Looking for clean eaters :)



  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.


  • emilylazaros
    emilylazaros Posts: 1 Member
    what exactly is controversial about eating clean? I eat Vegan and gluten free.. guess what, I am healthy and lost 20 pounds without even working out...
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Clean eater in the house.... well for the most part.... add me :)
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Seems like there's some hate toward clean eating. I don't really get why. I think we all know that weight loss is shed when there is a deficit of calories, regardless of where they are from, but why would supplements be such a big market if nutrition didn't matter?

    I had a coworker who was morbidly obese. she had gastic bypass and lost a ton of weight because she could barley eat. She was also losing her hair and had to take a ton of vitamins. Not all of us are in this just to lose inches.

    What about the study's that have shown that lab mice get fat when they eat msg? How about all of those morbidly obese people who are nutritionally starving. It's not crazy to believe that our bodies will function better all around if we eat more nutritious foods.

    Anyone ever switch their dog from a high protein high quality food to a cheaper one, only for the dog to eat more and get gas while he's at it? Why would we be any different (obviously we have different nutritional needs than a dog, but similar concept).

    Eating less calories than you use= weight loss
    Eating more nutritious food may help us to eat fewer calories. If nothing else we may feel less bloated and feel like working out more. It's just one more step in the equation for those of us who chose to give it a try.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    If you have ever eaten unprocessed foods for an extended amount to time you would know why. You feel incredible without all the chemicals and nonessential stuff that is added to processed foods.

    ummm all foods have chemicals in them...

    All people have fat. So no use trying to get rid of any?
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    Jus starting clean eating
  • planetqueenie
    Hello:) I eat clean and am mostly a vegan, however I binge as well, for various different reasons. I was just about to introduce myself and I saw your post, and thought I would say hey! I have tried so many different diets and I really think that calorie counting is going to be the easiest way to keep things 'under control'. I want to get the book Happy Herbivore Light & Lean cookbook and really have fun with that, have you heard about whole foods plant based lifestyle?
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I eat clean Monday through Friday which occasional cheats on the weekends. It doesn't work for everyone but it works for me. I do my food prep for the week on Sundays but it's pretty basic. I like to try different seasonings but I'm not much of a cook even before I ate primarily clean so my food diary probably won't give you any ideas but I'll friend request you.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Not to gloat or anything but I consider myself to be a very clean eater. yes I have my very seldom "cheat" days but my body will counteract that with the quickness. Shoot me a friend request so you can see what im eating or if you want/need any tips.

    I'm huge on research so I can explain mostly anything regarding eating, weight loss, muscle gains to the science.
  • jbueza
    jbueza Posts: 14 Member
    I eat clean about 70% of the time and take a lot of photos of the salads on instagram! http://www.instagram.com/jbueza
  • luhman
    luhman Posts: 12 Member
    I am definitely working on it, would love to get more support and to help others achieve there goals too. Feel free to add me.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In, because this is still on the rails.
  • _Robert
    Hi, I'm new to the site. I try and eat as clean as possible but not as clean as I would like due to budget. Up until 11 months ago I was a binge eater but I finally broke free from the diet binge cycle by a combination of eliminating sugar and just stopping to ask myself why am I sabotaging myself? In the process I have lost 50lbs and kept it off!

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend I would appreciate the support :)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    'Clean eating' as most people define it is awesome. There is no doubt that it is the best way to eat. Natural ingredients, minimal processing, loaded with valuable micronutrients and often more satiating than highly processed foods.

    ...... but......

    the issue with this is that our bodies are designed to derive pleasure from sweet, salty and fatty foods. Whilst some people are less inclined toward these type of foods, the simple fact is they appeal greatly to the majority of people.

    If you say you must 'eat clean' to lose weight, you encourage an unnecessary 'all or nothing' mentality, which is not required to be healthier or lose fat. This in-turn often leads to people denying themselves the occasional treat, until the pressure builds and then they fall off the wagon and back into their old ways of over eating.

    This is why we do not demonise food here. This is why the majority of us focus on eating a balanced diet that includes regular 'non-clean' treats. It is better for dietary adherence, and therefore more likely to lead to a successful long term outcome.

  • _Robert
    'Clean eating' as most people define it is awesome. There is no doubt that it is the best way to eat. Natural ingredients, minimal processing, loaded with valuable micronutrients and often more satiating than highly processed foods.

    ...... but......

    the issue with this is that our bodies are designed to derive pleasure from sweet, salty and fatty foods. Whilst some people are less inclined toward these type of foods, the simple fact is they appeal greatly to the majority of people.

    If you say you must 'eat clean' to lose weight, you encourage an unnecessary 'all or nothing' mentality, which is not required to be healthier or lose fat. This in-turn often leads to people denying themselves the occasional treat, until the pressure builds and then they fall off the wagon and back into their old ways of over eating.

    This is why we do not demonise food here. This is why the majority of us focus on eating a balanced diet that includes regular 'non-clean' treats. It is better for dietary adherence, and therefore more likely to lead to a successful long term outcome.


    Although I understand completely what your saying for some people, myself included the ability to moderate certain "foods" is just not a reality.

    For me eating a sugar laden treat is not possible as the physiological impact is just to great. In all honesty i have found my cure to ending 20 years of binge eating has been simply to stop eating the foods that triggers a binge response. I have found through many painful years that certain foods to be more addictive to me than drugs.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    If you say you must 'eat clean' to lose weight, you encourage an unnecessary 'all or nothing' mentality, which is not required to be healthier or lose fat.

    If someone did. But they didn't. Someone just said they were looking for others who are doing what they're doing. They didn't ask anyone else to do anything at all.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Although I understand completely what your saying for some people, myself included the ability to moderate certain "foods" is just not a reality.

    For me eating a sugar laden treat is not possible as the physiological impact is just to great. In all honesty i have found my cure to ending 20 years of binge eating has been simply to stop eating the foods that triggers a binge response. I have found through many painful years that certain foods to be more addictive to me than drugs.

    Yep, I get that. Many people have 'trigger foods' they need to avoid. If that means you personally need to cut out all processed to be successful, then it's great!

    It is just for most people that kind of restriction simply doesn't work. There seems to be a wedge between the religiously clean eaters and the IIFYM crowd in this place, and the reality is there's really not a lot of ground dividing the two parties. Most of us believe in getting 70-80%+ of our foods from whole sources - plenty of fruit and veg, and lean meats and dairy (for the non vego/vegan crowd). The only difference is whether you allow the regular treats or not.

    It is such a minor difference of opinion it astounds me that there is such a furor over it. Bottom line is to have a healthy diet and find out what works for you personally and run with it. Don't preach anything as THE solution, only one of many possible solutions that need to be tailored to individual preferences and lifestyles.
  • phillynavy
    I started clean eating in Jan and made the mistake and fell for the myth , I thought i could eat anything and everything as long as it was whole food. I dint gain weight but I dint lose a pound and I was working out hardcore. So now I eat clean and watch how much I eat. My only problem now is that I am always full i am 245 lbs and after a 1000 cal I have to make myself eat more I think its the Brocolli.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    I'm in. I eat whole foods and cook almost everything from scratch because I am gluten intolerant and also have sulphite and other chemical crap intolerance issues. Yes I said it,...chemical crap. If you look at what is put in our packaged foods it is chilling. I mean all this stuff just to extend shelf life and induce cravings for more. Don't get me wrong. I love some Doritos but when I eat them my face puffs up and I feel hung over. I also have two boys and I want to give them the same nutritionally rich upbringing I was given. I feel that it is important to model good eating habits.

    healthy eating rant....fueled by a glass of wine. Yes I do drink wine on the occasion. It contains sulphites but does not have the effect that other more sulphited foods have (such as dried fruits).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you have ever eaten unprocessed foods for an extended amount to time you would know why. You feel incredible without all the chemicals and nonessential stuff that is added to processed foods.

    ummm all foods have chemicals in them...

    All people have fat. So no use trying to get rid of any?

    I don't really see the point that you are trying to make…however, based on your previous posts I am not really surprised...