Goal: 30 Day Shred



  • Im starting tomorrow... good luck:)!
  • spr0ckit
    spr0ckit Posts: 14 Member
    L1D5... These bicycle crunches are kicking my *kitten*!
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    I have been doing the shred religiously now since Jan 27th and got so bored with level one that I moved to level two on Tuesday, after 8 days level 1. I really do have to say that I do feel as though I am 'going to die' and that I am 'gargling my heart' at the end, it really kicks *kitten*!
    The issue I have though and have had since day 4 of level one is that I feel a burn in shoulders, arms, legs and glutes but never anything in my abs, for all the ab exercises I do the advanced version and still nothing! anyone else feel as though their abs aren't working? I know mine are as I do feel them contract when doing the ab workouts but I just expect to feel it later the same day or in the morning (you know that satisfying ache where you know you have given them a good workout) like I did when I first started? am I on my own with this feeling? maybe my abs are either not playing ball or they have gotten used to the exercises I don't know but anyone's input would be really great. I never thought I would be the sort to worry about not having that post workout burn/ache, right now I would love for my abs to tell me they have been worked when I cough or sneeze! lol!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    day 6 completed last night :)

    love seeing results people are showing already! cant wait til i see some results!

    Keep at it all!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I did Day 1 Level 2 last night. OMG! I thought I was gonna die and I couldn't begin to keep up with Anita! My knees hurt today (I'm old with arthritis in the knees) so I took today off. I am going to watch the DVD though, just to study it and learn the moves without having weights, etc.

    For the person asking about abs: I can definitely feel my abs working during the actual workout, but there is no soreness like I had in my legs. I get the knot she talks about, but it just never makes me sore. Maybe it's because the actual ab workout is so short in comparison?

    Does anyone else have to modify the jumping portion? I can hold a plank for a good while when I'm on my elbows, but my shoulders and wrists can't handle being in the straight arm position. Is it just me because I'm older?
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    I'm nervous about level 2....but determined to get thru the whole 30 days. Is everyone counting calories also? Any cheat days? I have a hard time on the weekends :-(
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I finished level 1 today! On to level 2 tomorrow!!
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Completed Level 1 day 8 yesterday, had to take a break today, but hopefully day 9 tomorrow. I am so bored with level 1, getting excited and nervous for level 2.
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks nccarolb for your input over my question about the abs. I agree and think it is the fact that the actual ab workout is shorter, with this in mind and my abs and mum tum being my biggest problem area I have decided to switch it up and add in the No More Trouble Zones dvd every other day, as it is a longer workout and has rave reviews and mixing it up so your body gets a shock isn't a bad thing anyway.

    As far as the jumping goes I am ok with that but like you I have trouble with the planks in the straight arm position due to the fact that I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and so do have to be careful and if I can't do it straight arm then I have to drop to forearms, yesterday my right wrist gave way on me completely so I had no choice but to modify and do half the planks straight arm and the other half on forearms which seemed to help a bit. I think as long as you can do most of the moves as Jillian advises and only have to modify some then it will be fine, the last thing you want is any injuries.
  • emmy724
    emmy724 Posts: 22 Member
    I have been doing the shred religiously now since Jan 27th and got so bored with level one that I moved to level two on Tuesday, after 8 days level 1. I really do have to say that I do feel as though I am 'going to die' and that I am 'gargling my heart' at the end, it really kicks *kitten*!
    The issue I have though and have had since day 4 of level one is that I feel a burn in shoulders, arms, legs and glutes but never anything in my abs, for all the ab exercises I do the advanced version and still nothing! anyone else feel as though their abs aren't working? I know mine are as I do feel them contract when doing the ab workouts but I just expect to feel it later the same day or in the morning (you know that satisfying ache where you know you have given them a good workout) like I did when I first started? am I on my own with this feeling? maybe my abs are either not playing ball or they have gotten used to the exercises I don't know but anyone's input would be really great. I never thought I would be the sort to worry about not having that post workout burn/ache, right now I would love for my abs to tell me they have been worked when I cough or sneeze! lol!

    I am on level 2 day 8 and noticed that when I crunch a little harder and use heavier weights (5lb for everything except the chair squat with V raise at the end) I notice an burn for the rest of the day. With the chest flys I was using 2 1/2 lb weights, upped it to 5 and felt it SO MUCH MORE! Also If I didn't feel like I got enough near the end I would try to do more after the workout was over. More bicycle crunches and REALLY pull your abs in. The first time I did the DVD I was cheating myself by not pulling my abs in the entire workout. Hope this helps, you can add me or message me if you have any more questions.
  • emmy724
    emmy724 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm nervous about level 2....but determined to get thru the whole 30 days. Is everyone counting calories also? Any cheat days? I have a hard time on the weekends :-(

    I am counting calories as well as doing the shred. I am almost done with level 2. I don't have any cheat days, I just eat back 1/2 exercise cals using MFP settings. I might take 1 day a week off of exercise, but stick to lower calories that day.
  • yungohara
    yungohara Posts: 9 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 5 a couple hours ago. This is my second time attempting 30DS. A few months ago I only made it to L1D10, but I'm hoping to complete it twice before I go to Coachella in April.

    I still can't do a push-up for the life of me, even on my knees. I've just been holding myself up in a yoga plank pose (kumbhakasana) for the duration of the push-up portion. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you recommend doing wall push-ups instead?
  • bsaunders11
    bsaunders11 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting 30 day Shred this evening...really hoping to see some great results, love the encouragement from all of you :)
  • ichigofruit
    ichigofruit Posts: 23 Member
    I started on Feb. 1st. I missed yesterday but I did it twice today to make up for it... Not ideal, but I want to finish on time if at all possible. I'm also watching what I eat and doing at least 30-45 mins of additional cardio every day. I'm noticing results already too. I took before pics on the 1st and I can't wait to see how far I can go in 30 days!
  • i really need to update my profile pic. i saw pretty great results with ripped in 30. it was tough starting out, but just stick with it and you will see and feel the results! pushups get easier, endurance increases with the cardio if you push yourself, and if you diet is on track body tone will happen. i need to buy these other JM dvds! cant wait to try the 30 day shred and revolution to compare to RI30. i imagine the target area and ab dvds are good too.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Level 2 day 1 done today I was able to purchase a copy instead of renting it for $2 and level 2 was great def I also added ri30 level 1
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Level 1 day 9 Done!
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Level 1 completed Yeah!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Started level 2 yesterday. I'll do day 2 today. It was hard, but not unbearable :smile: My legs were sore last night though!
  • zipperfall
    zipperfall Posts: 45 Member
    So, I started 30DS today… I could barely get through half of it! Granted, I had already spent an hour working out earlier in the day, prior to deciding to start 30DS. Did anyone else have trouble completing the videos in the beginning? If so, how long did it take you to start getting used to them? I have severe EIA (exercise induced asthma), so it's hard for me to keep up with her without dying with a coughing fit.