pro Fat advocate and when he did speak on the dangers of sugar he was immediately dismissed. They should have had an expert on each side for each test.

    2. bod pods measure body fat and other body bass which includes skeleton, muscle , glycogen stored as energy in muscle which weights about a kg and water weight. they said he lost muscle mass but in reality it was most likely a combination of water, glycogen and maybe a bit of muscle but no where near 2 kg they said he lost.

    3. athletic performance on high fat is very possible after 3-4 weeks to get into a keto adapted state. Tour de France riders have been switching to a low carb high fat diet, marathon and ultra marathon runners, tim noakes the inventer of carb loading has switched over as well. Australian cricket team went low carb and the LA lakers to name a few. Way more info waits for you on www.dietdoctor.com a lowcarb highfat website.

    If you want to see a documentary that gives you all the hard numbers including starting weight, cholesterol levels, inflammation levels, LDL particle size please watch "CEREAL KILLERS THE MOVIE".
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you want to see a documentary that gives you all the hard numbers including starting weight, cholesterol levels, inflammation levels, LDL particle size please watch "CEREAL KILLERS THE MOVIE".
    What about previous diet and previous exercise?
    Should I expect something called 'CEREAL KILLERS THE MOVIE' to give an unbiased view in regards to the reality of carbs?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    If you want to see a documentary that gives you all the hard numbers including starting weight, cholesterol levels, inflammation levels, LDL particle size please watch "CEREAL KILLERS THE MOVIE".
    What about previous diet and previous exercise?
    Should I expect something called 'CEREAL KILLERS THE MOVIE' to give an unbiased view in regards to the reality of carbs?

    Carbs are great (hmm sweet potato), but like all good things - moderation.