Chinese buffet - PLEASE HELP



  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    When others insist on a buffet, I always start off with a huge salad on my first plate (watching the dressing) which helps fill me up and then after a second plate, I'm generally satisfied. Perhaps will have fresh fruit for a dessert.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I always start with the veggies and the sauteed foods or any item lower in calories. If I am still hungry after one full plate, then I get to eat the deep fried and less "diet friendly" items if I want. I like veggies though, so I try to keep my plate half veggies. So basically: beef with broccoli - dont just fish out the meat and sauce, eat the broccoli too.

    Honestly, set your limit before you go but make sure its high enough to be enjoyable. One night out isnt going to hurt you in the long run, and if it is then you have a much bigger problem than the buffet line. I think its been years since I could eat more than 2 plates at a buffet so the 20 pieces of sushi binge doesn't apply to me. I dont eat to be stuffed anymore. Leaves me feeling bad for hours afterwards...
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    I have never had good sushi at Chinese buffet for the record.

    Last time I went to a buffet was my first time in a year, and I went IN. LOL I rarely hit buffets (two all of last year). I usually just "have at 'er".

    ...Then hit the gym the next day and try to hit some PRs :D
    Heck yeah, take it as a refeed day and get dat glucose up!!!
  • quraesmom
    quraesmom Posts: 5 Member
    1- Drink water
    2- Eat a bit before leaving for the buffet
    3- Drink water
    4- ONE plate rule at the buffet and go for the sashimi (sushi without the rice)
    5- Drink water
    6- Tell EVERYONE that you are watching your cals intake and eating less...
    7- Drink water
    8- Go to the bathroom (Hey you must get rid of that water...)
    9- Talk, enjoy, talk, enjoy, talk, enjoy !
    10- Have a fruit salad for desert, they're good and always present at buffets...
    11- Ok stop drinking water now !

    I love this !!! I can use this a lot! My family also likes to eat out for special occasions! Looks like water is Key lol
  • I concur.............there is a sense of "needing," to eat this buffet.
  • Well, I am not sure what Chinese buffets are like. For typical buffets, I start with a healthy salad and drink water or a diet drink. And then I eat whatever I want of foods I don't get to have very often. I focus on enjoying the food and stay away from sugary drinks, which I could theoretically have anytime (unless there is a specialty drink for this place-then go for it!)

    I figure if I have the salad and water, I got at least some nutritional needs fulfilled, and when I am stuffed afterwards, I will have actually probably have eaten less since the water and salad are taking up space. Plus it takes time to eat the salad, i.e. less time to stuff your face.

    So if I were you, I would relax enjoy myself and eat as much as I wanted it, but reduce the damage with water and veggies :)
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    they all have a salad and soup area first..... try one or two pieces only of everything you try (satiation by trying everything - you don't need 1/2 a plate to taste) . fried rice is just a filler so try and avoid it. I try for things that are not covered in a sauce (sauces are usually loaded with sodium and sugar)

    Think to yourself, that sushi is served a bit too warm and is not chilled on ice (like the health inspectors here identified)
    Think of a bunch of snot nosed kids getting their own food at the buffet, especially the ice cream bar and that will turn you off for life. I take my 18 y.o. to chinese buffet about 3 x a year, that's it.

    Chinese people do not really cover everything in sweet and sour and bold and spicy sauces. Fresh stir fry , fresh make your own soup bowl are an option . Load it with 770-80% veggies first then add the meat, chicken, shrimp or tofu.

    Enjoy the party! :) (It's only one meal --go for it and make amends with yourself later)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Further to my reply, a couple of things I might do is
    1) Intermittent Fasting in morning (16/8)
    2) IF the next day (16/8)
    3) Lift heavy before the meal
    4) Bust my *kitten* in the gym the next day.

    But I still would attempt to cram as much food as is physically possible into my digestive tract.
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    The sushi is too warm......avoid it.
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    1- Drink water
    2- Eat a bit before leaving for the buffet
    3- Drink water
    4- ONE plate rule at the buffet and go for the sashimi (sushi without the rice)
    5- Drink water
    6- Tell EVERYONE that you are watching your cals intake and eating less...
    7- Drink water
    8- Go to the bathroom (Hey you must get rid of that water...)
    9- Talk, enjoy, talk, enjoy, talk, enjoy !
    10- Have a fruit salad for desert, they're good and always present at buffets...
    11- Ok stop drinking water now !


    Also, it's a birthday dinner right? So, wander around, talk to your family, pull up a chair next to someone else (away from your plate for a minute), and just enjoy the environment. Do this a few times and you'll be surprised at how much you enjoyed the meal and at how you don't feel horrible and overstuffed at the end of the night!
  • andyho90475069
    andyho90475069 Posts: 11 Member
    FIrst of all Good Luck!!

    Chinese food can be healthy but sadly not in the way most take-aways & restaurants make it.

    Coming from a chinaman lol - If its not my cheat day My do's and don't are now:

    1) Have some rice or noodles at the beginning, but watch ur portion size.
    2) Order teppanyaki. You have to wait for the food (so ur not racing to keep up with the others), Its fresher & you've got more control on what goes in it.
    3) Go for soup options e.g. hot & sour, chicken & sweetcorn.
    3) Eat vegetable dishes that aren't covered in thick oily sauce.
    4) Eat sashimi if there is some
    5) Drink lots of green tea. Helps with metabolism!!.
    6) Go for the fruit option asap.

    1) Fill your plate up to the max or use smaller plates.
    2) Don't eat anything fried
    3) Don't eat anything that looks like its been sitting there for a while. Food would of soaked up even more fat.
    4) Avoid dried colour meats (lots of sugar in them) e.g. spare ribs, satay chicken etc
    5) Avoid the chocolate fountain, ice cream etc

    Question is what you gonna say when the birthday cake arrives??